I hope I enjoy the show as much as I'm enjoying this thread.
There have been so many well written reviews on this post...and this ain't one of them. This is a collection of my scattered thoughts.
Before I begin, ARTc3: there was only one on-stage monitor last night and it had limited movement. The second one was indeed broken and they are waiting on a replacement. This according to an usher.
Last night's show went off without any noticeable hiccups. Technically, it was very impressive. The set was one of the most complicated I've seen. Kudos to the scenic/automation team and the lighting team. They've pulled off some very impressive feats. The floating boxing ring was a very nice touch.
Having not seen the movie, I enjoyed the story. However, things felt very rushed in some areas and not very fleshed out in others. It didn't feel like anyone from Apollo's team cared about this fight - which then lowers the stakes for the entire show. I also wished that Rocky's coach had started coaching him earlier on. Those scenes worked really well. I didn't care for Adrian's brother and his baggage. It took the show to a dark place that didn't match up with the rest of the show. That story got resolved in one line so obviously the creative team also wanted to brush past the domestic abuse and addiction issues as well. They either needed to flesh it out or move through it much faster.
SPOILERS: I really enjoyed that at the end of the big match, Apollo wasn't neither upset or defeated but was honored to have fought such a worthy opponent. I thought that was a wonderfully positive message.
The acting was fine but everyone seemed to be very concerned about hitting their marks so I don't blame them for giving shallow performances at this point. Margo does give a wonderful performance of her song "I'm Done" but I agree with another poster on this thread who said that it came too early in the second act. I wish she had that big powerful moment closer to the end of the show. After that number she seems to fade into the background until the final kiss.
The songs are...not great. Every time someone started singing the audience became restless. (My favorite lyric: "I've got bruises here and here and here and here and here.") Adrian's song was the only highlight out of the original songs but it took some time for her to get into it. "Eye of the Tiger" was spot on. There's room for Apollo to have a great, flashy number in act one but as it stands now, the number they currently have is pretty bland. I know they're cutting songs during this preview period and I think they could easily cut some more. All of my friends agreed that this would work as a "play with music" much like "Peter & the Starcatchers".
I had heard complaints from previous posters, but the audience was very well behaved last night. They did go nuts for all of the iconic moments from the movie. I actually thought that was fun. Those moments have become synonymous with heroism. It's easy to see why people would cheer.
The crowd went crazy during the fight scene. Some audience members REALLY got into it. It was fun and very creative. Cheers to Alex Timbers and his team for a very original and exciting effect. I enjoyed how they incorporated the video/graphic elements even though they were definitely from 2014 and not 1975.
I do think this will be - as a previous poster stated - a big fat hit. The audience was very happy and got exactly what they wanted out of the experience: a big Rocky-themed spectacle. Overall, I had fun. It was a cheap thrill.
I was in orchestra row O, center section. Great seats. Not too far, not too close. I would not want to be in the Golden Circle.
Lastly, I can see this doing SO well in regional/community theaters.
Updated On: 2/25/14 at 10:38 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
I saw the third preview from the Golden Circle. As a whole i enjoyed it. But this thing needs a ton of work. From what I have read, some changes (Philly Pie) have been made. The sound was horrible. The acting was okay. The songs for the most part are okay. The set is AMAZING, love the pet store and the "Fish" tanks, with swimming fish.(show stopped twice because of set malfunctions) The fight scenes need work. There were punches thrown and no noise and noise and no punches throw, it was pretty funny. would like to see it again from center mez. The onstage seating is fun, but I don't recommend it. This will, no doubt be a big crowd pleaser and big hit.
Stand-by Joined: 8/23/12
I too was there last night and was pretty much disappointed with the whole thing. This is a dull, dull, dull, dull show with a dreadful score. I am a huge fan of A&F, and there are one or two solid numbers ("Happiness" and "I'm Done"), but they were just the wrong team for this show. "Rocky" doesn't need a lovely, moving, psychologically deep, ballad heavy score; it calls for pulsing rock rhythms, songs that are hard-edged and gritty. As embarrassed as I am to say it, "Eye of the Tiger" is the song that works best because it's precisely all of those things. The audience, despite what I feared, was very attentive and quiet. But maybe we were just all of us in a stupor.
Did I mention it's dull? Part of the problem -- mea culpa -- is that Andy Karl just ain't a star. He's a lovely -- there's that word again -- accomplished performer who gets the job done, but -- as the woman in the row ahead of me said to her friend -- "something's missing." Maybe he was having an off night -- he sounds very tired -- but you're waiting for the electricity to happen and it never does. At least not from him. Margo Seibert is superb and has the true powerhouse number, but the show isn't called "Adrian."
As noted, the production is enormous and works well, particularly in its use of projections. But the sight lines in the Winter Garden are indeed dismal, not helped by a design that's all right angles and direction that plays far too much upstage. The fight sequence is truly amazing, and it's impossible to not leave the theater on an enormous high. But you have to sit through a helluva lot of mediocrity for that final 20 minute payoff.
Kudos, BTW, to Apollo Creed understudy Okieriete Onaodowan who nailed the role, including the fight choreography. Not sure if he's gone on before, but he did a splendid job.
