Has anyone had luck with the lottery? If you won, where were your seats?
Myself and another winner that had requested one seat each were seated at the first table on the left side. Excellent seat.
Some pairs that i saw being picked up were seated in the curve at the end.
To be honest yhere doesn't seam to be a bad seat in the set up. No structural or sets in the way anywhere in the room.
I didn't win today for the matinee but was offered "losers" tickets for $59, which I bought. Row D orchestra.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/4/19
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Stopped by the BO and was told to come back later today, went back around 545 and picked up a $38 SRO for tonight. Apparently they sell them when the show is sold out
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
I won yesterday and got B 402, if you look on the seating chart you’ll see that it’s at the far end, it’s the seat next to the wall. Before anyone complain that they don’t even have to offer a lottery, I’m aware of that, but they did feel like the worst seats in the house. Because of the nature of the theater, it’s normal to be looking at someone’s back every now and then, but that seat all you’ll see is backs really. Not to mention you don’t see any of the projections. It was fine for the price though, but it felt similar to how people described the second row upstairs at the off broadway Sweeney Todd, you see everyone else enjoying the show, but you are not a part of it.
Updated On: 3/24/19 at 12:11 AMFeatured Actor Joined: 2/10/16
Won for the 8pm performance and was seated in B413 and B415. I thought the view was really fantastic and I thought the whole evening was thrilling and a thought provoking take on the material.
Just to be crystal clear here: I lost today’s Lottery. But they did offer me a discount code to use as has been mentioned above here. I went to the Telecharge site. They had what appear to be great seats. I’m only looking for a single today. They have Orchestra Row F, Center. But with fees, the ticket price is $74.25. That’s too much for me. I hope I win the Lottery at a future performance. While it seems “nice” or “a courtesy “ to offer other seats at a discounted price if you lose the Lottery, it also feels like bait and switch. And that’s not a re-imagined way of selling tickets. Let the comments commence.
Updated On: 3/24/19 at 09:25 AMLeading Actor Joined: 3/17/17
I won the lotto but can’t go. If anybody wants two tix, pm me before 11.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/4/19
DianaD3: try this link: https://my.socialtoaster.com/st/lottery_select/?key=OKLAHOMA&source=iframe
Chorus Member Joined: 1/4/19
Stand-by Joined: 6/17/18
EthelMae said: "Just to be crystal clear here: I lost today’s Lottery. But they did offer me a discount code to use as has been mentioned above here. I went to the Telecharge site. They had what appear to be great seats. I’m onlylooking for a single today. They have OrchestraRow F, Center.But with fees, the ticket price is $74.25. That’s too much for me. I hope I win the Lottery at a future performance. While it seems “nice” or “a courtesy “ to offer other seats at a discounted price if you lose the Lottery, it also feels like bait and switch. And that’s not a re-imagined way of selling tickets.Let the comments commence."
Does the discount only work for that days performance or advance shows too?
Good question, Sarah329. Not sure. There is a place on Telecharge that allows you to enter a discount code that you might have. So, if you do lose the Lottery, your email will include a discount code you can use. I guess you can just keep the email and try using the code on Telecharge when you want to order tickets. They’ll inform you, I would assume, if the code is still good. Good luck!
Understudy Joined: 3/23/13
The code is a standard code and works every show day for what tickets they have left. You can only buy though for the next available performance. I used the lottery loser code on Friday way before the lottery ended for that days performance. I got an amazing seat, Row B 111. It’s truly an amazing show, go see it!
Chorus Member Joined: 2/17/18
How easy would somebody say this lotto is to win? Do they offter the "lotto loser" codes to everyone who enters or is that kind of a lottery itself? I want to see this show but prices on Telecharge are really expensive.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
EthelMae said: "While it seems “nice” or “a courtesy “ to offer other seats at a discounted price if you lose the Lottery, it also feels like bait and switch. And that’s not a re-imagined way of selling tickets.Let the comments commence."
