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Really Nice Actors

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#125re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 12:04am

Jenna Leigh Green, Derrick Williams, and Maria Eberline were all lovely when I saw the Wicked tour... (Didn't care much for Carol Kane's diva-fit, though)

#126re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 12:24am

Mandy Gonzalez is fab.

What's pink and green and flies all over?

#127re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 1:05am

I vote for the vast majority of the original Broadway cast of The Lion King...Sam, John, Tsidii, Jason, Kevin Cahoon, Kevin Bailey, Tim, Aubrey...the list goes on. Those are people sweet enough to make you cry.

Can't believe no one's mentioned Aaron Lohr yet. Sweet as all get out and easy on the eyes to boot!

Michael Arden is too wonderful a being to be from this planet.

I went to school with Kelly Karbacz and am pleased to hear she's still the same sweet chica I knew when!

Martin Moran. Bill Bowers. Sebastian Bach (looks can be deceiving, no?!).

And just too many more to mention here. What can I say?

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#128re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 11:10pm

Maybe that's because unless you're told to, you shouldn't bother an actor before the show.

I hate to break it to you, but they are people. If they were were robots i could see only approaching them at certain times. She's a person, she should at least show some respect!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#129re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 11:13pm

You're not breaking anything to me, really. But they have somewhere to be, it's kind of rude to stop them when they have to be at work. They aren't robots, but that can also be used to say that they aren't required to be programmed to be nice to their fans.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/3/05 at 11:13 PM

C is for Company
#130re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 11:17pm

I have to agree with wicked geek. If some random beggar woman approached me on my way to work just to ask me for money i would show her respect. God forbid that an excited fan approaches somebody they admired and get treated like $hit.
And if theyre not "programmed to be nice to their fans", then why should we have respect for them?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#131re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/3/05 at 11:18pm

There's a difference between being homeless and looking for an autograph. A big one. And Shoshana isn't particularly known for her sweetness; some actors would be fine with it, even if it's frowned upon, but you two are talking with a HUGE sense of entitlement. And you respect them for their work.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/3/05 at 11:18 PM

C is for Company
#132re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 12:02am

my point with a beggar woman as i put it, was not the fact that shes homeless, but the fact that i give respect to the smallest people on the face of the earth, people are equal in my eyes from the start. I dont see what the point is in not being kind to those who admire you and arent asking a lot for a glance and a smile or even, oh no, a wave.
I enjoy her work a great deal, even equaling idina in my eyes at times. its just sad that she cant even share a smile with somebody who wanted to wish her a good show. thats what i mean in saying that shes not really very true to people after the show, with her fake smiles galore. but then i guess not everybody can be an erin dilly

#133re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 12:16am

At least she goes to the stage door to begin with.

Personally I believe that the actors job is done after the curtain falls, if they venture out the stage door, good for them, but this 'ragging' on them, cause they were rude or selfish or not happy is ridiculous. They're people, just like we are. They can be having a bad day, a bad night, gotten bad notes, who knows what's going on with them. They sign the playbill, what else do you really expect?

Give me your definition of nice. They're considered nice when they spend more then 2 minutes talking to you? Signing your playbill is a nice gesture as well. They don't have to, they can refuse.

I'll just use Shoshana in this example, cause why not, she's already mentioned - I've seen her quite a few times at the stage door, and every time, she's agreed to fans asking for pictures and autographs. Sure it may be 'fake' however 99% of the people i see leave that stage door after meeting her, are happy and content.... so therefore what's wrong w/ that?

