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Patti Lupone

jakebloke Profile Photo
#0Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 9:57am

I finally saw Sweeney Todd the other night. I enjoyed the show. I thought the cast was great. I think Patti Lupone did an excellent job, but at the same time, her voice kinda grates on me. Obviously she has a trained voice and I have respect for that, and I admire her acting, but her voice in my opinion is certainly not beautiful. It's even unpleasant at times. I was just wondering what other people thought.

#1re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:14am

Hi Jake,

I also am not a Patti Lupone fan, While I really enjoyed the new take on Mrs. Lovett her voice was just boring for me, very quiet, no zest, just singing the notes softly. It was as almost as if she wasnt trying, which may be impressive because she's Patti Lupone, but I felt cheated a little bit. I've also noticed that it seems to be "Patti's" show a little bit, which bothers because I think she is one of the weakest cast members.

What did irritate me about Patti's performance, and this is no fault of her own, is the use of cockney slang in a distinct non-cockney accent. For example the use of "what" (ie: what had swum to us straight from the straight of Bering) seems stupid if not being played as someone who would have actually used that terminology. I did enjoy Patti's dark "sexy" Lovett, but to me it will always be Lansbury.

One more thing, why oh why does Donna Lynn Champlain get third billing? I honestly thought that her Pirelli was boring, and while I can understand needing another female to even out the sound, it just seemed like such a throw-away role. Joaquin Romera, the original Pirelli, was hysterical and it really made the part. Champlain just seemed like filler, which may be her or the directors choice.

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#2re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:48am

While I personally LOVED LuPone as Lovett I respect your oppinion.

I am only replying to answer the question about Donna Lynn Champlain. You might have failed to notice this (I know many who have) but Ms. Champlain is the closest thing to a conductor that the show has. She is constantly keeping time, and giving the other actors cues for when to come in (with their instruments). She is also THE bussiest stagehand up there, constantly moving chairs, buckets and tables. On top of this she is (in my mind at least) always in Toby's presence, driving the story further.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#3re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:59am

And to add to what jacobtsf said, I think Donna Lynn is great as Pirelli. I found her to be very, very funny, moreso than Stanford Olsen in the concert version or the man who plays the part in the Hearn/Lansbury video.

#4re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 11:19am

yeah i thought donna was great. her accent was right on the money, her cheezey smile was crazy funny and her voice is amazing.

I love patti's voice. but that's just a matter of opinion. her voice is distinct, very broadway.

#5re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 11:23am

I actually think that Donna would make a great Mrs. Lovett. I know that she's a bit on the young side, but I think she's SO talented. I know her role was kind of small in the play, but I think she should be nominated for a Tony. She also sounds great on the new cast recording.

BroadwayPhil Profile Photo
#6re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 11:39am

I'm gonna try to see this next tuesday night.. I did not love LaPone on the DVD concert .. but loved her in Sunset Bullivard... so will try to go in with an open mind..

Don't be the Bunny ....

#7re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 12:28pm

Do not question the Patti! No one questions the Patti!

Just kidding. She is my diva, so I'm far from an objective observer, but I've always loved her because she isn't afraid to sound *unbeautiful* -- she uses her voice to express character in a way that few actresses do, in my opinion. And that voice can be oh so lovely and warm, drawing you in close...and then it can turn around and kick you in the ass. And she doesn't seem to give a good goddamn one way or the other.

Plus nobody else sounds like her. She's one brassy broad, and I think we need more of those around. But whether you like that or not is up to you.

Updated On: 1/28/06 at 12:28 PM

ze emcee Profile Photo
ze emcee
#8re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/25/06 at 12:54pm

I think she is amazing in every way. Her acting is so passionate, and that passion and beauty is reflected in her voice.

Doogie Profile Photo
#9re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:03am

ok.... FYI...


get it right!

