Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Hopefully with the new season, there will be more coherent writing.
Ivy's mother is a big Broadway Tony award winner and Ivy is still grinding away in the chorus waiting for her big opportunity? And nobody ever mentioned Ivy's mother was a big Broadway star?
I'm sure that's how it was for Liza Minnelli, Natasha Richardson, Lily Rabe, Jennifer Ehle, the Gummer sisters. Yes, they all sweated it out dancing in the chorus waiting for their one big chance.
Don't Ivy and her mom have different last names? Maybe Ivy doesn't WANT people to know her mom, doesn't want a hand out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Do you believe in today's internet world that a child trying to make it in entertainment could hide their famous parent?
The whole thing is a dream Ninny McPhee is having on her flight from Iowa to New York, sort of like that infamous season of "Dallas" years ago.
Or a hallucination in the mental hospital.
I'm astounded that so many people act like the "soap" quality should go. Surely that's what makes people watch. Of course lots of theatre types insist they only watch for the theatre values, but we all know it's the soapy plot lines that actually make them watch. At least with a theatre theme they can pretend there's another reason to watch it. I'm reminded of Melrose Place which everyone watched, but nobody would admit it.
It's not unlike, "yes, I read Playboy, but only for the articles".
"Do you believe in today's internet world that a child trying to make it in entertainment could hide their famous parent?"
Just as believable that someone with as little experience or training could stand a chance against someone experience and who fits the part perfectly for a role. That's television for you.
Also, a little confused....I thought Christian Borle's character had bad sex with his boyfriend. Is there an explanation as to why they are still together? If there is I definitely did not pick that one up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
^ Maybe bc he's gorgeous!! :) (the boyfriend)
This show needs to improve its attempts at incorporating non-musical songs into episodes. It's horrendous! The song Karen is working on would not be in a musical, and then the bowling alley singing? It could actually get pointers from Glee, yeesh!
Updated On: 3/26/12 at 10:30 PM
rjm516, Agreed about the non-musical songs. Who remembers Will Chase starring in that awful Bruno Mars show singing "Grenade"? I seriously was cringing watching that. I would ask for my money back if I were in that audience, no kidding. Megan Hilty is divine, and her character is wonderful...they really just need to stop with this whole Derrick being "hot and cold" about their relationship, because I'm getting bored very quickly with that storyline. (hell I was bored weeks ago with that relationship :P )
While I was very excited after discovering this on demand a few days ago, it has lost it's sizzle for me quickly. The first 4 episodes were really good but since then they have been mediocre at best. I feel that they should have done a reality show on a real show being put together and the real personalities involved. Would have been much more interesting. Tonight's episode is so bad that I'm on broadwayworld instead.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
It does need to regain that spark it had and sometimes shows again. This political intrigue might be the most interesting thing in a while, and it's just a real-world copy!
Whoaaa, this song is creepy with all the men in masks! Jeez!
Updated On: 3/26/12 at 10:37 PM
Megan Hilty is playing the most unlikable person on television. I seriously want to see her get hit by a bus. And then back up and run over her again.
Same, mc1227, same. I'm here, typing on the internet, and I actually let my brother change the channel XD
The pilot was brilliant. The writing was witty, the characters were introduced wonderfully, it blueprinted a wonderful story. How everything was executed was just sloppy. They left loose ends untied and they carried through these storylines so poorly. There's a lot going on so much that I think the writers bit off more that they can chew. It's so inconsistent and it has such bad continuity errors. Another thing that show has in common with Glee besides the musical aspect. Lol
I've tried to remain hopeful about the show and give it some time to find its footing, but it really is a mess. That Derek/Tom scene didn't work on any level. I really hope they can salvage the show in the second season.
Tonight's episode made me lose all hope. what a mess.
Slowly (and I mean slowly) it seems like they are figuring out what doesn't work and getting rid of it…take for instance Will Chase, he didn't work and it looks like his exit will be quick.
Updated On: 3/26/12 at 11:08 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Is it really necessary to have a Hollywood star be in their show? I can only think of stunt casting in revivals, not really an original production--and not one by a team like Ahrens and Flaherty.
wow, that bowling alley number was so HOT LUNCH from the film FAME.
Everything about that Kitty McPhee number was HIDEOUS.
Actually, Jane, I think it was the same number they did on an episode of Grease:You're the One That I Want.
I had the exact same expression on my face for this entire episode as Borle and Messing had while watching whatever it was that McPhee woman was doing on that bed. WTF?
And Streep blood does not an actress make. She was about as believable as Messing's son. Laughably bad.
Still picking my jaw up off the floor.
Jordan...I feel the same way...but of the Ellis character. I'm kind of giggling at the brazen attempt to pass Ellis off as a straight character...or maybe ambidextrous? Color me confused. I like the show and the inner workings of a musical. I like Karen better than Ivy. But, I can understand Ivy's frustration at being in the chorus and wanting to be a Star. I agree the Will Chase character came across as semi-stalkerish. I'm curious to see what happens next in Smash. from RC in Austin, Texas