Seeing it on Tuesday, after seeing it 5x in Chicago. My wishlist: that they expand Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves; that they keep Lucille Ball; that they re-focused Dark Lady. Finally, more Mackie Costumes - this # should get a standing O every night.
Saw it twice in Chicago and enjoyed it, but it needed work. I hope they actually worked on making it better, rather than pretending like most shows seem to do.
Any reports from tonight?
Did no one go tonight?
I heard they’ve added sailors?
I normally don’t care too much for jukebox musicals- bio or otherwise- but The Cher Show totally won me over. It’s not perfect (some scenes of dialogue drag here and there), but if judged against the other entries in its genre, this is like frickin’ Follies.
There isn’t much in the way of set pieces- just the usually moving LED walls that often show up in this fare- but what they didn’t spend on sets, they more than made for on the zillion they spent on wigs and the two zillion they spent on costumes. The much ballyhooed fashion show IS orgasmic and definitely out Loveland-ed Loveland in the last revival.
One of the keys to Cher Show’s success is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Cher is able to laugh at herself, and her show follows suit.
During Sonny’s funeral, Cher (Block) is having a conversation with ghost Sonny. She asks if he’s really dead and he says yeah, I guess I just wasn’t able to duck fast enough, to which she quips back, “How short was that tree?”
During an argument amongst the three Chers, Block throws a slap and says “Snap out of it,” to which the other Cher responds, “Wait did you just quote your own movie?”
Also, unlike Summer, Motown, On Your Feet, etc, Cher doesn’t try to make a case that she revolutionized music or the music industry. She was just a gal who liked to sing and wanted to become famous. Most jukebox musicals spend a lot of time trying to convince us how IMPORTANT their subjects are, whereas Cher comes across as more influential and powerful by playing it cool and low-key.
As for the performers, however much Block is getting paid, it isn’t enough. Act One showed her doing a flawless impression and the Act Two gave her some meat to bite into. Always loved her, but this was star power. Brava.
I was also impressed by Wicks and quite taken by Diamond. Good solid work. And unlike in Summer, they utilized the three Chers much better. They also allowed them to mostly sing full songs rather than the snippets/medleys we usually get. Songs actually do have second verses, bridges and multiple choruses!
This will be a big fat hit. Perfect for the ladies and the gays. The ensemble has the zero percent body fat rule like American Psycho had a few seasons ago. With all the skin shown, some numbers are ready made for Broadway Bares.
Thanks for the review, WhizzerMarvin. This is the first time I’ve come close to seriously contemplating seeing the show.
Whizzer should be writing for The New York Times!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
Was at the first preview and agree with Whizzer!
First, the word for this production would be “kitsch”, not in a literal way, but in a very Cher way of being.
Have to say that the Book was very good in my opinion. He basically set the tone of the production as if It was really Cher speaking the entire thing. And by doing this, it’s a light but right show when people are not singing.
The entire cast is amazing, but have single out Jarrod Spector as a perfect Sonny. And, course, J. Block finally gets the leading role that will change her career. She’a everything and a little more, everyone standing up for her during You haven't seen the last of me was so freaking amazing.
Why people complained about Dark Lady? It was one of the most beautiful done and louded numbers of the night.
Have to say that finishing the show Vegas style made the already different view of the biopic-jukebox even more great.
Bob Mackie’s dress parade was a blast!
It’s not life changing by any means, but I thought it was a well crafted (if yet flawed) fun night at theater, enjoying the legacy of a true iconic legend.
And have I talked about Stephanie J Block? I mean, what a course! I’m totally rooting and think she will get the Tony!
She did it, bi**ches!
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/07
BrodyFosse123 said: "Though I'm attending Opening Night and intended asthat being theday I see the show I'm now planning on seeing it next week. My excitement for its Broadway arrival started when a few weeks ago I happened to be crossing W. 52nd Street as the showwas loading in so thesidewalk was crowded with lightning boxes/cases/trunks and the huge LED panels were spread out on the street in front of the Neil Simon Theatre. The backstage door was wide open so you could seethe crew building the lighting rigs on stage, etc. You could feel a certain electricity in the air. I genuinely mean that."
Withholding comments till a few weeks into the run when I see Lady Cher (x3) again.
I am interested in hearing what changes they’ve made between now and the latter out-of-town performances.
"And, course, J. Block finally gets the leading role that will change her career."
Her career isn't too shabby.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
Sonia&Vernon said: "Have they kept the Lucille Ball scene?"
Yes. And it gets a big laugh.
South Florida said: ""And, course, J. Block finally gets the leading role that will change her career."
Her career isn't too shabby."
They didn’t say that. They said it’ll change her career, launching her into something new.
Stand-by Joined: 8/24/12
Hmmm have to disagree with most of whats been said here. While I liked the concept of the three Cher's and the way they SHARED each other's storylines and helped each other out, offering advice etc. I found the writing to be incredibly juvenile and what I like to call "bitch kitsch". And while the concept is very cool, it still was a pretty basic this happened and this happened and this happened. I also feel like the book was quite intimate for a big musical and in some cases that works, but not here.
The Bob Mackie fashion show IS a blast...but should have/could have been longer. Can't remember the name of the number but theres a dance in Act Two and the solo dancer in that number steals the show. She was amaaaaaazing.
I usually agree with Whizzer's reviews so I have a feeling maybe I'm in the minority. I just didn't have a blast which is what I wanted from THE CHER SHOW!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"Did they keep the Robert Altman scene?"
" Can't remember the name of the number but theres a dance in Act Two and the solo dancer in that number steals the show. She was amaaaaaazing."
Dark Lady?
Understudy Joined: 7/26/18
Important Question: Do they have a fun and sassy themed cocktail at the bar? If so, what is it?
Thanks Whizzer for a very entertaining review! We have tix for the preview in 2 weeks and again, after it opens during Christmas Week! ....and I can't wait! (You had me at "fashion show" and "bazillion dollar costumes"...
I can even forgive the semi spoilers on the one liners but I CAN'T WAIT!!!
We saw SJB in Drood and also as Reno in Anything Goes; she really is so terrific! I hope she makes a bazillion dollars on this show!!
Swing Joined: 5/4/18
I saw this show last night and I have to be quite honest..I loved it! I have been following this show since it was announced last season and paid very close attention to it in Chicago. What I saw last night was a very different show than the one in Chicago. The whole "variety show" story was cut and it's just about her life and the three Cher's tell the story. I think what made this enjoyable was not only the amazing performances, costumes, and music but the fact that the Cher's were able to mock themselves in true Cher fashion. The only problem I had was the set, but what they lack in a set makes up for the costumes. I think that the show is really strong and has a ton of potential.
All three ladies who play Cher have her mannerisms down to a T. It was scary good. The same goes with Sonny. Jarrod literally embodies Sonny. Stephanie J. Block is a powerhouse and got a mid-show standing ovation during "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me." Truly amazing. I'm hoping to see this show quite a few more times before opening and can't wait to see what gets fixed. It truly is great. Perhaps one of the greatest jukebox musicals...You can tell the creative team and Cher wanted to do this right.
I'm saddened to hear there is a lack of a set, but I'm excited to see this. Was kind of hoping it would be "big" and "lavish."
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
It is in a different way
The led walls are massive, imo
Do we have a full song list? (Feel free to put it in a spoiler box if need be)