Updated On: 2/25/14 at 02:01 PM
I also saw the show Monday night. The problem with the show is how to do you successfully musicalise:
1. A character who is extremely stupid.
- Rocky is very stupid, endearingly so. In the movie, he didn't really have any eloquence, which is probably the quickest way people gauge whether someone is stupid or not.
- One way to musicalise this is to give him stupid lyrics. "My nose aint broken" definitely fits. But do stupid lyrics make a good musical?
- By the time Rocky is singing ballads, the act one closer etc.. he just seems like a different character than in the movie to me. In the movie Rocky was a true underdog who hasn't achieved anything in life and doesn't have much opportunity for success. With the amount of language he uses in the musical, Rocky just doesn't seem stupid enough to have the same effect.
2. A character that, at least initially, barely talks.
- I loved Adrian's act one and act two songs and can't wait for the inevitable recording. But again, by virtue of giving her so much language the character has changed. In the movie, she has barely spoken a word by the time Rocky is knocking on her door asking her out. But in the musical, we are given too much insight. It's easy to understand though - I don't think it would work if she was as silent as she was in the film until the act two song, either. What can they do?
The musical is impressively staged, and I don't think the score is terrible. But to me if there was ever a "why" musical this is it. I enjoyed it for what it is.
Also, I had the displeasure of sitting in the golden circle - I felt like a nuisance having an entire theatre of people wait for what felt like an eternity to be taken up stage. I imagine this process will be a bit smoother in the future. Having to sit around a bunch of overweight American 'bros' shout "Go Rocky" as if the fight was real made me cringe so much.....and it's exactly why this show is going to be a hit.
" Rocky just doesn't seem stupid enough to have the same effect. "
That's because no one looks as stupid as Stallone does.
Seeing it tonight.
I am seeing it for a second time tonight. Going in with a different mindset. Also, regarding the time it takes get people onstage, it doesn't seem really long with everything going on.
I had a good time! Very entertaining show, and YES, I want to be entertained. The first act whizzed by. In fact the whole show whizzed by.
Andy Karl was excellent. I think he was the prefect choice for the role. He's lovable on stage and off. The role is so physically demanding, though, that I don't see how he can do it several times/week.
The songs were okay but only one stands out as my favorite and that one is Raining. Beautiful song and sung by a beautiful voice.
The sets were fine and of course the piece de resistance is the ring. The audience taking to the stage and the following maneuvers with the set were done quickly and smoothly.
No , it wasn't the best show I ever saw, but I'd be surprised if it didn't have a good run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
Saw the show tonight, can't add much, though I liked a lot of the music in the numbers (I've always felt that he is more talented than she) but the only lyric that really landed for me was Mickey's number. I would have probably liked "I'm Done" if I had actually cared about Adrian's relationship with her brother.
Speaking of Adrian, I went in expecting to love Margot Seibert and the gal just left me cold. I kept thinking, wow, what if they had cast Melissa van der Skyff or Cristin Miloti. But even Margot's voice (that vibrato!) didn't do it for me. However, I loved Andy Karl. I loved how he created a character outside of Stallone's. As much as he could he really made the part his own.
Thought the fight sequence was amazingly well directed. In every way.
A PA came out and said tonight the show was "new" as they had just rehearsed a new version of the show and were putting it in tonight. I don't know what was different in the scenes, but the only song difference was a number called "Philly Pie" which was in the program was not in the show.
Updated On: 2/25/14 at 11:54 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
theatergoer3, thank you for answering my question. Appreciated.
There is no song in place of Philly Pie, not sure if that question had a confirmed answer yet... and if they did add one it was gone tonight. Show went smoothly tonight, no technical stops, malfunctions or delays, other than the missing screen. Intermission was exactly 20 minutes and I was outside by 10:35. And just clarifying: that was the associate director, not a PA.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/05
I saw the show for the second time tonight and enjoyed it much more. I think where you sit has a lot to do with it. Last week and for act 1 tonight I was in rear orchestra. For act 2 I went up to the mezzanine. I was much more engaged there as I could see a lot better and for the fight it isthe perfect seat.
The songs still didn't resonate that much with me tho I really liked Fight from the Heart and Keep on standing sung by Andy Karl and I'm Done sung by Margo Seibert. I also liked Ny Nose Aibt Broken a lot more. The rest of them not so much andi don't think that will change.
I was also able to see the scenery and the sets much better from the mezz and I really liked them. I loved how they moved around in the training montage.
I still think it will be a hit because it is Rocky, but Andy Karl is doing an absolutely fantastic job in the role. I still see a few of his other roles in Rocky, but that is because they were similar characters to Rocky to a degree.
I will be seeing it again so will see what other changes they make before it opens March 13 and then I will see it afterwards also.
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/09
Sorry to be this guy, but I was given seat A-2 in the orchestra by Audience Rewards and I was wondering if anybody had sat there : would you consider it obstructed? To be honest, I am not dying to see the show, so if it's a bad seat, I'd rather go see something else as I'm coming from quite far. Thanks, guys!