Love me some DL.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#10re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:00am

*take deep breath* *Will not have an online meltdown. Will not have an online meltdown*

Patti is he most amazing and talented actress I have ever seen grace the stages of Broadway! She has a natural prescence and seems at home in the theatre. She is beautiful and her singing never fails to astound me. I agree with kgee- Don't question the Patti!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#11re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:54pm

to answer the Donna L Champlin question.... the rest of the cast is listed alphabetically. That's why she's 3rd. :)

C is for Company
#12re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:00pm

I'm not sure, her voice just doesn't sound how it used to. At the first Sweeney performance it sounded like she was singing it more than how she does now. It just sounded awkwardly *excuse me* irritating and I much prefer her performance vocally now than from what I heard earlier on. Her acting in the role I have no complaints about, but her voice just doesn't sound exceptionally good anymore, to me at least I know others will think differently

jv92 Profile Photo
#13re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:01pm

I think Patti Lupone is a fine actress, but the reason for her vocal slurs, etc. is becaus I believe she is from Long Island.
We on Long Island have a horrible accent and when singing (I know I do) slur a bit and mess up our diction. It can be fixed and Ms. Lupone's problems with slurring and diction (eg- Anything Goes 1987) have been greatly corrected. I think vocally she was in top shape for Sweeney Todd.

jakebloke Profile Photo
#14re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 1/28/06 at 2:06pm

Oh I thought she had great diction. You can understand everything, AND, I don't doubt she can sing. She definitely can and I like her as a performer. I just don't really like her voice. Just a personal opinion. I guess I prefer more "pleasant" voices. Live is one thing, but I don't want to listen to Patti on CD.

#15re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 1:11am

Is anyone watching Frasier?

She's playing his crazy, angry Greek cousin.

She's so Patti.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

#16re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 1:16am

I JUST caught it, andy. :) Hahaha!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

InTheRed Profile Photo
#17re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 1:38am

Patti is an unrepentant Goddess!

Patti's voice is like chocolate, warm caramel, and the darkest of dark red wine - the kind we all hope to swig down as much as possible!

It slakes your thirst for greatness, rapture, and bliss.

A force!
Updated On: 2/8/06 at 01:38 AM

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#18re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 1:39am

"She is my diva, so I'm far from an objective observer, but I've always loved her because she isn't afraid to sound *unbeautiful* -- she uses her voice to express character in a way that few actresses do, in my opinion. And that voice can be oh so lovely and warm, drawing you in close...and then it can turn around and kick you in the ass. And she doesn't seem to give a good goddamn one way or the other. "

Kgee30, I couldn't have said it better!! (It merits being posted twice!) That is the PERFECT way to summarize Patti Lupone. She has an AMAZING voice, but will do what's best for the character. She's fearless, and I adore her.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#19re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 2:34am

I thought Patti was ok in the role. I felt like she was directed to be uncaring. Sometimes i feel like she is just singing what wass written. But those moments when she is in her charecter i feel like she soars.

I think she does a great job, but i don't think it is the greatest performance on broadway right now.

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#20re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 8:44am

I love her on the cast recording, and I'd previously thought that no one could possibly top Angela Lansbury. I don't know that she has, but I definitely love listening to her as well.

#21re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 8:52am

Thanks Chica! We need more Patti fans out here.

InTheRed, you nailed it -- it's a warm voice, inviting, intimate, but powerful. Something that either appeals to you or it doesn't -- I don't think people can be "explained" into liking it.

As for Mrs. Lovett -- she is uncaring. Her laser-focus is on Sweeney and that's it -- she rarely takes her eyes off him when he's on stage, and she'll use any of the other characters to get to him: Anthony, Toby, Johanna, anybody. She'll do whatever it takes. As for the overall moroseness of the tone, I think it's deliberate -- these characters are practically comatose.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#22re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/8/06 at 10:33am

"she is uncaring. Her laser-focus is on Sweeney and that's it -- she rarely takes her eyes off him when he's on stage, and she'll use any of the other characters to get to him." Well stated.

That is the direction (brilliantly done) of this production. I understand if someone doesnt like it as much as the original, but I've seen the original so many times, that this production just floored me. When Patti did WPIL (Angie's has always been one of my favorite perfs) I ate it up...she was sexy, funny and deliberate in her eyes for Sweeney...she was slowly seducing him (and the audience.) I found this interesting for the whole production, compared to the pace of the original, that these atrocities were happening like it was business as usual made it that much more chilling.

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"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

#23re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/13/06 at 12:33am

She's on Frasier again.

I don't know why, but they're showing the same episode again.
Anyway, she's spectacular.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

Corine2 Profile Photo
#24re: Patti Lupone
Posted: 2/13/06 at 12:41am

I'm watching her on Frasier. So funny.
Additionally, she was pounding some meat.
I thought I would lose it.
re: Patti Lupone