A bait and switch would only be the case if they did not select any lottery winners at all at the advertised lottery price in an effort to get people to buy at a higher price. There have been several people in this thread who indicated they won so clearly it's not a bait and switch just because they didn't keep pulling winners until you finally won. A number of shows have offered lottery losers including currently Mean Girls. That's how I ended up seeing the show after losing the lottery many times. I was disappointed I didn't win but I never felt there was anything nefarious about it or thought it was a bait and switch. I guess it's true what they say that no good deed goes unpunished.
I’ve entered the lottery nearly every day since previews began and lost every time but was offered the “loser” code every time I lost. The ticket price isn’t bad. $59 is still a significantly discounted ticket. It’s Telecharge’s excessive fees that aren’t disclosed upfront in the email that are off-putting. Especially when you’re not charged a fee buying the $40 seats.
For what it’s worth, the seat locations for both the lottery winners and losers are excellent and many of your neighbors will have paid double, sometimes triple, what you paid.
UncleCharlie: I didn’t mean that their “good deed” of having a Lottery has sneaky undertones as you suggest I’m saying. Another example of how these chat boards and FB posts can be misconstrued without voice inflection.
I just meant your chances of winning are small, depending on how many seats are allocated for the Lottery. And you might not consider buying higher price seats, $59 + Telecharge fees = $74.50, if you weren’t already in the “Lottery process”, so to speak. Let’s face it, many will continue purchasing after their loss of the Lottery to the higher price. Therefore, the unsold seats will get filled. And that’s fine. That’s how you stay in business. It’s actually a good marketing tool. So, I’m not complaining in as much as I think I’m just stating what the practice seems to be here. It might not be a true bait and switch, as indicating fraud going on, but they are “tempting” you to go on with your original desired want of seeing the show at a higher price. You don’t have to, of course, but as indicated here, most do.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
EthelMae said: "UncleCharlie: Ididn’t mean that their “good deed” of having a Lottery has sneaky undertones as you suggest I’m saying. Another example of how these chat boards and FB posts can be misconstrued without voice inflection."
It's not about being misconstrued. It's about calling something bait and switch when it's clearly not. No one has ever referred to something as bait and switch and meant it as a compliment. Words have meaning. You might want to be more careful about throwing that term around if you don't fully understand its implications. And it sounds like the lottery losers seats are better than they are offering the winners. Center orchestra, Row F for only $19 more than the lottery price plus fees? Are you kidding me? I would kill for that deal.
UncleCharlie: I suppose you’ve strung up Streisand by now? Of course words have meaning but without being in the same room as them, words can get misconstrued- especially on FB and, most certainly, on chat boards. Have you never had a fight with a spouse or partner or friend, when they have said something you believe was hurtful, but then they explain what they meant and you then see it differently? I have.
Let’s call this a “nice” bait and switch or maybe a “teaser”? I lose the Lottery ticket at $40. The email says I can still buy a ticket at $59. Like you say, $19 more. But, with Telecharge fees, the ticket is now $74.25. That’s $34.25 more than the Lottery price. That’s a lot in my book. That’s why I didn’t purchase a ticket at that price.
And that’s fine. As I wrote, it’s marketing. Get those unsold seats sold. That way we do better this week and the show runs. I get that. But someone in Marketing thought that up at a meeting. Most probably, the Lottery losers will still want to see the show. Everyone wins.
I’m still eager to see this production. It sounds great. I wish it much success.
Slow curtain. The end.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/15/16
Does the lottery loser code work at the box office, or is it online only?
jjcasual said: "Does the lottery loser code work at the box office, or is it online only?"
both times mine didn't work online. I walked up to the box office and showed them my email and they sold me a ticket for the lotto loser price
Well, with all my complaining about the $59 seats being offered if you lose the Lottery, I just won the Lottery for tonight at 8pm! I’ll never complain again! Excited!
Yes, you can use the code that you are given at the box office if you don't win the lotto.
EthelMae, congrats on winning. I'll be playing the lotto for the show next month.