I am younger than 18 and I adore Hello, Dolly! My mom is a big Bette fan (I know her from Hocus Pocus like how Zamedy said) and she introduced me to the revival. I am familiar with Bernadette from Sunday and Gypsy, and I am looking forward to seeing her on my trip to the US this summer. However, I think the appeal of the show for other young fans my age who aren't familiar with Bette, Donna, Bernadette is/was Gavin, Taylor, and Charlie. Teens my age usually flock to a show/gain interest in a show because of a cast member they think is attractive, like those 3 or Isaac from OOTI. I wish younger people my age were more open to giving the show a chance, though! But to each their own
"Jarethan's wrote: I am not shocked in the least. Let's face it: what is there in Hello, Dolly! that is going to appeal to those who think things like Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Book of Mormon, Waitress, etc. are great musicals?"
Also... Spongebob is my absolute favorite musical and I still love Dolly.
""My daughter, 29, has no interest in seeing Bernadette in this role. She saw Bette and Donna. Preferred Donna, loves Barbra."
My oldest daughter is also 29 and saw Bette but would love to see it again with Bernadette.
Swing Joined: 4/28/17
Young people are hardly exposed to Bette's culture because: one, they don't listen to her music, and two, she's a total diva unlike Donna Murphy, who would be so kind and spend ten minutes with each of her fans waiting outside. Don't get me wrong, I am in my 20s and I adore Bette, but a lot of my peers seem to enjoy the stars they can get "personal" with.
A strayed question: are the producers of Hello Dolly keeping the lead actresses from doing stage door? Bette did some in the first several months and stopped, and when I went to see Donna's performance, the security kept telling us Donna was not coming out (but of course she did after an hour or so). Now Bernadette is not doing stage door either. I wonder if this is their selling strategy, to keep the leads in mystery?
Storkish said: "Young people are hardly exposed to Bette's culture because: one, they don't listen to her music, and two, she's a total diva unlike Donna Murphy, who would be so kind and spend tenminutes with each of her fans waiting outside. Don't get me wrong, I am in my 20s andI adore Bette, but a lot of my peers seem to enjoy the stars they can get "personal" with."
I think there is a problem with young people only enjoying the stars they can get "personal" with. Broadway stars are not required to engage with fans and get "personal" with them via social media or at the stage door, and if that is impacting anyone's view of them as a performer, that's a problem.
Saw this the other night, and it's still great fun. Peters and Garber are still rather tentative and not entirely mastering lines and lyrics yet (even after a decent rehearsal period and two weeks of performances...). The role really doesn't play to Peters' strengths, and her voice seems to be in rather bad shape, with several instances of cracking and aborted sustained notes. Her Act II food schtick gets only mild laughter. Garber seems to be imitating Hyde Pierce imitating Walter Matthau; it's clear that he could be much much better, but perhaps he isn't inspired yet to find his way. They both seem, sadly, not merely old, but tired as well.
The real find of the cast replacements is Charlie Stemp as Barnaby, who has been given additional dance sequences, and sings, dances, and acts so beautifully that Gavin Creel fades into the backdrop in their scenes together. If a producer brought his Half A Sixpence over from the UK, if it might well start him on his way to US celebrity. Kate Baldwin and Jennifer Simard continue to excel in their roles.
I saw it last night (Thurs, Feb 8th). The production itself (orchestra, costumes, sets, lights) are in spectacular shape. I saw it twice with Bette, and I have to say, much as I loved Bette, Bernadette brings a kind of fiery spunk that feels authentic as Dolly (Dolly "Gallagher" from the old Irish neighborhood, let's keep in mind), and her singing was fabulous - evidently she is over the cold or whatever it was referred to here in earlier posts from the last couple of weeks. Her Harmonia Gardens eating scene pales by comparison to what Bette did with this, but wow! She really made So Long Dearie into a sexy fun pull-out-all-the-stops 11th hour number! Victor Garber was fine, but DHP surprised me with how great he proved to be in the role, and I found myself wishing I was seeing Bernadette opposite him. Charlie Stemp was fabulous, especially his dancing, and he was added to certain dance numbers throughout where it makes sense...but he in no way outshines Gavin, who just grows more winsome and funny and sweet and hilarious in the part, and his It Only Takes A Moment is a magnificent vocal highlight of the entire show. Kate's Ribbons Down My Back has just gotten richer and more beautiful than ever. I missed Beanie Feldstein, but the new Minnie Fay was a delight as well. Hello, Dolly! as currently running on Broadway remains the most definitive illustration imaginable for what these two words mean: "musical comedy". I'm still floating around today with those Jerry Herman tunes ringing in my ears - and by the way, there is not a single dud or superfluous song or piece of music in this entire show, in my not so humble opinion! Just plain great. :)
Updated On: 2/9/18 at 05:03 PMSwing Joined: 4/28/17
bwayphreak234 said: "I think there is a problem with young people only enjoying the stars they can get "personal" with. Broadway stars are not required to engage with fans and get "personal" with them via social media or at the stage door, and if that is impacting anyone's view of them as a performer, that's a problem."