Has anyone sat towards the back of the Orchestra in the center? That's where my seats are when I go next month.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
The issues with this show seemed to be how far to the side one sits, not how far back. You should be fine.
Stand-by Joined: 8/23/12
sadephram: A-2 would be in the front row just off the center aisle on the side (unless the Winter Garden has a few rows labelled AA, BB, CC). It's a completely unobstructed view, but you'll be as close to the acton as you can get. I personally find that to be TOO close, as it necessitates looking up at the stage. When people are at the lip, they kind of hover over you. You certainly won't miss anything.
Updated On: 2/26/14 at 01:08 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
A2 is really close! You'll be standing for the big fight.
I originally had Row C Seat 2 through Audience Rewards for the cancelled first preview. I was re-seated on Feb 18 in Row H Seat 2 which was a fantastic seat compared to Row C. I was one row away from the ring but to the side on the aisle so I was able to stay seated for the fight.
Mid to rear Orchestra, in my opinion, is the best location to sit for this show. Second best would be front mezzanine and third, the Golden Circle… for the experience!
The stage is not high if that is what you are worried about.
Updated On: 2/26/14 at 02:00 PM
I am seeing the last preview from the last row of the mezzanine. I am very excited to see this one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
Were you re-seated by theater management? Or by Audience Rewards? Curious because I have one of those I'll-have-to-stand-to-see-anything seats coming up in late March through Audience Rewards. Thanks.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
For Mamaleh - I think the reseating was a combination of Audience Rewards and the producers. When the cancellation was first announced I was told by AR that they would refund me the points and cash I paid for the ticket. Then, the next day I receive a call from Audience Rewards saying that since it was the producers' decision to cancel the show, they would honor my ticket purchase and re-seat me for the 17, 18 or 19th. I chose the 18th and they confirmed they could get me a seat, which turned out to be better than the first.
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/09
Thanks everyone for your input. I still can't decide if I want to see this or something else. The Audience Rewards deal was great, though...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
I sat in Row L Seat 28 and I lost a lot of stuff that was happening extreme Stage Left. Did not see anything of Adrian's bedroom for instance, until the set moved right slightly.
I saw the show Monday night and am just now getting around to reviewing it.
The crowd around me seemed to be very excited and there were definitely some hardcore fans of the movie who don't typically attend the theatre. Overall though everyone was well-behaved and it wasn't the circus I thought it would be. That obviously could change post-opening, especially over the summer.
I'll start with the good. The sets are incredibly impressive. They're not exactly pretty but they capture the essence of an industrial, downtrodden neighborhood well enough and it's clear where the money in this show went. The pet store set is absolutely gorgeous with the projected tanks and it's impressive how technically everything moved so quickly and effortlessly. Definitely some of the better tech work I've seen recently.
The show also starts with a rousing ensemble number. "Ain't Down Yet" is actually a great way to open the show and the initial fight choreography was captivating. As soon as the ensemble trots off the stage and we're no longer immersed in sweeping sets, the show grinds to a halt.
Andy Karl delivers an uneven performance at best. In some scenes, his efforts to imitate Stallone fail incredibly flat. The accent, the mannerisms, it all seems incredibly inorganic and jarring. When he isn't imitating him, Karl fares better, but that's not the Rocky the audience is paying to see and it he'll quickly snap back into a third rate impression. I can only imagine how complicated this makes singing some of these, alternating between accents and different voices. It doesn't help that every number he's given as a solo is really trite with some incredibly juvenile lyrics. The songs also do nothing to advance the story. "Fight from the Heart", "Keep on Standing," "Adrian" all say just about nothing and are completely unmemorable.
Margo Seibert, on the other hand, does a wonderful job with the material she has. Her Adrian is a bit changed for the stage, but it all works well. She's also given some of the score's best songs. "Raining" and "I'm Done" are both beautiful numbers. Her voice soars and she's one of the brightest spots of the production. I have no idea how she hasn't gotten more work. The only problem with "I'm Done" is that there's almost no stake the audience has in her relationship with her brother. Paulie trots on and off the stage and stumbles around drunkenly but there's no real character development so "I'm Done" is largely a wasted number.
Terrence Archie was out and his understudy was fine in what was another poorly written role. He also got the most cringeworthy embarrassing number of the night, "Patriotic." No idea how that campy, out of place and unnecessary number is still in the show.
Dakin Matthews is good as Mickey and while his "In the Ring" number is a bit superfluous, it actually works as one of the show's few endearing, deeper moments.
The show is certainly strongest during the ensemble numbers. The "Eye of the Tiger" montage was well staged and even exhilarating. My only issue: those steps looked nothing like the steps at the PMA. The audience ate that part up though and also loved any nods to the movie.
The finale is entertaining enough and the transition didn't feel too long with all of the entrances and dialogue occurring simultaneously. It was thrilling when the ring moved forward and the fight was choreographed brilliantly. In the end though, this is certainly, as others have stated ad nauseum, a why musical. The score is bland, the performances (besides Seibert) are uneven at best. Only in the ensemble and fight numbers does the show truly take off and that only represents about 1/4 to 1/3 of the show. For my time and money, seeing the movie again would have been the better decision.