I'm just mad about saffron. Saffron's mad about me.
Stop, stop. I see jonquils.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
I remember going to see one of Alice Ripley's Daily Practice concerts. The circle that formed around the stage, many holding hands, reminded me of Jesus Camp. It was horrifying. I was uncomfortable for the rest of the evening because the vibe was so bizarre.
The Cult of Follies has ruined any chance the show may have had with me. The smoke of smugness they have about it just blocs it out.
N2N fans got a little too bat-sh!t crazy. So many of them list Alice Ripley as their "mother" on Facebook. Then again, she encourages it.
In '98 I was working on the Toronto production of RENT. One day final callbacks for replacements were being held at Roy Thompson Hall across from the Royal Alex where RENT was playing. The "Rentheads" were camped out as usual and there were about 100 or so there. As the people from Bernie-Telsey showed up with Michael Grief for the final callbacks, you could hear a loud chorus of Seasons of Love from across the street. Grief turned before walking in the door and yelled across the street "Jesus Christ, shut the f*** up!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
Oh gosh i've met so many obnoxious/delusional musical fans at the stage door, but for me the absolute worst are the ones who think they are "friends" with an actor just because they've met that actor at the stage door before.
Also, not as crazy as the Alice Ripley story a few posts above from this... but I remember at the stage door on Darren Criss' last night at How to Succeed the annoying fangirls sang songs from glee and a very potter musical at the top of their lungs.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/10
Alice Ripley got rid of her Facebook "children" a couple years ago, but her crazy fans live on.
There is a gaggle of Follies fans on Tumblr who constantly refer to Victoria Clarke as "Vicki." I don't know why that gets under my skin so.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/10
Clark. I'm not on Tumblr, but I believe she actually does go by Vicki, so I don't see the problem with referring to her as such. If they're acting like they know her, that's another story.
I remember sitting next to a "Wicked" fangirl during a Boulder production of "Cats." The stuff she was blabbering during intermission about Idina Menzel, "Wicked" being the best musical ever written, etc. made my brain melt, my ear drums explode and my eyes turn to liquid.
Glee has really gotten on my nerves. In it's first season, it was a small show, that not many knew about. The next season, it was like a freaking wave of tweenage girls all learned about the show at once! Then the show got really over exposed, and now it's just another show that has horrible story lines, bad acting, and has really gone past it's prime.
I can tolerate Wicked, I just can't stand listening to the songs all day, and having everyone go on about Idina Menzel, when she clearly was better in RENT.
I find the comments about the smugness of FOLLIES fans or pretention of some Sondheim fans interesting. Where do we draw the line between people who are pretentious and people who actually are highly intelligent, educated people that do know better than the 'commoner'.
I am intentionally phrasing this in a trolling way, but if a Sondheim fan is well read and studies at the University of Oxford (and people like this do exist and have posted on this forum), are they pretentious or do they actually just know better?
...are they pretentious or do they just know better?
PRETENTIOUS. I don't care if you went to Oxford or Bronx Community College. An opinion is an opinion. I doesn't make you know better or make you better. PERIOD.
...And that inevitable doomsday moment when "Wicked" and "Glee" fangirls intertwine that results in an epic tween barrage of pompous auto-tuned ignorance. I will never forget the day I went to see "Sunset Boulevard" in Salt Lake City and some girl in the audience shouted "THAT'S KURT'S SONG!" during "As If We Never Said Goodbye."
I think it's a middle ground. They obviously know better than the "Wicked" fans and their fag-hags, but an aura of pretense lingers on.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"Where do we draw the line between people who are pretentious and people who actually are highly intelligent, educated people that do know better than the 'commoner'. "
And you've crossed it.
I will readily admit that as a doctor, I do know less than many of you who have been able to study the arts, theater, acting, set design etc. and who are working in the industry on any level. So, I do learn things from people who know more and I appreciate that.
What I don't like is when someone suggests that I am devoid of taste and intellect because I enjoyed a show that was panned by critics or that they thought was trash. There are people who graciously share their knowledge, and then there are those who just pass judgement on others to make themselves feel superior.
"Where do we draw the line between people who are pretentious and people who actually are highly intelligent, educated people that do know better than the 'commoner'. "
And you've crossed it.