I would agree that some young theatergoers think of theater as a live concert, or even worse, comic conventions. They see performances but think of stage door more important than the show itself. I think it's probably because my generation grew up with TVs and movies, but never theaters.
It's interesting to me that most of the peers I talked to all enjoyed Donna's performance better, (probably because the market price was just horrifying to young adults) because they never knew how big Bette is. Bernadette, on the other hand, is somewhat famous through television (SMASH, Mozart In The Jungle), and I do know some peers who liked her. But to pay hundreds to see her in person? Probably no.
I always think the show is designed for old-fashion theater lovers. The producers never thought of pleasing the young audiences. But it was surprising for me to find out Bernadette is not selling well. I saw her twice: her first performance and one the week after that, she was magnificent.
I do hope they do a Bernadette program, or even better, a Bernadette CD. That would be awesome.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I always think the show is designed for old-fashion theater lovers. The producers never thought of pleasing the young audiences. But it was surprising for me to find out Bernadette is not selling well. I saw her twice: her first performance and one the week after that, she was magnificent.
I am curious what you think they could have done, other than hiring someone much younger (and known by a younger audience) to play Dolly?
Carol Channing was 30 years younger than Bette when she opened it, but I doubt that her presence in the lead impacted the advance sales at all, because she really only had one Broadway hit before Dolly, was not a movie star or a TV star, mainly a guest personality; Barbra was in her late 20s for the movie, arguably too young, but she was still IMO very entertaining in the role...it was HER Dolly vs. Carol's or Pearl's or Ethel's, etc.).
So, would more creative casting of the lead be the solution do you think something else is needed. Not being snarky, really curious.
Did they change the character a bit for Streisand? I haven’t seen the movie - and not sure if I will ever bother - but it doesn’t seem like she was just ‘arguably’ too young. She clearly was - the character is widowed and refers to herself as ‘old’. The lyrics of the title song barely make sense if she is in her 20s (or 30s). The plot barely makes sense either.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I thought it was stupid when she was hired, and there were other people I would've preferred in the role at the time. I remember when the movie came out that some of the reviews put a lot of emphasis on her age and others dismissed it as a non-issue. That is why I said 'arguably'.
Re your never having seen it, the movie is definitely not a very good one. Ironically, I would not place the blame on Streisand's age. The problem was with Gene Kelly's direction. It was just a very bloated production that seemed even more old-fashioned than it needed to be.
That said, I actually saw the movie about 6 months ago, for the first time in probably 40 years...I was channel surfing and it was just starting, so I decided to give it a few minutes. The next thing I knew, it was over. Despite what I said, I was surprised that I did enjoy much of it. And I did enjoy Streisand.
My biggest issue was not with her age --if someone asked me her age, I would have said she was somewhere between 30 and 40...all that makeup and all those elaborate outfits, hairdos, and hats actually made her seem older than her age. Of course, it would have been better if Walter Matthau didn't seem to be performing Horace as an older man than he even was.
I would also add that I still think that Streisand's So Long, Dearie is better than anyone else's, with the possible exception of Pearl Bailey; and that I enjoyed Just Leave Everything to Me (which was perfect for Streisand's voice) more than I Put My Hand In There. So, I would say to set your expectations and give it a shot when you have some free time.
qolbinau said: "$89? You'll likely get better seats for the same cost if you go to TKTS for a weekday performance."
Indeed! I snagged a 6th Row Center Orchestra Seat for $89 at TKTS Wednesday night!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Jarethan wrote,
"Carol Channing was 30 years younger than Bette when she opened it, but I doubt that her presence in the lead impacted the advance sales at all, because she really only had one Broadway hit before Dolly,
Not at all? Her name above the title didn't prompt the sale of even one measly ticket? Mmm, I don't think do.
And Lend an Ear and Show Girl were both hits.
Hello, Bernadette!
by Ken Fallin
Fallin should be receiving a VERY strongly worded letter from Bernadette Peters right about now.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
It really is ugly.
Looks like Arlene Dahl on Meth. Terrible.
Swing Joined: 4/28/17
I am curious what you think they could have done, other than hiring someone much younger (and known by a younger audience)to play Dolly?
"RUSH TICKETS!!" Says all the young peeps.
From the bottom of my heart, I think this is a show with very limited variations production-wise. I can see it with a hundred different Dollys but ends up with the same effect. The costume, set, lighting... everything is old-fashioned and predictable. It started in 1960s with a periodical style our generation was never involved with, and I think all the productions in the future will stay that way. But who knows? Maybe a different interpretation will attract a lot of young theater professionals. I do think if they change a bit with the commercials and overall graphic design, it may give a completely different impression to the young folks.
