I always saw Nightmare before Christmas more as a ballet in the vein of Movin Out, with the songs being sung from the orchestra / offstage whilst the main action was danced. It certainly seems a more obvious choice than Edward Scissorhands, which didn't fully work IMO. A redesigned Hunchback sounds good to me so long as they keep the proper ending (rumours are that this was the change Disney execs were least happy with in the Berlin production)
I'm afraid I would rather eats wasps than see Pollyanna or The Parent Trap, but then I have an allergy to cutesy kids singing...
Updated On: 4/20/06 at 12:01 PM
Oh yes Nightmare before christmas would be amazing, or the corpse bride. But the corpse bride is not disney.
Tom Schumacher, or whatever his name is, from Disney has made it clear in the past that he has no intention of bringing "Hunchback" to Broadway. I just love the music from it, and would love to see it done on Broadway as it was in Berlin. Oh, and a Nightmare before Chrismas ballet or musical would be fantastic. I can definately see it happening if the right people were involved. Another animated movie that could probably make a decent musical would be Oliver and Company. I forget who wrote the music for that, but it was pretty good. The movie is not famous at all though, which makes it an odd choice for a musical to produce.
I agree with the people who say hopefully nothing...personally, I am not a fan of Disney shows, not saying they should not have them or anything, but at least not on Broadway anyways. Why not have them be like off-broadway or just like a seperate thing, why broadway? Sure, I give them credit, but really I think the whole point is to have people of all ages going to Broadway shows and including little kids, but really do you think little kids really care if they are seeing a Broadway version of a Disney show or just a regular one.
There obviously is going to be more Disney shows though, but yes definetly The Little Mermaid will be next. I think Parent Trap would definetly be the one Disney show I actually wouldn't mind being on Broadway though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
This may have already been mentioned, but they're doing Gepetto and Son based on the recent TV movie in Kansas.
Nightmare (and Corpse Bride, not Disney, but Elfman)
Hercules maybe
I don't really think Pocahantas or Mulan would work well.
I know its not Disney, but I would love to see Anastasia up there.
Although seeing Lea Salonga as Mulan up on stage would be great.
Stand-by Joined: 4/12/06
I'm not a BIG fan of Disney's shows (must admit I LOVED AIDA, but I exclude it because it wasn't based on a movie), but since they're obviously going to keep putting their movies onstage, I wouldn't mind Hercules coming to Broadway. I feel that it's one of, if not the most underrated Disney flick thus far. Maybe it's just the fact that alot of Broadway vets provided alot of the voices, but from the first time I saw the movie, I saw it onstage. "Zero to hero" would make a kick- ass act I finale/ act II opener. I wouldn't mind Pocahontas too much either, but I don't think it would sell. And wasn't there a production of Disney's Hunchback running in Germany a year or two ago? Or am I making that up? I think, with a little work, it would make a fairly impressive show as well...
Stand-by Joined: 4/12/06
I don't know if it truly counts as a Disney movie, but I agree that Nightmare before Christmas would be great onstage, but I don't like the idea of it being on Broadway. Personally, I'd like to see it in a smaller venue. I know it would be a major production as far as the technical aspects go (flying "reindeer" and sleigh, costumes, etc.) but I just think it would fare much better anywhere but New York. And I think it's perfectly fine as-is, and if it were to come to Broadway, they'd probably try to vamp it up, add/ take out things, and I feel that would take the heart away from the movie. Plus you have to take into consideration that Broadway makes the bigger percentage of their money from tourists, and if it were to play Broadway, timing would be another big issue. Even with as big a fan base as the movie has, how many people are gonna want to see a show about Halloween and Christmas in the spring or the summer? Don't get me wrong, I think it would be AMAZING on stage, but I just don't think Disney would put all that money into a show that probably wouldn't run for very long just because of the holiday related content.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
The Santa Clause would be interesting.
I'm dumbfounded that this thread has gone on for four pages without anyone mentioning these three little words:
High School Musical
There's a legit production of it being mounted in Atlanta soon. If that works I'm positive they'll bring it to Broadway. The show already has a much bigger following than Tarzan or Aida could ever hope for.
Sure, it's just a cable TV movie, but most of those other ideas are just cartoons!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
Tech, 2 little words: Avoiding it. But if we're not doing that anymore... Atlanta is not the only production of it. MTI released the rights to it so that all high schools (including mine, God help me) can do it.
Since I have a demo with all of the new song written for broadway, I have to say that I really look forward to "The Little Mermaid.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame was on the other day,its one of my favorite Disney movies.I think it would make a great musical,the music is just so beautiful.I would love to see Hercules or Aladdin too.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/4/06
I'd like to see a live version of "Fantasia." Maybe not the exact same stuff from the films translated to the stage, but a mix from the two movies of things that could work before a live audience. Maybe they could even make some new sequences for the stage that weren't in the movies.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Fantasia and Pocahontas would look pretty good, as would the non-Disney Anastasia.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/14/06
Fanstasia has no words! That would be SOO boring! And I hope Disney DOES take over Broadway, their shows are by far the best! Shame on those of you who dis Disney. Anastasia would be specatcular, although it's not Disney. And Lea Salonga is WAYYYY too old to play Mulan, Mulan is a teen/young woman. And Mulan would suck on stage, how are they going to do the war scenes?! And the only good song is Reflection, all the others are lame. Aladdin, Hercules, Hunchback, would all be wonderful.
i want lea salonga as mulan or jasmine in alladin!
One thing is sure. It will not be Song of The South
Bambi with Chenowith as Thumper!!!
I also think that it would be pretty neat if they brought Lilo and Stitch or Toy Story, but, you have talking aliens and pigs so that could be difficult.
As much as I LOVE Lea, itsn't she a bit old for Mulan???
Swing Joined: 10/23/06
Doesn't anybody read NY audition notices? The Little Mermaid starts rehearsals in May of 2007 with Franchesca directing, the music guy from B&B, Matthew or Michael Kozarin, and the co-choreographer of Mary Poppins, Steven Mear, choreographing.
The Black cauldron that waould be alright. Even though shows like that do horrible but its Disney.
fosterchild. you win at life. love it.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/19/06
MY main concern if finding a theater without having to buy half the island of manhattan. We are preety booked as it is and even Mel Brooks might close the producers to open Frankenstein. I mean no offense to any disney shows but please just close one before another is put up. Beauty and the Beast has had a healthy life and the transition wasn't very original, I propose that maybe the show should bow down while it's still doing good instead of having all of the disney shows competing for a kid's attention. Seriously, disney shows have enough competition before the start advertising against themselves, that would be just sad...