When I taught a semester at Pepperdine, a conservative evangelical college in Malibu, the head directing professor had been banned from directing. His crime? He put some of the chorus girls in EVITA in Madonna's then-trendy "pointy bras".
Them Christians be crazy once they start to whine.
^That guy should be banned from directing. Nowhere in the Evita libretto is there ever any mention of pointy bras. Who does he think he is? Stafford Arima?
If this teacher has a smart union rep and a half-a$$ decent lawyer she could own the school.
Seeing as the production WAS staged for the public, no school administrator can claim ignorance about what his faculty was rehearsing and how it was to be performed. That administrator should have caught any questionable content or raised concerns about the context in which it was to be performed LONG before public performances began. He did not so then he has no choice but to absorb the criticism and, if it is a resignation the district wants, it's his they get.
I was in three high school productions: JC Superstar, Joseph, and Damn Yankees. The latter was the final exam for my Grade 13 drama class (until the late 90s Onatrio high schools went up to an optional 13th grade). Despite being a catholic high school and the first two productions being no-brainers, I remember the principal sitting in on a number of rehearsals to make sure the context in which scenes in JCS, and later Joseph, wasn't distorted or had questionnable connotations. When it came to Damn Yankees, namely the sexiness and seductiveness of Lola, our principal said that as long as it we weren't aiming to exploit the sexual innuendo he was 100% behind us.
If a production of Grease has been staged in this district at anytime in its history, a precident has been set in terms of the various themes presented in Grease. That alone should be this teacher's first argument.
I know in California at least, school districts are getting really tough with anyone even hinting at anything that might signal some sort of inappropriate relationship with a student after some recent high profile abuse cases served as wake-up calls to the districts, even passing laws that would streamline a suspected teacher's firing. And I am behind this effort 100%.
But am totally 100% opposed to this fool principal's scapegoating and dismissal of what appears to be a drama teacher who's--judging by the clips of her productions on display--one of the best I've seen; she has a real sense of taste and of musical theatre, and her tastefully presented "Legally Blonde" shouldn't signal the end of such a dedicated career.
The decisions made against that teacher should signal the incompetence and lack of ethics of the fool principal, and I'm glad the majority of people I've encountered so far online agree.
Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.
As a school teacher myself, if I wanted to stage a production I need the OK of the principal. That means I have to lay out my choice of play/musical, how I intend on producing the story, in what context, etc.
If my principal supports it and complaints only come in once it is up and running, the buck stops with my principal. He/she is the one who has to answer for it. He/she has a profound obligation to know who/what I am asking my students to portray and the context in which they are performing.
Therefore, if complains come in and reach the school board the only one who can be held accountable is the principal for he/she is the one who approvede it and allowed it to go forth.
The teacher here is being made the scapegoat and that is unacceptable!
Sadly, this sort of thing happens more often than is reported. It's as if the victory of the small-minded against the NEA in the late eighties and early nineties has given the crazies carte blanche.
Example: I worked at a VERY esteemed children's theater once. They were putting on a show where a young boy was put under a curse. One of his lines was, "Even black cats run away from me," at which point a puppet of a black cat would wander onto the set, see the boy, shout "EEK!" and scamper off the stage.
One person, I believe it was a teacher, wrote a threatening letter to the artistic director accusing her of teaching witchcraft to children.
That was all it took. The cat puppet was painted partially gray by the props department that afternoon to avoid controversy. I couldn't believe it. I have seen similar entities (i.e major regional theatres) brought to their knees with letter writing campaigns from the "outraged" over material that was even slightly outside the conservative point-of-view, hitting them right where it hurts--in their wallet, which they rely on now that arts funding in this country has gone so very much down the toilet. It's ridiculous.
We're living in a country that thinks LEGALLY BLONDE is too edgy. This is sad.
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
~ Muhammad Ali
Ok...I do not "need" approval for any show I produce. However, I would never leave my principal in the dark should anything I take the kids to see or I decide to produce have even the slightest chance of being controversial. I have NEVER had to discuss my intentions on concept, etc. I am an adult, and I have more than proven my self to be worthy of trust and respect.
How could I expect her support if I blindside her? I never will, and therefore, I will always have her support. BTW, I must be the luckiest HS director in the world because my principal is a huge supporter of the arts, and always has my back. (You might remember we produced August: Osage County last spring.)
If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it?
These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Can u remove your post with the wrong email? I almost wrote to it too! You may get someone that will just read up to your post and decide to email the wrong place.
Also. You never know what's going on behind the scenes with this teacher and principal. The reports are so vague.