Also interestingly, I found a lot of my peers not able to enjoy the story itself. To be honest, I didn't really care about the story overall, it was a perfectly done and choreographed performance, and the star power was more important than anything else. Maybe the plot might be another reason why the show is not popular among the young ones.
I just saw it tonight. I also prefer Peters than Midler, she's much more vulnerable and not as showy. She was on fire this evening, didn't miss a line and her voice was pristine. The production in itself remains a must see, it is gorgeous from beginning to end.
I think Peters brings a lot to the character that is certainly much more moving than it was before. I also prefer Garber's second act than DHP.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
newintown said: "Saw this the other night, and it's still great fun. Peters and Garber are still rather tentative and not entirely mastering lines and lyrics yet (even after a decent rehearsal period and twoweeks of performances...). The role really doesn't play to Peters' strengths, and her voice seems to be in rather bad shape, with several instances of cracking and aborted sustained notes. Her Act II food schtick gets only mild laughter. Garber seems to be imitating Hyde Pierce imitating Walter Matthau; it's clear that he could be much much better, but perhaps he isn't inspired yet to find his way. They both seem, sadly, not merely old, but tired as well.”
Ouch! When is the official opening?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
After Eight said: "Jarethan wrote,
"Carol Channing was 30 years younger than Bette when she opened it, but I doubt that her presence in the lead impacted the advance sales at all, because she really only had one Broadway hit before Dolly,
Not at all? Her name above the title didn't promptthe sale of even one measly ticket? Mmm, I don't think do.
And Lend an Ear and Show Girl were both hits."
Actually, Show Girl ran 12 weeks and was a flop. Lend an Ear, which opened 16 years before Dolly, apparently was a modest hit. Interestingly, it played in 4 theaters during its run...can you imagine that happening today?
I will acknowledge that she sold some seats before the reviews, so I would alter my working to 'her presence had some limited impact on the pre-opening advance'.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Storkish said: "I am curious what you think they could have done, other than hiring someone much younger (and known by a younger audience)to play Dolly?
"RUSHTICKETS!!" Says all the young peeps.
From the bottom of my heart, I think this is a show with very limited variations production-wise. I can see it with a hundred different Dollys but ends up with the same effect. The costume, set, lighting... everything is old-fashioned and predictable. It started in 1960s with a periodical styleour generation was never involved with, and I think all the productions in the future will stay that way. But who knows? Maybe a different interpretation will attract a lot of young theater professionals. I do think if they change a bit with the commercials and overall graphic design, it may give a completely differentimpression to the young folks.
Also interestingly, I found a lot of my peers not able to enjoy the story itself. To be honest, I didn't really care about the story overall, it was a perfectly done and choreographed performance, and the star power was more important than anything else. Maybe the plot might be another reason why the show is not popular among the young ones.
I guess that I can see that. My 67 year old wife, who has only seen the show 4 times in 46 years (1 Merman, 2 Channing 'revivals', 1 Midler -- a pretty impressive group if you are only going to see it 4 times) told me after seeing it with Midler (who she loved) that I could skip getting her tickets for any future performances because she was 'all Dollied out', and that it was just too old-fashioned for her. I should also point out that she hates She Loves Me (which I consider sacrilege), for the same reason. In this respect, I have periodically dismissed her as a Philistine; i will have to reassess that and conclude that she is just very young for her chronological years.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Jarethan wrote:
"Actually, Show Girl ran 12 weeks and was a flop."
It made a profit. A show that made a profit was a hit.
Peters' official opening night is February 22, Papi.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Storkish wrote: "Also interestingly, I found a lot of my peers not able to enjoy the story itself."
I'm not surprised. Indeed, how could one have expected otherwise? How could young people nurtured in the coarse, foul, noisome miasma that constitutes contemporary "culture," be expected to respond to the grace, charm, winsomeness, and innocence of Hello, Dolly!, a show without either obscenities or "attitude?" They can't.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
Storkish said: "Young people are hardly exposed to Bette's culture because: one, they don't listen to her music, and two, she's a total diva unlike Donna Murphy, who would be so kind and spend tenminutes with each of her fans waiting outside. Don't get me wrong, I am in my 20s andI adore Bette, but a lot of my peers seem to enjoy the stars they can get "personal" with.
A strayed question: are the producers of Hello Dolly keeping the lead actresses from doing stage door? Bette did some in the first several months and stopped, and when I went to see Donna's performance, the security kept telling us Donna was not coming out (but of course she did after an hour or so). Now Bernadette is not doing stage door either. I wonder if this is their selling strategy, to keep the leads in mystery?
Well, it's all about "your" generation and the stage door madness. Only it's not. Really. I find all that extremely presumptuous. I don't know what a "strayed" question is :)
In another post, I don't know what a periodical style is either. The style of a magazine? Theater is not only about the current generation, although the pandering these days to same is a little nauseating.