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Tall people blocking view in theatre- Page 5

Tall people blocking view in theatre

#100Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/20/16 at 11:59am

I don't think that's always true. My view is never blocked on the rare occasion that I'm behind someone shorter than myself, and it's always at least partially blocked when I'm behind someone significantly taller.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#101Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 1/20/16 at 2:12pm

Well, true or not, it remains a fact that none of us knows the height of the person in front or or behind us when we book our seats.


Exchanging seats with the short person behind you is a lovely idea, but it merely pushes the problem back a row.


Particularly given the price of orchestra seats, there's no way I'm going to agree to always sit in the rear orchestra, far from the stage. If I pay top dollar, I want to sit as close as possible, just as many short people do.


All communal events require that we put up with a degree of inconvenience from our fellow playgoers. We're spoiled by TV. I seriously doubt this thread would even have been a subject of discussion in the 1930s.

#102Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 6:59pm

Sorry to bump an old thread (didn't feel like starting a new one), but does anyone know if the Richard Rodgers provide booster seats? On the shorter side here and going to see Hamilton this weekend - want to make sure I get my money's worth and is able to enjoy the show without craning my neck the whole time. Thanks!

#103Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 7:04pm

^Yes, RRT has boosters. The ushers can show you where they are stashed. My daughter used one this weekend.

Updated On: 6/27/16 at 07:04 PM

#104Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 7:12pm

Ugh, was at a show this past weekend and there was a really tall person in front of me, and someone next to him has very tall curly hair, that looked like an unbrushed poodle landed on top of her head. She also consistently had her hand stretching back onto my row. I could have smacked her.

macnyc Profile Photo
#105Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 7:12pm

I'm not a theater designer, but even as a layperson I don't understand why seats are not staggered laterally so that you're looking over people's shoulders, not at the back of a head.

Plus, modern theaters often have better raking, so that you're looking over the head of the person in front of you. 

I agree to try to get first-row mezzanine for what is usually the best view in the house.

#106Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 7:13pm

All of the times I've asked for a booster seat lately (maybe less than 5), the ushers have looked at me like they've never heard such a request before. And I'm usually sitting in the back row when I do ask. The last theatre I asked at was the Golden for Eclipsed. 

JBroadway Profile Photo
#108Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 9:40pm

I haven't read through this whole thread, so forgive me if someone mentioned it already, but it just strikes me as odd that this is a consistent problem for some short people. If this happens all the time to you, why buy tickets in the orchestra in the first place? Buy tickets in the freaking mezzanine! It's a larger rake, AND it's cheaper (well, not always, but cheaper than premium at least) 

Broadwayhunk Profile Photo
#109Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/27/16 at 10:21pm

It's just part of the live theater going experience.  If you want perfection, stay home and watch PBS.

sorano916 Profile Photo
#110Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 1:40am

JBroadway said: "I haven't read through this whole thread, so forgive me if someone mentioned it already, but it just strikes me as odd that this is a consistent problem for some short people. If this happens all the time to you, why buy tickets in the orchestra in the first place? Buy tickets in the freaking mezzanine! It's a larger rake, AND it's cheaper (well, not always, but cheaper than premium at least)"


Because we like sitting in the orchestra...? Sitting in the mezz doesn't guarantee that your view will be any better than in the orchestra. In the mezz, the person in front of me could be a leaner and I would also miss the view. On the one time I sat behind a person with a mohawk and every time he turned his head, it was like blinds were being closed.


I'm under 5 feet and I don't buy seats based on my height. I buy them based on the show. If the stage is high or it's a large set, I'm more apt to buy in the mezz or the box. If it's a play, I tend to get a seat close to the stage so I can hear better. If there's a set piece that takes over a side of the stage, I'll get opposite, orch or mezz. 


I don't use the cushions very often in theatres. I think the last time was at the St. James during the time of "American Idiot". Only once have I asked the usher to re-seat me and that was because the person was like 7 feet tall. Originally I asked for a cushion but then realized it was going to be futile. The usher jokingly brought me another so I could stack them but then saw the person and was like "Nope. We'll find another seat for you." And this was at the Kennedy Center so it was rather difficult due to it being a subscription house, but they found me a seat that was even better than my original rear side orch one.

Robert16 Profile Photo
#111Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 1:48am

As a 6'5" theatergoer when I have issues where my legs are cramped or don't fit in the seat I ask the theater manager if the Box Seats are available to move to - very roomy and always comfortable

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#112Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 2:10am

The worst viewing experience I had at Kinky Boots.  I had to watch in between this dude!

Tall people blocking view in theatre

Updated On: 6/28/16 at 02:10 AM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#113Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 2:43am

I'm tall and tend to lean forward and it's so annoying when people ask me to sit a certain way. 

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#114Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 8:01am

As Randy Newman said, "short people got no reason. to live."

#116Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 8:19am

I'm tall and only lean forward if the person in front of me is leaning and blocking my view.  No different at a concert.  If the people stand up in front of me then I will stand up.  I'm not sorry to say that when I purchase my tickets, the thought of my 6'3 frame blocking the person in back of me is the least of my concerns.  I have no control on who sits behind me.  What I don't like is at the movies, and there are several empty seats, and someone will sit directly in front of me.  That usually forces me to say something.  Or at the least kick the back of their seat.