But i think it would be good to send an email anyway for arts sake.
And I think that emails to the principal are good, but not good enough. We should CC their superintendent and vice principal because more than likely- as in most schools- these people do not get the concept of what theater is, what good it does, and how important it is to give students these kinds of outlets.
Silly question, but is Legally Blonde licensed yet? I didn't think it was. Could this be related to performing an unlicensed production, which could expose the school to financial risk?
"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Yes, I believe it became available to license over this past summer. It seemed like almost every regional/community theatre did it as their big summer show.
Licensing is available. I had to talk a director I work with out of mounting it because we don't have the kids for it and she'd be finding another music director to take care of the ear-splitting OMG You Guys song.
Who are you, CapnHook, the World Police? I agree with your basic sentiment but seriously, you think this principal is going to sit and chat with you and give you all the details of this story?? Please do report back, if he doesn't hang up on you after telling you it is none of your business.
I have no opinion on this, since there are no hard facts offered and everyone is making assumptions, but one thing is clear: someone at this school is illegally posting copyrighted material on YouTube, and I don't see much hand wringing about that.
There is nothing wrong with calling to get more information. I'm not an investigative journalist, but theatre in education is important to me and having a dialogue is helpful to gain insight into their perspective.
I was unable to call today but am waking up early to do so tomorrow.
"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."
I guess I'm in a minority here, but I'm surprised this school is being done in a high school. Whoever vetted this and gave her the go-ahead should be fired (not her) this should go hire.
That said, the show is filled with all kinds of explicit sexual references, innuendo, and it's not just Bend and Snap. Isn't there a simulated orgasm in one song? Also "Gay or European" plays a bit offensive to me because it's just not funny. If people hurled the line of stereotypes at me in high school I would have been mortified even in a song. I can see why people might have been upset.
Again if it was approved, call her damn union. If this were a man directing, I could see it being an even bigger fiasco.
"I guess I'm in a minority here, but I'm surprised this school is being done in a high school. Whoever vetted this and gave her the go-ahead should be fired (not her) this should go hire."
finebydesign - If you go to MTIs website and look at the list of upcoming productions for Legally Blonde, you'll see that most of the places producing the show are high schools. As a matter of fact, MTI states on the show's page that "LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL is perfect for high school and community theatre, featuring a large ensemble and several big song-and-dance numbers." I guess it's ultimately up to the director to decide whether or not it's appropriate for their particular area, but I (and clearly MTI) see no reason why the show wouldn't be appropriate for high school. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
I mean...high schools have been performing GREASE, CABARET and SWEET CHARITY forever. Now they're doing RENT. And LES MIZ. I don't think LEGALLY BLONDE is all that far afield.
I for one don't think it's appropriate for a school to present D*mn Yankees. First and foremost, there's an obscenity right in the title. Then, there's Satan worship and soul-selling as well as suggestions of s-e-x all over the place. DISGUSTING.
This doesn't pass the smell test. Why would she agree to the forced resignation? What leverage did they have to force this? There must be more to this story...
Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.
"Who are you, CapnHook, the World Police? I agree with your basic sentiment but seriously, you think this principal is going to sit and chat with you and give you all the details of this story?? Please do report back, if he doesn't hang up on you after telling you it is none of your business."
Not to gang up on CapnHook. I know he/she is being sincere and has the best of intentions, but...
Matt Rogers, exactly. Those threatening a good talking-to through email or phone have no career experience in public high school education - NONE - CERTAINLY not in the right-to-work state in which I teach. Unless you have political connections or are a substantial supporter, your call is meaningless - IF you even get through.
I hope she keeps her job at her current site. She must have so much put into that community, but my experience tells me it won't be the case. I think she'll keep her job, but they'll move her. I'm sure you can see the problems that will follow her. As a teacher who has been terminated, sued a school district, and won, I can tell you a lawsuit is not worth it. Even though I work with no luxury such as a union, I hope a union protects her. She obviously meant no harm, though I think this musical is not acceptable for high school students to perform.
I suggest contacting her directly. It will mean a great deal to her. Or gainfully employ her.
If you have any power in this district, by all means, support her by threatening to pull your funding or support or whatever.
I disagree. One it is appropriate (for many communities, not for others) but that isn't the point: the principal gave his approval and now has thrown the teacher under the bus because a SMALL contigency complained.
And yes, emails CAN make a difference -- but of course, they don't always. Can I know that I've made a difference, of course not, but at least I know I did something I felt strongly about. Hopefully, I will hear further, but there is no guarantee of that, either.
If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it?
These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.