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Rent attendance anecdotes- Page 19

Rent attendance anecdotes

zzannahk Profile Photo
#450Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/10/05 at 11:48pm

i have seen the movie in two different places that say they have digital sound, both regal cinemas. the first one ROCKED!! the second one they never turned on the surround sound, so we complained numerous times and we were told that that was just how the movie was.

let me just say that if i had gone to the second theater to experience RENT i would have hated it and probably walked out. it just wasn't there enough with half the sound. i hope other people aren't experiencing this.

#451Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:39am


I know this is a bit late, but I'll add in my $0.02 since I've seen Rent in two different states. (And this is my first post, too.)

First, I braved a mini-blizzard in the mountains of central PA to find a theater that was actually showing it on opening day! This was the perfect excuse to give relatives the slip, even though I was in the middle of nowhere. (Although I felt old... it was mainly a young teen crowd who had the day off from school. I was willing to bet several months' bills on the fact that I was the only one in the theater who actually goes to/has been to the East Village ever.) The theater was pretty packed, and the kids all quieted down once the movie started. I was worried the way that they were acting goofy prior to the show, but I heard quite a few people sobbing when Angel died and also at the end. This was also a matinee, so I was surprised that there were so few seats open.

I just saw it again in northern NJ this afternoon. The theater was about half-full, with a much older crowd. The difference was great for me- I could sit near the front, in the middle, with nobody in front of me. Still, not bad considering the other movies showing at approximately the same time (Harry Potter, 50,000 kids.)

I can't believe what I've been reading on this board- that it's not performed as expected. It's a fantastic film, and I plan to see it again with another friend probably next weekend. I literally have goosebumps the whole way through!

wickedkiwi Profile Photo
#452Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/11/05 at 4:02am

this may not be what you want, but i'm posting it anyway.

i took this really macho-man "i hate musicals cause i'm tough" type of guy (which i totally disapprove of by the way) to see the movie because he promised he'd go with an open mind. he went in, sat down, and was really, really, really quiet for the beginning bit. when benny was introduced he pointed at him and asked me who he was, and then shut up again. when angel came up on screen with a santa suit on however, he gave a HOWL of pleasure, saying "MAN THAT GIRL IS HOT, now THIS is a good movie!"...

...i waited for about a minute before i told him that girl was actually a guy dressed in drag. he went pale...

and i laughed SOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard.

anyway, as for his personal experience, being a non-musical, completely republican, never-heard-of-rent-before dude, he said it was ok. he asked me the names of a few songs he wanted to download, said it was a little "strong" for his taste, and that because its all sung it was "hard to understand" at times. he loved rosario though, and thought that adam pascal sounded "a lot like Bon Jovi" - which i guess is a compliment. in other words, he didnt exactly convert into a renthead, but liked it for what it is - a movie.

i will give a new review when i attend the premiere in mexico in january.

Tenme por lo que soy, por lo que puedo ser, y si te importo hoy, tenme nena, o vete!

MUNKY Profile Photo
#453Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/11/05 at 7:16am

Reporting live from San Rafael, CA (Marin)

Surprisingly the attendance has been steady with auditorium capacity at or near 50%. Those who are not familiar with the stage version enjoyed the film and after some shows applauded!

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

bunnywings Profile Photo
#454Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/12/05 at 3:16am

I am checking in from the Detroit area.

My sister and I saw a pre-screening the Monday before it opened and the large theater was packed. There were many Rentheads there, along with press people. While I noticed that some people had no idea "what they were getting into", many others seemed to enjoy it. (I absolutely loved. I was expecting a lot from the movie and it totally met my expectations!)

My mom and I went to the first showing on the 23rd and the theater, again, was packed. However, it was in a smaller theater. Harry Potter was in the large one. Many Rent fans were in attendance, which made it fun. We mooed and everything! =) Fun times...

Then, my sister and I saw it last Wednesday afternoon. For a while, we thought it was going to be an intimate showing just for the two of us until about 15 more people showed up.

I can't wait for the dvd!

Humankind. Be Both.

Jacinda Profile Photo
#455Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 1:23am

I went to see the movie in my hometown (a tiny, conservative, Caucasian, small-minded midwestern town)so my mother had someone to go to the movies with - huge mistake! I had to listen to a 50 something woman complain through the entire movie about immorality because my mother insisted that it would be rude to get up and change seats during the movie. My date and I ended up going to a showing in the city we live in so we could enjoy the movie.

