Chorus Member Joined: 10/2/18
so its more **** then my poo in the toilet !
Good news, (to those who saw my earlier posts on this thread) I got a ticket tonight!! Bad news, the show was "****e". These songs ran into each other and all sounded the same. The only ones I could recall were "Pretty Pretty Girl" and "F You Dress." Jenna Dewall's voice is so rich and brassy, and she has such a strong belt that it doesn't fit the demure Act 1 Diana - - - it is better suited for Act 2, which ends very abruptly. I just didn't get it. I can't see this making it on Broadway.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
As someone on the boards noted earlier, getting a ticket to this really is not an overly impossible endeavor.
Leading up to the weekend I saw it, it had been saying all week, "sold out." I kept checking as I had two friends attending on that Saturday for the matinee. Late Friday afternoon I checked again and there wasn't one, but eighteen seats available.
For those in the area who are interested in catching this, getting a ticket isn't that much of a problem.
I think as the show continues to extend, subscribers are changing their chosen dates to later dates, and creating more availability.
Photo flash! Is it me, or do Erin Davie and Jeanna de Waal have too-similar wigs in the last pic?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
Marlothom said: "Good news, (to those who saw my earlier posts on this thread) I got a ticket tonight!! Bad news, the show was "****e". These songs ran into each other and all sounded the same. The only ones I could recall were "Pretty Pretty Girl" and "F You Dress." Jenna Dewall's voice is so rich and brassy, and she has such a strong belt that it doesn't fit the demure Act 1 Diana - - - it is better suited for Act 2, which ends very abruptly. I just didn't get it. I can't see this making it on Broadway."
Jeanna de Waal
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
When will the professional reviews appear? When does it open? Will all the extensions are they waiting to open?
Good god, this looks dreadful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Just got tickets for tomorrow, and I'm strangely excited to see this, even if it is a hot mess, so I'll report back on that. I believe it opened on Saturday and there's a review from the San Diego Tribune here but it's the only one I could find:
Apologies for getting Jeanna de Waal's name in my prior post.
Anyway, the more I think about this show, the more I think it could benefit from some sort of framing device. This is probably one of the few instances where a young Diana/old Diana would work well. Or, more realistic, where the show could be a series of flashbacks while she gives an interview. They could step even further outside the box and make the show about the famous dresses (each dress has a story behind it), or (even more wildly) have the actresses playing Camilla and Diana switch roles at intermission.
As is, this story (book, staging, score) is so plain and boring.
It will be interesting to read the reviews.
I’d love this show to end the same way MARILYN: AN AMERICAN FABLE ended, by having Diana reunite with her one true love and walk off into the sunset hand in hand.
That would be such a classy ending.
Understudy Joined: 4/6/15
Charles McNulty in the LA Times is mostly negative.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/2/15
Just got back from Diana. Personally I loved it. Yes there were some things that I think need to be worked out. That snap click song and the queens ballad need to be gone and reworked. The cast I found phenomenal. Truly incredible. The costumes divine. I enjoyed much of the score. The ending did come really quickly. But as did her life. I think they really touched on many likely truths to the situation. Although dramatized similplified. I do agree that maybe a bit of a reworking to make it sung thru would work best. The does struggle to find a balance between high stacks and drama and simple quotes and re-enactment. But I really loved it and hope to see it transfer.
Swing Joined: 9/6/18
Saw the show this weekend as well and agree with everything, it's a good show with some great music and great storytelling. There are a couple numbers that are problematic and confusing and not well thought out. I could see those numbers cut from the show and you would have a more fluid and sharp production. But I will say for the most part I really enjoyed the show. The cast is superb Judy Kaye and Jeanna de Wall are the standouts for me. The costumes are incredible. I've seen allot worse shows on Broadway that received raves.
Updated On: 3/11/19 at 12:40 PMStand-by Joined: 7/30/16
I saw this last night and here are my thoughts:
First the good: Jeanna de Waal gives a great performance, as does Judy Kaye. In fact, all of the performers were good. The scenery moves the story along and the costumes were gorgeous. The book was fine, while not great.
The not so good: The score was not all. I remember one song. One. And it was because it was a great comedic moment. The rest blended into a monochromatic, non distinguishable bore.
Also, the choreography felt awkward, distracting, and somewhat amateurish in parts (though the performers danced the hell out of it).
Lastly, while the costumes for the leads were incredible, the wigs looked like....well...regional theater. Several of Diana’s were good and the rest ok, but the ensemble and smaller parts needed Re-working, or perhaps omitting.
It was an enjoyable evening but I didn’t leave transformed in any way. It felt very similar to Summer, when I saw it in La Jolla: a lot of great performers that deserve better. I don’t see this being ready for New York, but then again, I said the same thing about Summer.
Saw this last Friday with super low expectations, and surprisingly loved it. Does it need work? Yes, but it has some great songs and sequences. I personally loved the ending. Was it abrupt? Yes. But for an ending anybody over the age of 25 knows is coming, it was such a beautiful yet intense way to handle it. Yes, some of the songs are forgettable, but who remembers all the songs their first time seeing a new musical? And it has some standouts, which is more than I can say about a lot of new musicals recently. I can definitely see this going to Broadway after a few minor tweaks. I mean, if Pretty Woman is still playing, this definitely has a place.
Twirling ensemble members in trenchcoats singing:
"Bring your best umbrella
When Diana finds her fells
It's gonna rain
On Cinderella."
That's the Opening number. And also, a pretty good preview of the mediocre writing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
theatreguy12 said: "In her real life (as it was portrayed to the world), we saw very little of Diana before she became the princess. We know she was more progressive and less square than Charles. But did she ever cut loose, or did we ever really see her as thattype of personality to let down her hair? I guess we'll never know because she never made it beyond her teens to experiencethatopen and freewheeling life that she may have had had she not married a prince. What you did learn about her though, prior to marrying the prince, she didn't exactly come off as a wild and crazy girl. I was still able to suspend some disbelief tolet that go a bit.
Many will say she was edgy in the sense that sheshook up the monarchy. Indeedshe did.
But while shaking hands with AIDS patients, walking through minefields and entering the inner city to meet the people is admirable (and yes, out of the range of what the royals were known for), it was hardly anindicator of her being a rock star in any sort of wild and crazy, cut loose manner.