Previews for the American premiere of Richard Bean's The Nap begin in just a few days (Wednesday, September 5, 2018 ) at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre. Featuring direction by Daniel Sullivan, The Nap is set to open on Thursday, September 27 for a limited run currently through Sunday, November 11.
Who's going?!
Featured Actor Joined: 2/10/16
I’ll be there Wednesday night. Not quite sure what to expect, but I’m optimistic about this.
This is high on my list. May go this Friday or next week. After going to the websites and reading reviews it looks like they are using an American cast.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Stand-by Joined: 8/9/17
Got comps for tomorrow night. Looking forward to seeing this,
On Wednesday, the incredible, hysterical, fascinating Chicago legend Alexandra Billings makes her Broadway debut in this show. This is a magnificent achievement for someone I've been a fan of from local productions since the '90s, including Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, Gypsy, Larry Kramer's Just Say No, her stunning, biographical Before I Disappear, and most recently on TV as a supporting lead on Transparent. She's had an epic life and career, and I'm so excited for her. I'll be traveling from Chicago to see The Nap next month, mainly to see her. I hope the show is well received and that NY audiences take note of this powerhouse. Break legs, Alex!
Care to know more of her story??? Chris Jones on Alexandra Billings
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
I was at the invited dress last night. Anyone expecting Guvnors will surely be disappointed.
Swing Joined: 9/4/14
@little_ally: would you recommend? I'm considering getting the TodayTix rush tickets
While I'm sure the actors will improve on their comedic timing and their performances will get tighter, The Nap isn't the hysterical farce Guvnors was. It's merely amusing but mostly dragged for me (especially the first act.)
Swing Joined: 10/20/17
I saw this when it first came out for the world premiere at The Crucible, Sheffield and they must have had to change an awful lot of it to be able to make it work on Broadway. Most of the jokes were very local to where it was and I didn't think it was that funny. I did enjoy it, however I was very surprised when I read it was coming over as I didn't feel it was of the quality to be more than a regional production. I might go and watch it this weekend just to see the changes that have been made as it's been a couple of years... although I'm not sure I want to sit through it again...
Updated On: 9/5/18 at 11:24 AMFeatured Actor Joined: 2/10/16
Started at 7 tonight and ended at approximately 9:30. This is a strange little play. My gut says that I didn’t like it, but I did laugh a bit and it had this car accident quality where I couldn’t look away. The most entertaining parts tonight were the actual match play in act two. The script wasn’t great, the acting wasn’t great, the design was serviceable, but I can’t say I’m mad I spent an evening on it.
little_sally said: "I was at the invited dress last night. Anyone expecting Guvnors will surely be disappointed."
Congratulations, Little Sally. You currently are in first place for understatement of the season!
Rocky gave us live (choreographed) boxing and now The Nap gives us live snooker.
The Nap is divided into eight scene: three compromise the first act; five the second. The first scene is very long, unfunny and drags. Still, you can write it off as a lot of set-up, and if the payoff reached the zany heights of One Man, Two Guvnors, the exposition would be worth it.
Luckily the remaining seven scenes are shorter and have more momentum, but the humor is more mild chuckles than bust a gut hilarity. There are two scenes of live snooker playing shown on video monitors that caused my friend and I break into inappropriate (stifled-as-best-we-could) uncontrollable laughter.
The plot is difficult to discuss without massive spoilers, and even if this wasn’t going to be a madcap farce, the plot didn’t hold my attention enough.
On a completely shallow note, the lead actor is really attractive, so at least there’s some eye candy to get you through the slow bits.
If you do want to go, I’d suggest waiting a few weeks until things tighten up and there’s a little more zip to the whole affair. This was definitely an oddity for Broadway and at least I can say I now know what snooker is.
You had me at odd. I wonder why not bring over the production from the UK instead of creating a new one?
re: The Nap is divided into eight scene: three compromise the first act; five the second. The first scene is very long, unfunny and drags....
I expect you meant to write "comprise," but from what you describe, "compromise" may be just as accurate.
Haha, yes, when autocorrect reveals more than it meant to!
Swing Joined: 4/26/18
I was at the show last night, Front Mezz row A, and I had a genuinely good time. As said before, comedic timing was a little off but it will likely be tightened up in the next few weeks. Lots of laughter for most of it, although a fair share of jokes did fall a little flat. Didn't have an issue understanding any jokes though, so it did transfer to Broadway alright.
Quick seating note - you might be better off up in the Mezz to see certain parts, although you certainly wont miss anything in the Orchestra.
WhizzerMarvin said: "Haha, yes, when autocorrect reveals more than it meant to!
Autocorrect clearly didn't appreciate that you, unlike the vast majority of people, were using "comprise" correctly.
Stand-by Joined: 8/9/17
WhizzerMarvin said: "On a completely shallow note, the lead actor is really attractive, so at least there’s some eye candy to get you through the slow bits."
Hahaha, I was about to say the same thing.
I neither hated nor loved this. It had some funny moments, but it still felt very raw. None of the characters really stood out for me, and it felt like they are still feeling each other out. Not a seamless interaction between them yet. And the plot was too predictable.
moira8 said: "WhizzerMarvin said: "On a completely shallow note, the lead actor is really attractive, so at least there’s some eye candy to get you through the slow bits."
Hahaha, I was about to say the same thing.
I neither hated nor loved this. It had some funny moments, but it still felt very raw. None of the characters really stood out for me, and it felt like they are still feeling each other out. Not a seamless interaction between them yet. And the plot was too predictable.
Raw is a good word for it. It felt like a reading rather than a full production.
What's the likelihood of reviews making sleep puns in their headlines?
This seems right on track with most of what MTC does now.
Jordan Catalano said: "This seems right on track with most of what MTC does now."
I wish they'd stop letting Daniel Sullivan direct so many things. He has no vision and sucks the life out of everything. I think there might be a decent play in The Nap but the direction, as it is now, it awful.