I much prefer Square One as the title for this piece. Here We Are is a bit neither here nor there for me, and doesn’t stick. Square One would have been perfect.
Updated On: 10/29/23 at 02:52 PM
Apologies if this has already been posted: From the Hollywood Reporter
ljay889 said: "Sondheim named it Square One prematurely without Ives and Mantello's approval. They said in the Vulture article that the title "Here We Are" was always in play as well."
This reminds me of Sondheim's preference (as stated in Look, I Made a Hat) of the title Get Rich Quick! for his frequently renamed penultimate musical. Weidman and the director-du-jour always overruled him.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/28/19
kdogg36 said: "ljay889 said: "Sondheim named it Square One prematurely without Ives and Mantello's approval. They said in the Vulture article that the title "Here We Are" was always in play as well."
This reminds me of Sondheim's preference (as stated inLook, I Made a Hat) of the titleGet Rich Quick!for his frequently renamed penultimate musical. Weidman and the director-du-jour always overruled him."
I was reminded of that as well. In fact, when it was revealed that Sondheim announced that title without his collaborators’ approval, I wondered if it was his was of trying to force their hand. (Not that I think someone who prizes collaboration as much as Sondheim did would have done so, but it’s an amusing thought.)
I prefer Square One as a title as well, not only because it’s more descriptive of the show than Here We Are, but also because it just seems like a great title for a musical.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
I do agree that Square One seems to be a more interesting title objectively than Here We Are, but after seeing the show, I think Here We Are fits better thematically (IMO all the Square One references within the script felt a little clunky, like they were putting extra emphasis on it, though I saw it early in previews so maybe that got better). I do wish they had a slightly different title that was easier to remember/more "catchy", but I do think it fits the show well, even if it isn't great for marketing purposes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I think Here We Are works well on two levels. It is the common expression people use when they arrive at a destination (well, here we are) and it is the common expression people use to describe the reality of a situation (so ... here we are), both of which reflect the plot of the show.
I don’t believe this is a coincidence either.
“We’re here. On earth, most likely…..That means something, that we’re here……….or not, depending on who you read. So we’re here on possibly earth for a time… and other people etc….and we live our lives and then we die and spend eternity with god or go to hell. If there happens to be one. Or else, we pass into complete nothingness. A total void for ever and ever that we are actually unaware of because we’re not here anymore. The end.
Nothing yet on a cast recording?
Its got to happen, right?
Should have been recorded already. Even if they decide to bring it to Broadway the music won’t change so why not record it now?
Swing Joined: 8/20/23
Can anyone tell me what is it that Marrianne wanted to do and then did?
Please and thanks
Chorus Member Joined: 5/28/19
I have to imagine the show will get a recording. This is beyond wishful thinking, but it would be nice if the album included a bonus track of the song Sondheim wrote for All Together Now; David Ives mentions it in the Frank Rich piece. It might be a nice supplement to round out the album given how little singing there is in the second act (though I would hope some of the underscoring also gets recorded, as it's wonderful). It would also be nice if the album included the exit music, which is gorgeous. The last thirty seconds or so of the exit music suite in particular have a grandeur to them that almost feels like Tunick's good-bye to Sondheim.
Speaking of Jonathan Tunick, I haven't seen his bio remarked upon. It's hilarious, given his notorious troubles with Paul Gemignani:
Jonathan Tunick was Stephen Sondheim's orchestrator of choice, scoring almost all of his musicals. He is pleased to be participating in this final chapter, and to be arguing with yet another generation of Gemignanis.
This was a choice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
quizking101 said: "This was a choice.
Buying a ticket to the final Sondheim show only to walk out at intermission because you "heard" the second act was "underwhelming".
Why am I not surprised this person pays for Twitter?
quizking101 said: "This was a choice.
I certainly would have never done that myself for half a dozen different reasons, but I get it.
If you've read enough feedback that the first half of "Here We Are" is great and the second half is... respectable - why not leave on a high note?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
The craziest part is he left to see Titanique for the second time! I love Titanique but what??
His theatre takes are...interesting.
quizking101 said: "This was a choice.
tragic lol
I think I'm in the minority, but I preferred the second act.
nasty_khakis said: "The craziest part is he left to see Titanique for the second time! I love Titanique but what??
His theatre takes are...interesting."