Read more: https://forum.broadwayworld.com/readmessage.php?thread=1048367&page=6#ixzz214EcWT00
Fans of Ghost who put 'Believe' after every post they write does drive me up the wall
"Where do we draw the line between people who are pretentious and people who actually are highly intelligent, educated people that do know better than the 'commoner'. "
And that's almost my point exactly. For fans of Follies if you don't get it then you're too dumb or not evolved enough to 'get' the work. Much like Wagner fans in the world of opera.
There is a very vocal part of the Follies cult that just belittle people that don't like it. There is no having any sort of conversation about it because if you don't like Follies then you are an ape or something. There is no "oh you don't like it, that's ok." It's more to the tune of "You don't like it? Why? Don't you get it? It's like the greatest piece of theater ever done." There are a lot of people out there both average and with theater degrees that just don't care for it. But try explaining that to a Follies fan and they just turn up their nose.
People talk about how obnoxious it was to read thread after tread about this person or that person in Wicked but when there was the thread about the DC Follies and people went on about the change in handbag someone was carrying it was just too much. And the "they better change her dress color" posts about the LA production ..lord.... Follies fans are just as bad as Wicked fans but their egos tell them that they are better.
Updated ... Stupid autocorrect
Updated On: 7/19/12 at 09:19 AM
First, I want to say hello. I've read all 6 pages, and would like to comment. I'm sure I'll be blasted, flamed, and whatever. Up front, I don't care. Fire away.
I do NOT find crazy over-the-top fans annoying... ever. Yes, I sat in row B of the center mezzanine at the Schubert to see Monty Python's SPAMalot. Yes, the two adorable little old ladies in front of me had gigantic, bird-watching binoculars and used them every time CLay Aiken was on stage. Yes, they beat Rosie O'Donnell (sitting in a box with security) to the stage door along with every other patron in the theatre. Yes, at intermission they blabbed about how amazing Clay Aiken was on American Idol, and on his CD, and here and there. I simply ignored it. It was no big deal. By the time I got out to the stage door, the mob there was so big, I decided simply not to stage door.
When I saw Spring Awakening, I'm sure there were ravenous fans all around me at the stage door. If there were, I didn't notice them. I politely told every person actor and actress that came out of the stage door that the show was great and that I enjoyed their performance (all true). I politely asked for an autograph on my windowcard and a picture. Each cast member, except Emma Hunton obliged. She had friends in the audience, bypassed those at the stage door, and went to visit her friends as quickly as possible, no big deal.
I stage door at about 80% of the shows I attend. I do this, so I can personally tell people that I enjoyed seeing live that I enjoyed their performance. I do like to get autographs, and 99% of the actors and actresses I've seen at stage doors love to give them to as many people as possible. There will always be ravenous fans of everything and every person, but don't let them bother you. Sometimes it can be fun and exciting to share in the excitement (although, at a much lower level) and just enjoy the vibe.
Also, as a quick side note, since I don't live in NYC, ravenous fans who constantly talk about shows make me more interested to see it. When I hear about RENTheads and the like, I think, "Well, if there people love that show so much, there must be something magical happening in that theatre." Then I do some research and find out if the show seems like a fit for my tastes. I know I'm not alone in this aspect.
That's al I have to say. Tear me apart. Bash away. I could give a care less.
P.S. PalJoey, even though I'm not gay I'm interested in the book you recommended. Can it be enjoyed by those outside of the GLBT community? If this matters or not, I respect all people and feel like sexuality is not something that people should use to castigate another group or alienate from basic human rights. I hate that my GLBT friends are having to go through similar conflicts as African-Americans and the women before them did. It just makes me wonder when the US government will learn that precedent in this country implies that "by the people, for the people" extends beyond upper-class, land owning, and now straight white males?
"What I don't like is when someone suggests that I am devoid of taste and intellect because I enjoyed a show that was panned by critics or that they thought was trash. There are people who graciously share their knowledge, and then there are those who just pass judgement on others to make themselves feel superior."
I run into that here all the time, and you know what? Those pseudosophisticates have a problem, we don't.
Love this thread.
Just saying.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Maybe they're not condescending to you because you don't like Follies. Maybe they condescend to you because of the tone you take, if it's anything like how you sound in this thread. I dunno know, though. I love Follies, but I don't really give a fig who else does.
Updated On: 7/19/12 at 12:06 PM