Swing Joined: 7/28/09
Wow, they really did change so much. Sad they took so much away from Teal.
And it kinda got buried in my first post - does sjb still sing the way of love? That was such a good moment
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
If Teal had so much more than she has now, she was very lead to the show LOL
Yes. She still does "The Way of Love" and it is still a powerhouse number for SJB. I could be wrong but it sounded a tad lower than it did in Chicago (I could be dead wrong). It loses a bit of the impact because she's been such a presence in Act 2 by that point (whereas this was her first big # in the prior version). Gone is the bit where she takes over and says, "I've been waiting all night for this, it's MY turn . . ."
They've also expanded the scene with Altman a bit (not a lot) to discuss how important it is for actors to show "love".
I wish they had worked on improving/clarifying the complex but interesting concept they had in Chicago. I thought it set it apart from other Jukebox/Bio musicals. It looks like the key phrase for Broadway changes was "MAKE IT SIMPLE." The opening is now full-on camp and SJB is now in full impersonation mode. Having seen the very first preview in Chicago and seeing this new updated version last night, I wish the final product landed somewhere closer to original vision.
Swing Joined: 7/28/09
MadsonMelo said: "If Teal had so much more than she has now, she was very lead to the show LOL"
Teal was previously Cher through all of her marriage to Greg Allman, and SJB took over when Cher started acting. There was simply more of a balance between the Cher’s, whereas it now seems SJB is undeniably the lead (and rightfully so tbh, though Teal and Micaela are both wonderful)
Since the Cher hand-offs aren’t as official now, Teal appears more throughout the show. She sings Half Breed (w SJB) and they also added “A House Divided” which she sings w Sonny. The character that has lost the most stage time is Rob Camiletti.
Without the variety show framing device, does the title “The Cher Dhow” make as much sense? I mean, I know it’s a show about Cher, but that’s pretty basic.
Not really. It still opens with the theme song at the very top but then it goes right into Turn Back Time.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/1/14
Could someone please post a picture of the song list? Thanx a lot!!
Swing Joined: 7/28/09
kofler22 said: "Could someone please post a picture of the song list? Thanx a lot!!"
There won't be one until opening night, when the show is frozen
There was no song list in Chicago either. So happy to hear that they are giving more to Stephanie, she needs to be more front and center. Seeing the first performance and the press preview, they made minor changes: "The Way of Love" was added and some other songs were removed. Would really love to come to NYC to see the finished product!
I'm sure it's never even been considered, but has ONE BY ONE been added into the show by some miracle?
I also would like to point out that When The Money's Gone is a terrible addition. The music and lyrics are SO pedestrian to add that into the show. That song has always been pure cheese and no one I know considers that "a Cher song"...
Some of these changes they've made sound legitimately AWFUL. I really had hopes they'd get this thing together, not tear it down. They still have time, but it sounds like this took two steps back so there's even more work to do now. Now I miss the Chicago version...
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
I think with a little Change here and there they will have a good musical.
It’s not transcendent but never would be tho.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
If I’m not mistaken, it’s Cher and Sonny (?)
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/18
Marlothom said: "Gone is also the AWESOME slower/stripped down version of Believe by SJB - if you didn't see this, you missed out."
thats insane. that was literally one of, if not THE best number in the show. what one earthhhhhhhh.
for those that didnt see it, the Ella Hendricks UK X Factor version of believe comes close.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/18
RippedMan said: "No ballad “Believe?!” Heartbroken."
ripped, this comes kinda close, but shes no SJB
"thats insane. that was literally one of, if not THE best number in the show. what one earthhhhhhhh."
I agree - and it seems like at the press preview they didn't have "The Way of Love" which is another show-stopper, though they've now added it. I worry they are trying to make the show "happy" and "poppy" and losing all the emotional moments we had in Chicago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
Love that people knows Ella, when I read about the slow Believe it was the first thing that popped in my mind lol
Isn’t Believe Cher’s biggest hit? If they truly cut that gorgeous ballad I’m shocked. Both times it brought tears to my eyes.
In Chicago Teal was the weakest link. I’m not surprised they cut her back and altered her material. Diamond and SJB are magnetic.
I’m sad to hear someone saying SJB has gone full camp. She didn’t do that in Chicago but she was purely Cher. She nailed Cher’s walk, gait, mannerisms, the way she held her body and the cadence of voice without the tongue and head flip crap. I hope that hasn’t changed.
I’m glad they gave Georgia another song. Skinner is a highlight of the show.
And shame on folks for ruining the Lucy surprise by posting about it. It was a nice little Easter egg in the show.
Swing Joined: 7/28/09
Truly, the Believe ballad was so beautiful and gorgeous, but I can see it not fitting in this new retooling. I do really love the idea of "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me" being the crescendo of the story. But damn, I really wish that Believe ballad could be in there. The last time I saw the show in Chicago, that song got two full rounds of applause. It was insane.
SPOILERS: They've added sailors (just for a moment) in Turn Back Time and Cher does an Infomercial.
I saw it last night and agree with every word Whizzer wrote!
And, is there anything Stephanie J. Block can't do?!
SO much fun. I've had a Cher playlist on all day. And I definitely plan to see it again!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
When you think about it, having both Haven’t Seen and Believe as ballads for SJB one right after the other wouldn’t work.
And while Believe is her biggest hit, it’s mostly known for its groundbreaking dance style.
Haven’t Seen gained a Standing Ovation before the end of the show and it actually means a lot at that point for Cher’s entire career. I would say it suits this better than Believe.
Especially cuz Believe was wrote about Sonny and maybe singing in full ballad mode would give even more importance to him. While Haven’t is 100% about Cher.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
Groundbreaking dance style? Are you kidding me?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
I wrote wrongfully, I was referring to the autorize, not the genre itself.
Chill, geez