#117Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 8:19am

double post

Updated On: 6/28/16 at 08:19 AM

#118Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 8:44am

My husband is tall, but not overly tall at 6'1".  I did notice at She Loves Me (we were seated towards the back, I think in row M), once he sat down, the two men behind us switched seats.  Unfortunately, I'm 5'3" so one of us is always screwed when it comes to viewing abilities/leg room.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#119Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 9:59am

I'm 5'10'' (average male height), and I have trouble seeing if someone in front of me leans forward (in heavily raked sections). Leaning forward in those sections DOES block the view of the person behind you, even if they are not short. That's why I always try not to lean forward in the Mezz/Balcony, even when I have the urge to. Many people may be unaware that it blocks people's view, but I AM aware, so there's no reason for me to do it. Same reason I wouldn't stand up in the middle of the show, or randomly lift my arms in the air. it's basic consideration if you are aware of the effect it has. 

Regarding my earlier comment about sitting in the mezzanine if you're short: yes, there's no guarantee of getting a clear, but I think there's a much lower chance of having your view blocked, especially if people aren't leaning forward.

Sure, you may "like sitting in the orchestra," but if so, then you have to weigh that against the risk of getting your view blocked. If this is a FREQUENT issue for you, then you should know the risk you're taking by buying a ticket in a section where your view is more likely to be blocked.


I was responding to these parts of the OP's comment:

"I find it so frustrating when spending a lot of money for center orchestra seats to have my view completely blocked at the last minute when very tall people sit in front of us....Can you imagine spending over $500 a ticket (premium)and not being able to see the show clearly. For the show Lazarus the incline at the theater was quite steep so this was very helpful to enjoy that show. " 

This is clearly a frequent issue for the OP, and they are also clearly aware that steeper rakes offer a better view. So why spend all that money on center orchestra seats in the first place? 


jennab113 Profile Photo
#120Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 10:48am

I'm under 5 feet, so being able to see is always a problem for me at any event.  At my local theater, I get seats on the aisle so that I can lean out if the person in front of me is tall and that usually works out for me, but doesn't always.  Sometimes it just doesn't matter what I try - aisle, mezz, one of the front rows, one of the back rows - because 95% of adults are taller than me, I end up having issues.

The worst experience I've had on Broadway was Fiddler in May.  I got an aisle seat, but I'm pretty sure the man on the aisle in front of me was a professional football player.  He was tall and wide.  The seats were cramped and he was clearly uncomfortable and did not stop moving for the whole first act.  Every time I found a place where I could see, he would move to block my view.  At intermission, I talked to an usher and moved to one of the back rows.

The best experience I've had was Hamilton.  I was on Row J and it was the perfect view because of the rake.  I was able to be close and see everything.

Theater_Nerd Profile Photo
#121Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 10:50am

I'm 6'2". Yeah, I'm that fellow. Sorry!

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

quizking101 Profile Photo
#122Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 10:51am

I'm 6'7 and I sit wherever TDF or Rush places me (when I don't buy an advanced ticket). 

If you're short, and I'm in front of you, I'm not changing myself around to make you more comfortable.

If my disregard to your sense of entitlement upsets you, please go piss up the nearest flagpole.

(Sorry, this scenario has marked waaayyy too many of my theatregoing experiences to not be salty about it.)

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

berniebaby Profile Photo
#123Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:04am

Tall people blocking view in theatre

We need a babylution!

#124Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:13am

I am 5'7" on a good day (5'6" on a bad day) and I have the perfect short person solution. Side orchestra aisle or first row front mezzanine.

These tend to eliminate the total blockage of my view. 

Unfortinately, in the last 5 years, those side orchestra seats are now sometimes only sold in pairs up to row K or so. Since I go alone (theater vacation to NYC 2-3 times a year alone as my golf-playing partner isn't into spending $1300 in a week for theater.

The only problem with first row in front mezzanine is possible rail blockage. But I am pretty familiar with some theaters so I avoid that obstacle by going maybe 2nd row on side aisle. 

You cannot beat the 1 or 2 seat numbers.

and, if truly desparate, way side seats are more a sideways sight line that helps fight tall people in front of you. But, not very well versed with those so much.

spikethebunny Profile Photo
#125Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 11:40am

quizking101 said: "
If you're short, and I'm in front of you, I'm not changing myself around to make you more comfortable.

If my disregard to your sense of entitlement upsets you, please go piss up the nearest flagpole.


Curious how someone wanting to be able to see a show they paid to see makes them entitled?

I'm 5'1" and I've done all the things people suggested. I usually try to get aisle. Or front mezz (though, the stupid bar can sometimes be worse). My husband and I flip seats if it will help. I have viewed shows practically leaning into my neighbor's lap to peer between shoulders. I have sat on my jacket and boosters. I don't buy floor seats at concerts. But once in a while, despite all this, I end up in the orchestra (because like you I have bought rush) with a tall person in front of me. While I have honestly never asked them to move so I can see, boy do I appreciate it when they see me peering and adjust. By paying for our tickets, aren't we both "entitled" to enjoy the show? How about helping each other out instead of just saying "screw you and your height. Sucks to be you."

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#126Tall people blocking view in theatre
Posted: 6/28/16 at 2:34pm

spike, I don't think you read the entire thread--and I don't blame you since it's pretty long.

But any number of we who are tall have talked about our efforts to accommodate those behind us. I think most of the talk about "entitlement" began in jest.
