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Tall people blocking view in theatre- Page 2

Tall people blocking view in theatre

#25Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 6:53pm

I'm  5'1" and have been lucky enough to only encounter one instance of having a major chunk of the stage being blocked by a tall person. I happened to be sitting in the last row of of orchestra so when I brought the issue to the attention of an usher I just took the offered booster seat without second thought. However the booster seat was one of those plastic things they give children at restaurants (made by one of the companies that makes public bathroom baby changing tables) with a ridged child sized indentation that would've been too uncomfortable to sit on all show if I were any larger. I'm pretty small so managed by sitting with my legs crossed and getting creative (once again being in the last row came in handy) but for a good deal of adults it wouldn't have been a viable option. And if I hadn't been in the last row I would've had to ask to be reseated (and I hate being a bother like that and it would've separated me from the people I was with) because although I'm small an extra 5" boost wouldn't have been kind to those behind me.


I usually buy seats as close to the aisle as possible and look into the specifics of the theatre so I know what to expect if I've never been before. That bad seat happened to be through tkts. Theatres should really all have varying cushion heights so people who need it can get just enough of a boost to see without getting more than than needed and potentially blocking someone else. 

Updated On: 1/17/16 at 06:53 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#26Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 7:24pm

"Because you never look "over" someone's head anyway. "

That's true.The real problem is people who bob and weave while watching a show. Quick, someone start a thread on that!

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#27Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 7:28pm

Depending on where you're seated in relation to the action, you can still have your view obstructed despite the windowed and graded seat setups of most theaters. Height is irrelevant.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 7:30pm

Jail them all I say. Put the varlets away.Some tall people have all the nerve.

Poster Emeritus

Patash Profile Photo
#29Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 7:37pm

Easy answer.  Forget those orchestra seats and always go for front row mezzanine.  Better seats, better view, no heads in front of you, ever.  

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#30Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 9:32pm

Equating tall people with people holding cell phones is ridiculous! (See link above.) If people are annoyed by what they get with a $500 ticket, directing that anger at other patrons is misdirection.


Yes, this has been discussed before but not in its own thread. Elsewhere I mentioned the time a patron asked me to sit on the floor in front of my seat. The theater had lots of room between rows, so I tried it and found I could see quite well. That isn't feasible in most houses, however.


When I go to the theater, I rearrange my party so that we match the people behind us, tallest to shortest. I don't know that it completely solves the problem, but the gesture is warmly received, begins a pleasant conversation with the patrons behind us, and may help ease the resentment caused by any sight problems. (Obviously, if I arrive before the people behind me, I can only sit and leave it to them to adjust.)


And, yes, in standing situations, including parades, rock concerts and the like, I instinctively gravitate toward the back of the crowd. Believe it or not, it gives me no pleasure to block the vision of those behind me.

#31Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 10:05pm

When I went to see Something Rotten, I was happy with my seat until the couple sat in front of me. The man must have been a linebacker in his youth. At least 6'5 with broad shoulders wearing a collared coat and scarf. I'm 5'3. His partner was not much smaller at around 6'3. Since the show had not started I asked the house manager who re-sat us without a problem and said they reserve seats for that very purpose.

I know people cannot help their height, but an awareness of the people behind would help. While we are trying to find a sight line between heads of a couple and they move towards and away from each other every 5 minutes. I had a person behind me hit me in the head and tell me to keep still when I was watching Side Show because I had to bob and weave to see past the two in front of me.

Theaters should all be at a certain rake to avoid heads behind heads.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#32Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 10:27pm

Trust me, delongpre, I prefer so-called stadium seating where I don't have to worry about blocking those behind me.


But you might also consider that seating is usually designed for an "average" size patron; and in older theaters the average patron was probably smaller when the theater was built than he is today. Those of us who are taller--I'm 6'3"--are almost certainly uncomfortable: lacking in leg and foot room, trying not to hog the armrest, etc.


It's not as easy as it may seem to sit perfectly still for an hour at a time.

Updated On: 1/17/16 at 10:27 PM

loliveve Profile Photo
#33Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 10:39pm

As someone who is 5'3", I regularly have my sightline blocked... whether for shows, parades (my dad usually puts me in front of him and my head serves as his "tripod"Tall people blocking view in theatre or even in churches.  

My solution for theatre is that if I am getting orchestra seats is to try to buy aisle seats on the left or right sides of the house-- but definitely not center orchestra.  I also will get front row mezz when possible, since as another person said, there is no one blocking the view there.  

Obviously those seating preferences are not always available, especially when booking with discount codes, in which case I will just sit on my coat and sit up as straight as I can Tall people blocking view in theatre

#34Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 10:41pm

"I'll admit that I'm a bit on the selfish side..."


it it sounds like you're a lot on the selfish side.  But at least you cop to a "bit" of it.  Funny how your solutions don't include you buying a seat in the back row where you belong, but you insist shorter people (most of the population) accommodate you pituitary cases. 

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#1Elphie Profile Photo
#35Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 11:00pm

I'm 5'2" so I face this problem often. It was particularly bad tonight. I was in the third row balcony of the Lucille Lortel, and it wouldn't have mattered who was in front of me (although it was someone tall); it seems like that theater has particularly bad sightlines. I had a really difficult time seeing the action onstage. I sometimes leaned from side to side, but I didn't want to obstruct the view of those behind me. Others in front of me weren't so considerate; some people in the front row of the balcony kept leaning forward, so the people behind them leaned forward to see. Some theaters are better designed with more of a slope so this isn't such a huge problem, but the Lortel is not one of those theaters. 