All the thanks in the world to for my avatar - it's like you know the story of my life.

electrakitty Profile Photo
#456Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 5:27am

I wanna play!
Ok, I went to an advance screening too. I was a bit late, so I had to sit in the very front row. Yow! did that hurt my neck. . .anyway, it's Indiana, so some people are a touch. . .provincial. Anyway, I was mostly surrounded by my students, who were singing along (I teach costume construction in a University). But behind them was this group of 14-16 year old boys. Now, everytime anything remotely homosexual happened (with Maureen and Joanne or Angel and Collns) they got real squirmy, and even eewwed aloud when Angel and Collins kissed (though they got shushed and mean looks for doing it). Anyway, when Angel died, I heard distinct sniffling from them. I almost jumped up and danced, it made me so happy! A few more minds opened, even if just a little bit!

"Are we a thing?" "Darling, we're everything."

#457Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 7:34am

I loved the movie. but unfortunatly there were some immature teenagers who kept laughing at Angel. It was driving me and my friend insane! My friend actually turned around and told them to shut up. They bursted out laughing at the part where Angel takes off her wig and says "Hi I'm Angel" at the Life support Meeting.

soapguy17 Profile Photo
#458Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 7:55am

The first time I saw the movie it was pretty much okay. The second time I saw the movie I sat behind someone who wanted to watch the movie based on the seasons of love song. At first he was excited that there were lesbians in the movie, but then went on and on about how ugly Idina was. During "I'll Cover You" he shouted out very loudly "are you kidding me?" and unlike a normal person they didn't leave they just sat there and made fun of the whole movie. He started laughing when Collins touched angel's picture at the funeral. (I should point out that this was in alabama*Capital Red State*)

I have NEVER met Cheyenne Jackson. I have never hung out with him in his dressing room, he did not tweet me, he never bought me a beverage, and he mostly certainly didn't tickle me. . .that is all.

#459Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 8:39am

I saw it in two opposite ends of the country. I saw it opening day in Redmond, WA(land of Bill Gates)while home for Thanksgiving break from my graduate studies at NYU. Unfortunately for me, I previous to this day had lived under a rock and didnt know anything about RENT. I saw a preview for it when seeing another movie and fell in love with the song "Seasons of Love". I saw it originally because of that song. During that showing, I was surrounded by highschoolers who were dressed as characters from the show and who told each other (with fingers pointed)"You better not sing". I didnt get it at that point and hoped that they wouldnt sing either. :) Ohhh.. little did I know what I was getting into. Needless to say I loved the movie... loved it! I saw it again in NYC about five days later. My friends and I saw it as a break from writing final papers. The theater was totally packed and I "got" to sit in the third row. How great was it to see it in NYC though? It was a totally different feeling. Maybe it was that I knew that I was going to love the movie when I sat down but it was just better the second time around. I had to fight not to bust out in song and dance. I cant sing or dance so that might have been scary for the folks around me. :) I am now totally addicted and will likely see it again back in Seattle at Christmas. I get it now!!!

#460Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 10:52am

does anyone know when the Rent DVD is going to be released?

#461Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 11:08am

I live on long Island and I got lost on the way to the theater and the way back because my friend was not allowed to drive on the high ways yet, but it was so worth the extra two and a half hours in the car. I cried so much I swear someone should have smothered me so I wouldn't be annoying. But the crying did result in a rather nice moment between myself and the woman next to me. She came in during the previews and I was a little annoyed at having to get up to let her sit down and she seemed a bit annoyed to be sitting next to teenagers (at least that's the impression i got from the looks she kept sending our way) so there was some bad air between us. But in the midst of my hysterical crying (somewhere around the funeral) i just turned to her to make sure I wasn't bothering her and she looked back at me crying equally as hard and we just smiled at each other sharing the moment. It was a nice moment. I didn't here a single rude comment or anyting, everyone seemed to be affected. In fact when the lights turned back on there was this long pause where no one got up because every one was trying to collect themselves. I went into the bathroom after and there were like a million girls all trying to fix their smeared mascara.

#462Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/13/05 at 11:39am

God...I HATE when people clap at movies. Sooo weird. Even at the end of a movie -- the performers/director are not there to hear you. It's like clapping just for your own entertainment. It's really 1984-esque to me.

Kass983 Profile Photo
#463Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 6:39am

I love it when people clap at movies; it's very reminiscent of vaudveville and broadway.

Anywho, I went again tonight, 11th time, with my mother. I have been terrified of seeing RENT with her because she is SO religious and well, her age...62. She loved it. She hasn't always been 62, and she lived a hard took her back there a bit and reminded her how difficult life on the fringes can be, was and is.

I just thought that, amidst all of the negativity, that you, (Anthony and unfortunately only a few others), would like to hear some positive stuff. Yes, she cried; but more importantly to me, she got it. I spent little time explaining anything. My mother, the Jehovah's Witness queen that she is, nothing against them either, saw, understood and absorbed what I've been talking about for years now. Life, love and appreciation for what you have right now truly ought to be universal in a way that isn't a reality yet.

So yeah, just wanted to let you know that RENT, even though it was in a theater with a sub-par sound system tonight, has definitely reached another person, and a baby boomer at that.

