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Rocky the musical

#1Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:02am

Ok so I know it's late. But I just need to know peoples thoughts on the show. I want to give it a chance but for some reason it irks me. The set looks awesome, but I'm scared to spend my money on it. Thoughts?

haterobics Profile Photo
#2Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:18am

Rocky Reviews

bwaylyric Profile Photo
#2Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:19am

You won't be scared to spend money on HOLLER IF YOU HEAR ME. You'll actually get more bang for your buck.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#3Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:21am

Enjoyed it thoroughly. Has its detractors as do most shows.

Poster Emeritus

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#4Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:30am

I enjoyed myself, but found the whole thing to be rather bland minus the technical elements. If I was recommending a show, Rocky would be pretty far down the list.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

tazber Profile Photo
#5Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 6:26am

Andy Karl and the last 15 minutes are amazing.

Everything else from the score to the supporting cast were thoroughly mediocre.

I was never bored though. And in the end I enjoyed it more than most other new musicals from last season.

Most people know who have seen it love it however, including one specific individual whose opinion I always respect.

....but the world goes 'round

James885 Profile Photo
#6Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 9:54am

I haven't seen the show yet but for those who have, do you think it'll ever tour? Is it tour-able? Many reviews here and elsewhere state the boxing match at the end is the best part of the show, but it seems highly unlikely that they'd be able to stage it on tour the way it's done on Broadway.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#7Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:04am

I have a very hard time seeing this touring with the current set. I think this will be like Spider-Man in that a tour is not plausible, practical, or warranted (based on the demand for the show on Broadway).

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#8Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:19am

I could see this working in Vegas based on name recognition.

Poster Emeritus

GilmoreGirlO2 Profile Photo
#9Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:20am

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed “Rocky”. Andy Karl is wonderful and charming and elevates the material (although I found the material fairly solid on its own). The show has a lot of heart, is entertaining, has great performances, and the final boxing sequence is really something not-to-be missed. It’s wonderful theatrical moment that I will never forget.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#10Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:38am

The maligned score fits the story perfectly and the staging is first rate. The score while not great is modestly enjoyable.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 7/10/14 at 10:38 AM

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#11Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:54am

Instead of closing, they should instead do a "10 shows a day" presentation of just the last 15-20 minutes.

They could have hourly showings, starting at noon, ending at 10PM. Sure, too many shows for Andy et al to handle, but they could utilize the understudy(ies) or train others to do the part.

Charge 25% of what they wanted to get for the whole show, sell lots of merch, they might yet recoup!

IAMWHATIAM Profile Photo
#12Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 12:10pm

I found it to be a total caricature and thought it was mediocre, at best, in almost all categories. Yet, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, while at the same time making a bit of fun of how campy it was. Having said that, I would (and have) totally recommend it. The theatrical/technical/spectacle aspects are, to me, certainly worth the price of admission.

Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love

#13Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 4:56pm

I have seen Rocky numerous times and I thoroughly enjoy it. Andy Karl is magnificent (yes I am a huge fan) in the role. The supporting cast, Margo, Dakin, Danny and Terence are all wonderful also. And as everyone else has said rhe fight at the end is fantastic!! It is not to be missed!!!

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#14Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 6:21pm

I loved it. Saw it last month when I was in New York. I'm heading back in November and am hoping to have time to see it again. They have rush tickets available for $35. If you are a tdf member it's on there all the time, so your ticket would be $49. I say go.

jnb9872 Profile Photo
#15Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 7:27pm

Not only do I agree that the show is likely not tourable due to the set requirements, but I also think it'd be well-suited for Vegas because of the benefits (in this case) of cutting about 45 mins to get it down to the Vegas 90 and ending with the fight. It would maybe even be an improvement overall!

The set is in an interesting dilemma, because the actual mechanics of moving the ring are pretty easy, it's the variability of touring to different houses that has to be the catch. Different stage heights/row dimensions/seating arrangements... they'd have to do a lot of work at each stop to make it worth it, most likely more than possible.

Words don't deserve that kind of malarkey. They're innocent, neutral, precise, standing for this, describing that, meaning the other, so if you look after them you can build bridges across incomprehension and chaos. But when they get their corners knocked off, they're no good anymore…I don't think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.

JayG  2 Profile Photo
JayG 2
#16Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 9:28pm

Never expected to like a musical version of Rocky, but I did like it quite a lot. I've seen it twice so far and it really is a solid musical with an unjustly maligned score. Karl deserved the Tony and no one will convince me otherwise. I think a lot of the venom spewed on this site toward Rocky might be because it is such a heterosexual story. To paraphrase an early critique of Oklahoma: No camp, no gays, no chance.
And please don't jump on your high horses and call me a homophobe. I'm gay but do not evaluate shows on their gay quotient. Sorry.

Wickedlover56 Profile Photo
#17Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 9:52pm

The show sucks. Find it interesting how so many people have loved it. The score is tuneless, the book is plodding, and the set is hideous. Just because the set is gigantic and expensive does not make it good. Andy Karl is the only bright spot in the show. The last 20 minutes are the only time I enjoyed the show, and it wasn't even that well written of a scene. The show is absolutely awful. The show does not do the great movie justice.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#18Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 9:57pm

An opinion not shared by all.

Poster Emeritus

haterobics Profile Photo
#19Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 9:59pm

Oh boy, Roxy is putting the gloves on again to defend his show against Lord Brantley and all other comers...

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#20Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:00pm

Typically, when a poster shares their feelings about a show, it's their opinion. No need to keep saying it's not an opinion shared by all.

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#21Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/10/14 at 10:17pm

The incredibly intricate set and the great cast are the only two things I enjoyed about Rocky. My main issue with the show was that I really couldn't connect with the score. Walking out of the theatre, I couldn't remember a single song. To me, the melodies were bland and the lyrics were banal.


Did anyone else find the footage projected on the screens showing the news coverage (particularly during the fight) to be rather anachronistic? It all would look perfectly appropriate on television today. I personally would've liked to have seen footage that looked more suitable for a show set in the 70's. Updated On: 7/10/14 at 10:17 PM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#22Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/11/14 at 2:26am

I thought it was all pretty boring. And as someone sitting in the Mez, I found the last 15 minutes to be pretty boring. Watching an entire section of the audience relocate to the stage while a bunch of sport casters were talking about a fight I didn't care about.. I found it all pretty boring. Seeing them literally construct the ring was not that fascinating. And the fight felt VERY fake to me. I wasn't concerned for anyone. And there are Rocky sequel movies, so you know he's going to win. There's no dramatic tension. As for the actual show: it sucks. The songs are terrible. Adriana has the best material, while Rocky has the worst. Their relationship isn't developed at all, and I couldn't help but think what they saw in each other. I didn't feel any spark or anything. The whole thing was an overblown mess. It's fun to look at, but that's it. The ensemble is fine, but why every song had to be in unison is beyond me. "Eye of the Tiger" was so boring.

Luscious Profile Photo
#23Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/11/14 at 2:33am

It's everything that's wrong with Broadway today, and then some. Complete crap. Can't believe it's still running. (Actually, I can.) It should have closed before it opened.

Updated On: 7/11/14 at 02:33 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#24Rocky the musical
Posted: 7/11/14 at 3:37am

"And the fight felt VERY fake to me. I wasn't concerned for anyone. And there are Rocky sequel movies, so you know he's going to win."

This does beg the question... who do you think won?