C is for Company
#134re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 12:31am

Well most actors DO go to the stagedoors, especially those with high expectations being in one of the most successful broadway hits now. Its not out of the ordinary, but the fact that when a fan of her work who greets her,and not ONCE have i ever asked her to sign anything, just keeps walking past with that face on, its kind of sad that people cant return a simple hello. I was just being another person with a nice thing to say and im sorry if im such a bad person for hoping to get a smile out of somebody who has blatantly ignored me on more than one occasion. Im not one to hate somebody over not liking their work and such, but i am somebody who likes to getting a damn smile out of somebody who clearly isnt one of the nicest people out there on broadway.
My definition of nice isnt so specific as to who signs my playbill or who talks to me for 2 minutes just for your info. My definition of nice is what most people uphold as their own. My definition of a nice GESTURE, is those who know who to have the manners, let alone kindness, to return a friendly greeting. I never expected her to sign my stuff or talk to me or hold her up before a show. It takes about .001 seconds to keep walking to the door and say hi back to me, not much of a hassle.
I guess I should be sorry for ever expecting to get a nice response from somebody that I respected

edit: and btw, these 2 occasions were an hour and a half before the matinee, with nobody else there. for one single person, you would think that they might say "thanks for the support" and keep walking, anything. But getting ignored is just plain rude after somebody compliments you. and if anybody else thinks that my expectations are messed up, then its time to reconsider your mental state and sanity

Updated On: 8/4/05 at 12:31 AM

Grommetik Profile Photo
#135re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 1:49am

"I hate to break it to you, but they are people. If they were were robots i could see only approaching them at certain times. She's a person, she should at least show some respect!"

Um....exactly, they're people. The ARE human, they DO get cranky, and if you were bothering me before I had to go onstage or go to work I probably wouldn't be too friendly either. To me it sounds like you're annoyed because you almost feel as though she owes it to you to be nice. She doesn't.

C is for Company
#136re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 11:10pm

well then that means that she doesnt deserve to have many fans because if she cant handle two words to somebody, then she really isnt fit to have people that are willing to be nice to her. in your words "they are people" and that doesnt give them any right to just treat others like they are above other people
and im ending it here cause it seems not many people agree with me here that fans should get some respect. If im in the $hittiest mood ever, and some nice person just says hi have a good show, I dont care how terrible my world is going, but a nice hi back isnt hard to give in the crankiest of moods. I understand completely not wanting to be disturbed with signing stuff going to do a near 3 hours show in front of hundreds upon hundreds. but it seems none of you understand that on 2 occasions i JUST SAID "HEY HAVE A GOOD SHOW". thats it! I got nothing back, i wasnt harassing her or forcing her to do anything. But have decency! and you people are the WORST at understanding situations and have a problem with associating simple manners and professions cause its not that hard to separate that when it comes down to decency, whatever job you have or anything, be nice.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#137re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 11:16pm

I really don't care if Shoshana is the pope! She is a nobody when she leaves that theatre and if someone approaches her she should be happy, because come january 8th 2006, she goes back to being a nobdy. im not asking for an auto or a pic, if i say hello to her, i expect a hello back. and whoever psoted if u stop them befoire a perf ud be in a bad mood too, wtf? Why? She needs to learn to show a little respect. Look at megan hilty, i see her everytime and she always stops, well it may be because dive become very friendly with her, or even David, he doesn't stop but when i say have a good show, he says thanks.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

C is for Company
#138re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 11:29pm

see thats exactly right. no matter who you are, your still obligated to be a human! and if you fall out of that habit of MANNERS then that makes you not nice. which is my point. she really isnt such a nice person. i dont even approach megan, she comes up to ME! i never even asked to be treated like that, she just does it on her own cause thats an example of an EXTREMELY nice person. i love her for that, but i dont expect them to do that. people like marsha mason who just comes out and signs and smiles is good. even the kids from chitty are MUCH more respectful and theyre like 10! thats ridiculous. and i get reprimanded here for expecting to get a hi. And yes, i do expect to get a hi from her, i feel i am obligated cause i just did so to her, and in proper etiquette usually that gets returned to you, but not from heeeeeer.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#139re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/4/05 at 11:37pm

harriet harris
emily rozek (tour glinda u/s)
kevin earley
patrick wilson
jessica boevers
raul esparza
kevin cahoon (even tho i yelled at him... which i felt bad about)

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#140re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 12:16am

Basically everyone in the touring wicked company are sooo nice and sweet. Of course minus a few (carol cane, david garrison, one or two others)

