Thanks, but I live 5 hours away from NYC and don't know when I'll make it back. Just bussed in for the weekend from Boston to see shows.
Stand-by Joined: 11/27/09
Stephanie was UNBELIEVABLE last night when she replaced Patina mid-act. You truly won't miss anything about Patina (except her acrobatics and some tricks), but these two ladies are amazing and I don't think one is better than the other. Stephanie had a great strong voice and had the moves and acting down!
Stand-by Joined: 6/14/12
Stephanie must have gone through some crazy boot camp in the past 48-72 hrs. Glad to hear she's playing the role well.
I really hope Patina is ok and that it's simply bad allergies.
My sister has very bad allegries too, and this season is the worse its been in recent years. Hopefully with summer on the horizon, everyone will feel better.
Hope she will be well enough for Tuesday's recording of the show.
I have to wonder if that playing into missing some shows this week, to rest for the cast recording.
Hmmm, I hope so. Not to sound too selfish but in 20 years time the only thing that will be left of this revival is the cast recording so it should be a priority!
They recorded the cast recording already, didn't they? Last week?
so then what are they recording this Tuesday??
I'm assuming the Lincoln Center Archives performance?
They wouldn't record on a day with a show the same night. That's why they usually record on a dark day, usually a Monday.
You're right. They did record the cast album already. According to the Broadwayworld article announcing that they were to do an album. It said that they were recording on April 29th.
On a totally unrelated note, I was at the show last night when Patina left towards the end of act one. I was very much engrossed in the whole thing and didn't realize that Stephanie was on until she made that joke about it at the end of act one. Very good show and I feel that no matter who you end up seeing as Leading Player, you're in for a major treat all around. Not just with that role but with this amazing show.
Broadwayworld article about Pippin's cast recording
On Tuesday aren't they doing 'No time at all'? They don't have to do all the numbers on the same day, especially when you have the logistical nightmare of 250 common folk turning up at your recording studio!
The entire recording is done, at least for the cast. Andrea's part of 'No Time at All' is done. All that's left to do is record the sing along parts, which is what is happening on Tuesday.
Winston, so Patina was there for Act One, but missed Act 2? Weird
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
disney, that actually happens more often than you would expect. I bet there are plenty of people on here who have seen a person's understudy or standby take their place mid-show. Things happen and the understudies and standbys have to be on their toes, always ready.
It happened at Matilda right before opening. Bailey Ryon was on for all of Act 1 and most of Act 2, but Milly Shapiro took over for the last few songs. Bailey had tripped backstage, and while she wasn't really injured, they sent Milly on instead; better to be safe than sorry.
To be more accurate, Patina left toward the end of act one with Stephanie closing out the act and finishing up the rest of the show.
Winston, not sure what you saw, but I was also there last night and realized that Stephanie took over beginning with "Glory", still fairly early on in the show. The first time the change was mentioned was the end of Act I though.
What was the joke? How did they reference the switchover?
ChairinMain, see supersam1026's post on page 5 of this thread.
She has to be unable to sing - this is Tony voting time and there's a good chance some voters will miss her performance. Billy Porter had vocal troubles leading to press week for Kinky Boots and pulled back while healing but never missed. So this has to be pretty bad