Updated On: 12/15/05 at 06:39 AM

#464Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 7:57am

Don't know if anyone still reads this, but I decided to post anyway . . .

I've now seen the film 6 times (7 as of tomorrow), but nothing can compare to my first viewing. For starters, the theater was sold out, which was a pleasant surprise because I was seeing it in a town in Indiana that isn't so much in tune with Broadway, even though it was openning day. The audience was, of course, full of fans wearing t-shirts and Mark scarves, so it was a very welcoming environment. Everyone mooed at "Over the Moon," an occurence that sadly hasn't been repeated yet. There was just something about that openning day crowd that made everything real. It didn't feel like we were watching a movie. Regardless of all the little changes and song cuts, it felt like a stage production - and the entire audience was involved. I even felt free enough to cry at the end of "Without You" - something that has NEVER happened before in the history of me seeing movies. For someone who has yet to actually see RENT on stage, that first viewing was the closest I've come. It's what keeps me coming back, and it's what is making me count the days until I can finally see RENT on the stage this spring. For lack of a better metaphor, I just can't wait to hear people moo again.

And, really, I just want to say (in the light of all this horribly negative criticism I've read around here the past two days) that no one in my theater complained about anything. Everyone laughed and cried at the right places. Were we upset at the loss of "Halloween," etc.? Of course. But we didn't let the differences keep us from enjoying what is a perfectly good film. Things had to be different just because of the basic translation from stage to screen. It's better to just accept that and enjoy what you have than to lament over the loss of somethings that were probably cut for a reason.

electrakitty Profile Photo
#465Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 9:01am

Hey Mauriposa-
Where in IN are you? Where will you be seeing it in the spring? Want a RENT-head "buddy" to go along?

"Are we a thing?" "Darling, we're everything."

#466Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 1:48pm

I'm actually in Illinois, but right on the border. Rent is coming to the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago in April. Tickets aren't on sale yet, but hopefully they will be soon.

electrakitty Profile Photo
#467Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 3:28pm

Ahh. . .I see. I might be up for a road trip right around then :)

"Are we a thing?" "Darling, we're everything."

electrakitty Profile Photo
#468Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/15/05 at 11:52pm

I almost forgot my favorite story. . . The third time I saw the movie, there were two young men (most likely gay) who were sitting at the end of the same row we were in. At the end of the film, I was crying, as usual. My mother nudged me and pointed to them. One of them was crying so inconsolably that the one was holding the other. This made me burst into fresh tears.

"Are we a thing?" "Darling, we're everything."

#469Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/16/05 at 1:59am

alright, my two cents....

I live in a very small town in Kentucky. I should throw in that when the stage production came a few years ago that we had several people protesting outside the Center. It was horrible.

Anyhow, we went on Nov. 30 and there's rarely many people at the movies on Wednesdays anyway. I went with my friend who isn't really into musicals, but she loved it. She teared up and she hardly ever cries at movies.

Anyhow, there were 3 young people a few rows in front of us and probably 10 people in a group behind us. They were teenagers and young twentysomethings. They wouldn't shut up for the whole first hour. As soon as the song "Rent" came one, one guy goes "they're singing AGAIN!" I was thinking 'it's a musical!' He made cat calls at Mimi's dance and 'eww'ed during anything homosexual. I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked him to be quiet. The entire group started coughing loudly in spite, but finally stopped.

It was a rather frustrating experience, but the movie was worth it! Rent Attendance Anecdotes

DancNdaMoonlite Profile Photo
#470Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/16/05 at 2:16am

Seen it 9 times in LA:
3 the 1st day, 4 after that (all on different days), and 2 today (the last day showing in LA).

I could only cry the 1st time, and today. I cried so hard today because I knew that it was my last time ever seeing it up on a big screen. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next few months, knowing that I can't just go to the movie theatres and see Rent whenever I want...
This movie like...completes me...I can't even put into words how much I love it.

Rent Attendance Anecdotes Rent Attendance Anecdotes Rent Attendance Anecdotes Rent Attendance Anecdotes Rent Attendance Anecdotes Updated On: 12/16/05 at 02:16 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#471Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/18/05 at 4:52am

I saw Rent again for the fourth time tonight. It was a 10:05pm showing in suburban Maryland. Not exactly a Renthead hot bed, but I was in for a pleasant surprise.

There was a group of high schoolers (2 girls, 3 guys) that were sitting in the second row of the theater. They were talking all through the previews and I was worried they would be loud the entire time. Actually, they turned out to already be fans! (They seriously didn't look like your typical musical fans, so without getting into stereotyping, just trust me when I say it took me by surprise.)