He also followed up to point out he paid $354 for his Here We Are ticket.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
Jonathan Cohen said: "quizking101 said: "This was a choice.
I certainly would have never done that myself for half a dozen different reasons, but I get it.
If you've read enough feedback that the first half of "Here We Are" is great and the second half is... respectable - why not leave on a high note?"
Because you've only seen half of a work of art?
If someone deliberately chose to only read half of a novel or listen to a few tracks from an album would you trust them to have a valid judgement on it? Or would you value at all the judgement of someone who would cut and run on something because they heard they might not enjoy the rest as much?
It's totally asinine, especially at these prices. Arguably, it's an insult.
Understudy Joined: 5/11/22
quizking101 said: "This was a choice.
Wow.....that was an embarrassing thing for him to admit publicly. Real clown antics.
KevinKlawitter said: If someone deliberately chose to only read half of a novel or listen to a few tracks from an album would you trust them to have a valid judgement on it? Or would you value atallthe judgement of someone who would cut and run on something because theyheard they mightnot enjoy the rest as much?
It's totally asinine, especially at these prices. Arguably, it's an insult."
No, I wouldn't ask for a recommendation from someone who didn't see the second half of Here We Are on how it was but also this person wasn't giving that. He saw the first half of Here We Are, loved it, and that was enough for him.
If that's how he wants to experience art, the specific is a quirky decision, but we all do it to some extent. Like I've seen many TV shows, loved them, and never made it to the end of a series. Sometimes, it's because I've read a review that says the series went downhill, other times I really liked the show, but not enough to devote 50 hours of my life to it.
Personally, I saw all of Here We Are, loved the first half and the second half didn't do that much for me. I'd happily see the entire show again, but I have a hunch this guy did make the right decision for his priorities.
Jonathan Cohen said: "nasty_khakis said: "The craziest part is he left to see Titanique for the second time! I love Titanique but what??
His theatre takes are...interesting."
He also followed up to point out he paid$354 for his Here We Are ticket."
I think this is what burned me the most. What irks me more than anything else is just the PRIVILEGE behind buying a $300+ ticket for a hard to see show and then purposely PLAN to leave at intermission to see something you have already seen before
Got Rush tickets yesterday at 9:20 after trying for All the Devils Are Here until sell out for the first 15 mins of the 9am hour. Whoever suggested to just keep clicking until the system says all tickets are sold out is correct. I was given left GG which someone clearly pulled and dumped due to the sight lines, so thank you whoever dropped them as this show was not top of my list to pay pull price for.
I went in blind but knowing this was not pulling rave reviews. The show is definitely unconventional and a number of people at intermission were left wanting to like it but unsure. I heard a “I don’t know how to feel” and saw someone typing to a friend “hopefully Act 2 is better”. Act 1 was cute but I feel like Act 2 really solidifies the purpose of the piece. Reading the playbill and seeing Sondheim not wanting his work to sound derivative - to me it felt like he wanted to write the anti-conventional musical. Here is where “x” should happen and instead it doesn’t; no payoff for narratives where there usually would be. He almost plays with his characters, like messing around with dolls in a dollhouse with the surrealism. Maybe it’s more the play write or the authors of the source material than Sondheim but he definitely leaned into it.
The play can only progress when they do the lines right and there is no progression otherwise. There is no food at any of the restaurants because they are in a play and even when there is food, it’s stage food. Stepping forward to sing a line but then having nothing to say (like the in play “writer” writing them nothing). The viewer goes along with the conceit of a play but then the play throws it back, saying “it’s a play!” There is no real world for these characters as there is nothing beyond the scenes in the play.
It’s a very interesting concept and I enjoyed it more so after when I could digest it than during. It’s a great piece. This will not appeal to the tourist crowd looking for an easy escapism afternoon. Which is also funny as I feel like the “I just want things to shine, to be what they seem like but not as they are” also pokes fun at the big shiny musicals with no substance.
Maybe I’m stating the obvious to this crowd but haven’t seen any of this mentioned yet.
Also had a beautiful post show walk on the High Line at night with no one up there. Highly recommend.
I arrived late for the Sunday matinee a week ago.
There were 6 comfy stools to choose from in front of a color monitor. Act 1 was lovely.
But I much preferred Act 2 INSIDE the theatre.