#141re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 12:41am

Brad Little (POTO National Tour '03) He was really nice to me both times I saw Phantom here in SC cause after being in a car wreck outside my home that lead to a concussion and short term memory loss the night before i was to see phantom live for the first time which i would sadly not remember even now. The 2nd time was better and i went to the stage door to meet him once again and he looked at me with a smile and said "You're back again huh?" I just nodded but later i told him why i had returned and he just hugged me and said, "Awww..I hope you feel better soon." I can still remember that moment and smile about it. The man is just a talented sweetheart, so kind to his fans always happy to pose for pics or sign away.

Tim Martin Gleason (same as above)-he's also a sweetie and very nice to the fans and, like Brad, hes always happy to sign autographs and pose for pictures (the gals were all over him too btw but he didnt seem to mind).

Kris Koop (Broadway Phantom '05)- She is so very nice and has a very nice, bright smile and was happy to sign my program.

Annie Get Your Rose
#142re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 12:55am

Bernadette Peters
John Dosset
Sutton Foster

C is for Company
#143re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 1:14am

sutton is sooo lovable and jlt is very down to earth, 2 great people.

#144re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 10:25am

I met Queen Latifah at Coney Island; she's a doll. Lainie Kazan kissed me in 1970 in LA. I was a neighbor of the Late Jayne Mansfield. She was sweet. She let everybody hold her new baby Mariska in 1964. Currently, Michael Arden, Cary Shields, Michael Cavanagh and Frenchie Davis were extremely friendly. Some celebs are nervous to meet fans so they appear to be "stuck up". "Scottie" of Star Trek was extremely nasty at a convention. It's often hard to tell who's nice. Christina Applegate appears to be "stuck up".

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#145re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 10:47am

JONARTDESIGNS- Why on earth did you yell at Kevin?! lol.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#146re: Really Nice Actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:00am

Megan Hilty has always been a great sweetheart. She's always offered to help me with the site I run for her, and has even offered me money to help keep it up when I was having problems with my host. I think she's amazingly sweet.

And I also have to say that pretty much the ENTIRE cast of All Shook Up is nice. My friends and I went to ASU a LOT these past few weeks, and the cast basically got to know us. We got hugs from Jenn Gambatese and emsemble member Justin Patterson, and my friend became friends with Nikki M. James from seeing her so much. The ASU cast is wonderful.

Grommetik Profile Photo
#147re: Really Nice actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 11:16am

Okay, C is for COmpany and Wicked_Geek, you obviously took it really personally, which I could understand if you had been PROMISED you would be able to talk to her, or if you and Shoshana Bean were bestest buddies in like the whoooole world, but you're obviously not so I still don't understand why it bothers you so much.
A lot of actors are just as human as you or me and get shy. Maybe what you thought was bitchiness was just not wanting the attention. Not everyone will be as grateful for it as you. My advice, stop stressing and forge a relationship with Megan Hilty if she's so great.

C is for Company
#148re: Really Nice actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 12:48pm

megan, we write her letters and such and shes just absolutely incredible to people, before, after, on the street, anytime! shes completely fantastic and does things I would never expect others to even do for their fans. she also isnt rude and ignores them, thus why we dont like sho anymore. she may be nice in groups so she doesnt get a bad rep but before the show shes not as nice as she lets on

Grommetik Profile Photo
#149re: Really Nice actors
Posted: 8/5/05 at 12:57pm

"Not as nice as she lets on"? Oh yeah I got that memo from Shoshana too. i think it read
TO: Fans
FROM: Shoshana Bean (the NEW Idina! Er...Elphaba!)
BODY: I would just like to let everyone know that I'm going to be really nice to you if you come up to me before a stressful performance. I just want you to know that in the event that I'm NOT nice, it's because of YOU personally and not becasue of any other factors that may come into the situation. After all, I'm a broadway star, and never get in a bad mood! Ever!

I take it all back! How dare she let us think she's nice. The scoundrel. What's she playing at.