They clapped along during Seasons of Love (in synch with the movie, so it wasn't annoying) and they clapped after Rent was over. Oh, and the part that made me realize they'd definitely seen it before was when the phone started ringing for the first time and one of the guys called out "Speak!" before the answering machine even started. Then at the end, during the last shot when Angel starts to fade into black, one girl shouted "That was good!" and started clapping. They sang along with the music during credits and and clapped along as they walked out of the theater. I'm glad they liked it so much, and I felt really bad for misjudging them in the beginning.

One couple walked out after Take Me or Leave Me. Which seemed rather late to me, all the controversial stuff had already happened, but I guess they won't realize that now. Other than that, it was a great audience. A couple other people also stayed through all the credits as well. I still wish the "Thank You Jonathan Larson" could have been at the beginning; I just felt like I couldn't leave before I saw that part. And when "No animals were hurt during the making of this film" comes before a tribute to him, it just seems wrong.

I'm glad I got to see it again. It probably will be the last time in theaters, just because I'll be too busy to have time. There are people I wish I had gotten around to seeing it with (a certain extra during the Rent scene needs to point himself out to me!) but unfortunately the opportunity never came up. I still managed to notice things I've never seen before, especially things that had been brought up on the boards.

I have to admit, part of me wishes that I could have seen the movie without knowing each step of the production, or even knowing the story. Tonight, when Mimi's hand starts to twitch at the end, someone in front of me actually gasped. I know I'll never be able to experience Rent like that, but it was a great reminder to know that new fans are coming along every day.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#472Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/18/05 at 11:57am

So I went to see RENT again last night for my third time since I wont be able to see it for much longer. They changed the room to a slightly smaller one. There were maybe 20 other people with me, I went with my friend. I was surprisngly really excited to see it again loll, i think it was the jiters of it being my last time. Nobody left (though i live on Long Island, so most people are open to those subjects living in New York). Since it was my last time me and my friend just enjoyed ourselves, we clapped during SOL and we moo'ed, i think a few other people did as well. We also joined in a lot of lines like 'WINE AND BEER', and we did the hand motions for "why dorathy and toto went..", we just enjoyed ourselves. I'm so sad that theyre taking this out of theaters. I'm hoping to go again today for my last time, but if not yesterday will have been my last time. This was an amazinggg movie Anthony, thank you for being a part of this, i cant imagine a different Mark Cohen :).

#473Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/18/05 at 12:02pm

So much to say. Well for starters I've seen the movie 5 times in my hometown area (a little suburb near Philadelphia) and I have loved it every single time.
Opening night I saw it twice. A friend of mine swears she heard a woman say "This has been the worst expieriance of my life because of those girls sitting in front of us." We were so excited that we couldn't help just freaking out every 2 seconds.
So the second time we saw it that night it was around 10 and there we're alot more Rentheads there. You could just feel it in the air, so much love going to this brillient work of art.
Anyway back on topic. I wish I could say the same for the other times i saw the movie in the past few weeks. (lets just say there has been more than one time I have wanted to throw my shoe at people.)
Other than that I love this movie and I'm extreamly upset my movie theatre is takeing it out after thi wednesday. (thank God for DVDs.)

You must think I'm still sixteen. I dropped out of high school for a reason. And I don't care if you're pretty. I'm not admitting you are right. My soul is not a stage. I won't pretend I'm anything I'm not

MissMonika Profile Photo
#474Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 12/19/05 at 7:08pm

So far, I've seen it twice since it came out. School has been insane and kept me really busy so I haven't had much time to post.

Anyways, the first time I saw it was with my group of friends who came home from college for Thanksgiving. We live in Huntington Beach (it's in The OC) so it's not really a small town. We met up with some of my other choir friends who are still in high school and went to a 1:00 PM showing because we didn't wanna get caught up in the crowds later at night.

We go in to sit down and there are a group of girls sitting in the front row wearing "We <3 Anthonny Rapp" and "I Love Adam" t-shirts. They were really cute. I wanted one of each. It wasn't a crowded theater but there was a good amount of young people and a couple of middle-aged adults. Surprisingly, there were a number of guys in the audience. We were talking to some of em who were sitting next to us and they told us they wanted to watch this because of Rosario Dawson and they heard that she pole dances. Lol. Figures.

When the movie starts and Seasons of Love starts, these girls totally start singing along with it and clapping. And not quietly, but REALLY loud. And the clapping was so offbeat! Oh my, I was getting so annoyed. I mean, I'm all for being enthusiastic, but when I go see a movie, I want silence and no distractions! Thankfully, they quieted down after Seasons of Love finished.

When Angel dies in Collins arms and during the I'll Cover You Reprise, you can hear the audience sniffing and crying. It was so sad. At the end when Mimi dies, one of the girls in the front says really loudly, "She DIES?!?!" My group and I were laughing so hard. Hehehe. And when she comes back to life, the same girl says, "Wait, I thought she was dead!"

Overall, the audience was good and received the movie very enthusiastically. Everyone was cheering at the end.

Yes, I'm pinay. And I'm proud of it!
