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THE COLOR PURPLE Movie Musical - News & Discussion Thread- Page 23

THE COLOR PURPLE Movie Musical - News & Discussion Thread

#550COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/15/23 at 4:55pm

marytylermoore said: 

Spoiler here, but in the movie, I'm Here begins with "I got my sister" and the intro is cut."

I don't miss those first 45 seconds, tbh

Dark Gable
#551COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/17/23 at 8:28pm

Spoiler here, but in the movie, I'm Here begins with "I got my sister" and the intro is cut."

Just out of curiosity, what made you decide to share this information?

#552COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/17/23 at 9:10pm

Someone literally asked the question

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#553COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/17/23 at 9:50pm

Taraji P. Henson did the damn thang wit Push Da Button!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Updated On: 12/17/23 at 09:50 PM

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#554COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 3:03am

I feel quite mixed about the soundtrack. The new songs are mid at best, almost inserted so that they could have some pop stars do covers. And what is with the almost nonsensible level of abuse of riffs? It's most notable in I'm Here and The Color Purple, many of which I can hardly justify as informed choices but seem more like they don't trust the material enough. Honestly, I wish we could just get a proshot of a stage production, instead of a movie that has to somehow feel apologetic about it being a musical.

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#556COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 5:32pm

TaffyDavenport said: "COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development"

Your poster is wrong, Taff -- the movie opens on Christmas Day.

Updated On: 12/18/23 at 05:32 PM

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#557COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 5:43pm

Poster for the U.K., where it opens on January 26. 

#558COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 6:28pm

Dancingthrulife2 said: "I feel quite mixed about the soundtrack. The new songs are mid at best, almost inserted so that they could have some pop stars do covers. And what is with the almost nonsensible level of abuse of riffs? It's most notable in I'm Here and The Color Purple, many of which I can hardly justify as informed choices but seem more like they don't trust the material enough. Honestly, I wish we could just get a proshot of a stage production, instead of a movie that has to somehow feel apologetic about it being a musical."

London's Curve Theatre put out a pro-shot version a few years ago. It's pretty solid.

#559COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 6:32pm

TaffyDavenport said: "Poster for the U.K., where it opens on January 26."

That's OK -- I'll fix it for you (we're mostly in the US here).

The Color Purple movie poster (a) - 11" x 17" inches - Taraji P. Henson - Picture 1 of 1

uncageg Profile Photo
#560COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/18/23 at 9:51pm

Nothing needs to be fixed. Taffy was sharing the poster from the UK. I also think Taffy knows we are mostly in the US here be we have interests outside of the US.

Thanks for sharing the UK poster Taffy.

Just give the world Love.

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#561COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/19/23 at 9:03am

I actually like the UK poster art more than I do the (US) one. 

...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

#562COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/19/23 at 11:35am

reviews are officially out. they seem to be on the positive to mixed side

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#563COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/19/23 at 11:38am

88% on Rotten Tomatoes so far, and 95% among top critics. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#564COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/19/23 at 11:48am

IMHO: these reviews are a win and put the movie back in the "Best Picture" race that it seemed to have briefly fallen out of. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#565COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/20/23 at 3:34pm

Stumbled on this "behind the scenes" video. Gives some glimpses of stuff not seen in the trailers. I am seeing it on Christmas day.

Just give the world Love.

Miserent Profile Photo
#566COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 5:00pm

Caught a matinee of the movie earlier.  Overall, I thought it was great.  The cast was stellar; Fantasia and Danielle were easily the standouts.  The dinner scene where Celie finally stands up for herself got applause, as did “I’m Here”.  I did miss a few of the cut songs, but I was pleasantly surprised at the overall pacing of the movie.  My biggest gripe is that they removed the middle section of the finale (“There are miracles for you and I”, etc…why cut that??), but overall I think this is a successful and enjoyable adaptation.

uncageg Profile Photo
#567COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 6:36pm

Saw it this afternoon. I went in after reading reviews and posts here with an open mind. 

Yes, music was cut, some shortened and moved around but it didn't matter. 

This movie is absolutely wonderful and, in my opinion, can proudly take its place alongside the movie and two stage productions. It is gorgeously shot. (That scene with Shug in the tub was just jaw dropping on a big screen) Every actor is bringing their A game, in my opinion. I just felt it melded the book, movie and stage productions together beautifully. (I cried for like the last half hour of the film!) I also thought it was quite fitting that they saved the title song for the end. I read somewhere that they use it over the end titles. No, they actually sing it at the gathering. 

I can't say I am a big Taraji P. Henson fan but, Lord have mercy, she was INcredible. I did not know that she could sing and dance that good. (I did not see her in ANNIE.) As good as Brooks is in the movie, Henson impressed me more. Just my opinion. Hopefully the Oscars will not overlook her performance. 

All and all I loved it. I got tickets for a close friend and I to see it. As he was dropping me off he told me there was a gift in the backseat. Opened once inside and it was the book "Purple Rising: 40 Years of The Color Purple. The Official Behind the scenes book. I had no clue it existed. Just glanced through it and it looks wonderful.


Just give the world Love.

jkcohen626 Profile Photo
#568COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 6:49pm

Saw this this morning and LOVED it! I don't have such an attachment to the musical and I think that made me more open to this version. I didn't really care which songs were cut or added. I thought the visuals were stunning and the cast was fantastic and that's what mattered to me. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#569COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 7:02pm

jkcohen626 said: "Saw this this morning and LOVED it! I didn't really care which songs were cut or added. I thought the visuals were stunning and the cast was fantastic and that's what mattered to me."


And after seeing the movie, and having seen and loved both stage productions, I feel that is the way people who have an attachment to the movie should go into it. And glad I went into it pretty much that way. It allowed me to really enjoy it.


Just give the world Love.

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#570COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 9:13pm

Saw it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought Danielle Brooks was fantastic, Fantasia was very good and Taraji P. Henson was good. That’s the order in which I enjoyed their performances. I also thought the rest of the cast was excellent. Corey Hawkins, Coleman Domingo, Halle Bailey and all the others who appeared on that screen brought so much life to what they did. The choreography was excellent too. 

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#571COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 9:36pm

For a big year end movie, this seems to be dead on arrival. While it doesn’t open in Australia till January 26th ( same as the UK ) the buzz on this is zero. Apart from a couple of trailers it’s like the studio has just given up. 

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#572COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 9:51pm

Ummm what. The word of mouth is great.  I wanted to see the film today but literally every showing at the AMC near me was sold out.. 

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#573COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 10:06pm

rosscoe(au) said: "For a big year end movie, this seems to be dead on arrival. While it doesn’t open in Australia till January 26th ( same as the UK ) the buzz on this is zero. Apart from a couple of trailers it’s like the studio has just given up."

Buzz is definitely not dead and it's been talked about a lot as a contender for the Oscars. It's already been nominated for several awards and I think the buzz is just going to get stronger as the week goes on.

jkcohen626 Profile Photo
#574COLOR PURPLE movie musical currently in development
Posted: 12/25/23 at 10:07pm

uncageg said: "jkcohen626 said: "Saw this this morning and LOVED it! I didn't really care which songs were cut or added. I thought the visuals were stunning and the cast was fantastic and that's what mattered to me."

And after seeing the movie, and having seen and loved both stage productions, I feel that is the way people who have an attachment to the movie should go into it. And glad I went into it pretty much that way. It allowed me to really enjoy it.


There was a sentence missing in my comment about how I don't have a strong attachment to the stage version and that's why I didn't care. But, I think it's true for movies adapted from musicals I have a strong attachment to. 