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#36Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 11:00pm

I'm 5'2" so I face this problem often. It was particularly bad tonight. I was in the third row balcony of the Lucille Lortel, and it wouldn't have mattered who was in front of me (although it was someone tall); it seems like that theater has particularly bad sightlines. I had a really difficult time seeing the action onstage. I sometimes leaned from side to side, but I didn't want to obstruct the view of those behind me. Others in front of me weren't so considerate; some people in the front row of the balcony kept leaning forward, so the people behind them leaned forward to see. Some theaters are better designed with more of a slope so this isn't such a huge problem, but the Lortel is not one of those theaters. 

mariel9 Profile Photo
#37Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 11:14pm

There are other situations where tall people have it worse off than people on the shorter side, such as long-haul flights.

And Broadway theaters, which are hell for tall people. I'm 6 feet, and choose seats based on leg room so it doesn't seem particularly burdensome to me for short people to have to choose seats based on sightlines.

#38Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 11:15pm

As a smaller person, this is always my biggest fear when going to the theatre. There have been a few times when I almost wanted person in front of me to pay for my ticket because they completely blocked my view, but I guess it's partly my fault for being too embarrassed to ask for a booster seat. But then would I block the person in font of me if I did use a booster seat? Anyway, I usually try to get an aisle seat or first row mezz.

#39Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/17/16 at 11:57pm

"I am very tall but even when short or normal height people sit in front of me, I still look between their heads, not over them."

Some theatres aren't built like that though. Also, when the height difference is extreme there is no looking between heads. There are shoulders in the way.


What is the etiquette when the tall person is sitting behind another tall person so they lean over... and bob and weave... and also lean over and talk to their friend every minute or so? Did you notice this same person, #1Elphie?

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#40Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:47am

I have not posted on this board in years but I am a very active reader. Posts like this are the reason I stopped bothering trying to be a part of this "community". 


As with everything, there are advantages and disadvantages to height.  However, this post is so ignorant that it comes off like a person with straight hair being frustrated that someone in front of them had hair that was too curly. 


Just like you cannot control the fact that you are short, I cannot control the fact that I am tall. We both have the same right to see the show, ESPECIALLY when we're both paying the same price. Your $150 is no different than my $150. 


If you want the best seat; you need to spend the money for a front row seat or otherwise you need to realize that there is a constant variable that will be in play. 


I personally have attended shows with people who have been too large to fit only in their seat; yet I didn't demand that I be re-sat or scold them. Very few of my live theatrical experiences have been "perfect", but it has never been the fault of someone's physical being; it has almost always been attributed to a careless, rude or entitled audience member.


Someone earlier demanded solutions to this problem, and I would like to express that the solution is you need to understand that there are different types of people in this world. Tall, short, thin, wide, whatever... 


I'm sorry your show was ruined by a tall spectator... But the odds are that they probably appreciated the chance to see the show much more than you did. 

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?
Updated On: 1/18/16 at 01:47 AM

#41Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 3:47am

"We both have the same right to see the show, ESPECIALLY when we're both paying the same price. Your $150 is no different than my $150. "


Which is why it's extremely frustrating to pay $150 to stare at the back of someone's head. And also why I don't usually pay full price anymore if front row orch/mezz seats aren't available. Live and learn.

Updated On: 1/18/16 at 03:47 AM

#42Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 5:54am

The view is actually better with tall people in front of you because you never look over someone's head anyway.

The necks are usually smaller than the heads, so that creates some kind of window to view through, shorter/normal people in front of you still block the view (you can't look over a head anyway) but then the broadest part of their heads and hair is in front of your eyes.


#43Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 6:51am

I'm 5'3 and find that unless I sit in the front row (or in a theatre with a good rake/sightlines) anyone's head is going to block my view somewhat. It's a big part of the reason why I try to get front row seats. I figure that tall people (and I would consider OP pretty tall at 5'8!) can't help their height anymore than I can, so while it can be annoying to have a tall person in front of you, it's not their fault that your view is blocked. What I do have an issue with is people who do things to block your view that can be prevented - like high buns (they should be banned in the theatre!), hats, sunglasses on top of the head and worst of all, the ones who keep moving their head. 

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#44Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 9:06am

I think Randy Newman said it best

#45Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 12:52pm

Ummm im 5'10 and feel super bad when I'm too tall for the people behind me to see, but that doesn't mean i should have to sit in the back Tall people blocking view in theatre

Dave13 Profile Photo
#46Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:07pm

I am 6'0, and often very uncomfortable as there never seems to be enough leg room. I was in the mezzanine for Fiddler and Hamilton in December. I thought I was going to die, and couldn't enjoy the show because I was so uncomfortable. 


So if I block someone from behind, then so be it. Try having aching knees and losing circulation to your legs while trying to enjoy the show. 

Not to be confused with Dave19.
Updated On: 1/19/16 at 01:07 PM

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#47Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:14pm

I'm 5'4" and haven't really ever had anyone block my view, thankfully. I generally try to get aisle seats in the orchestra because of this and also because I prefer the extra leg room - I have a bad knee and even with short legs it can be uncomfortable for me to have it bent for an hour plus at a time. I seriously don't know how taller people can manage especially in mezzanine seats. 


People cannot control their height and should not have to choose seats to make others comfortable. The thing that drives me crazy in the mezzanine is people who lean forward. It blocks the view of the person behind them and creates a chain reaction. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

#48Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:25pm

Dave19's presumption that all theaters have their seats spaced just so in order for everybody to have perfect sightlines between those in front of them must mean he's just been damn lucky in the theaters he's been to.


Since the very tall will have a perfect view from the back row, why don't they just buy seats there?  Or is it just too much to ask that we think about our impact on those around us?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#49Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/18/16 at 1:57pm

I love Mezz first row too, but sometimes you have to lean forward if the bar blocks the view. Why should I have to sit back in my seat if I then cannot see the whole stage?

