I'm sure it'll be a nice book, but I don't like her reading it. It feels flat. I don't know. Anyway.
She's speaking too slowly and over-enunciating.
That's it exactly. It's like she wants to make it perfectly clear as to what she's saying. It just makes it sound stupid.
It sounds like William Shatner reading Patti's book through a Patti LuPone voice changer.
I wasn't really a big fan of it either. I would hope it sounds better as she gets into it, but I wouldn't be surprised if she sounded the same throughout.
"Patti Ann, tie up that DAMN SHEEP." I enjoyed that. She is just over-enunciated. And the actually writing just seems a little stale, and than there's a few gems. But hell, I'll buy it.
Heaven forbid a phone should go off while you're listening to it.
I've read it, and I enjoyed it.
For better or worse, it really sounds like her; her voice definitely comes through on the page.
Forgive me if this was posted already, but there's an excerpt of the book available on Scribd. It's only the prologue and first two chapters, but it's something! (There's some adorable pictures, too)
Patti LuPone: A Memoir
Thanks "givesmevoice"! Very anxious to read the book when it comes out.
I love the part where Patti tries to make it seem like she discovered Laura Benanti
I think she meant discovering Laura for herself. She may not have been familiar with her work before Gypsy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
No one, but NO ONE, will ever accuse her of bad diction again.
I like it.
I'm sure you are right ljay....but I just think it is funny to imagine Patti thinking to herself that she discovered Laura
"No one, but NO ONE, will ever accuse her of bad diction again."
You got me there Namo! I was just about to complain about her reading voice on the audiobook, then I realized I complain about her slurring words when she sings. To do both would make me a hypocrite.
Oh Im still getting both versions-hardcover and audio-make no mistake! :)
Same here! I'm just surprised at the delivery, is all. There are flashes here and there where I can hear hints of what I was expecting in her delivery, but then she goes back into "READ ING" mode.
Ah, so it wasn't Tyne, Lansbury OR Peters who 'broke the mould', but Patti.
She should have Bernadette read the audio version.
Haha...the life story of a brassy Sicilian broad as recited by the voice of Betty Boop...love it!
Okay, the William Shatner comment was pretty funny... ; )
But I don't have as much problem with the delivery. I just wish she had recorded the audiobook at a live reading with an audience or something. That would make her a little more animated, personal, and I feel like we should get to hear her laughing and chuckling at her own stories, but we're just getting the words on the page.
But why am I complaining... I know I'll love every single minute of it!! : )
Is it going to be available on audible.com? I've been waiting for this to become available to finally get my free audio book download.