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The Band’s Visit Pride Playbill

#1The Band’s Visit Pride Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:15pm

Just looked on instagram and saw that The Band’s Visit hasn’t been giving out the rainbow Pride Playbills that are usually given out in June. Anyone know why?

#2TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:22pm

Chill. The theatre staff is probably just utilizing the regular Playbills from May before opening up the new batch for June.

#3TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:30pm

I am chill, I simply asked a question about something I was wondering about. Thank you for your answer. It was very helpful, although the snarkiness wasn’t necessary.

#4TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:39pm

Yeah, jeez. People on this board are so snippy for no reason.

But I assume he's right, they just had more of the normal playbills leftover before they open the new ones. 

msmp Profile Photo
#5TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:45pm

I don't know if any show has opened the Pride Playbills yet; Carousel didn't distribute them last night, and people I saw walking around 45th and 46th streets after the show all seemed to have the standard yellow-topped Playbills.

If worst comes to worst, OP, you could try going the SASE route? I don't think shows ask for BC/EFA donations for unsigned Playbills if you include the SASE and a short note asking for one!

taylortrensch Profile Photo
#6TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/2/18 at 11:50pm

Dear Evan Hansen didn't start giving out gaybills exactly on the first just like TBV, so I assume they'll start later.

don't message me thinking im taylor trensch?? what would he be doing on bww?? you can't possibly be that dumb bye

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#7TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:08am

TBV Playbill

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#8TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:12am

I heard they were delivered to theaters on Friday.

Angels, Frozen, My Fair Lady, Boys in the Band are giving them out not sure about other shows.


TBV Playbill

TBV Playbill

TBV Playbill

TBV Playbill

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 6/3/18 at 12:12 AM

#9TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:15am

Staff don't "open" Playbills. They arrived bundled with string. The theater probably haxnt yet rexeived the new Playbills yet. Technically speaking, once the new month's shipment is received, they are required to use distribute those. The porters at the theaters are supposed to dump the "old" Playbills.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#10TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:22am

I got a Pride Playbill for Three Tall Women a little early on May 30th. I’m sure it just depends where they are in the batch.

#11TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:58am

Fosse76 said: "Staff don't "open" Playbills. They arrived bundled with string."

Yes, I'm aware. I was using the term in a general sense. Thanks for the unnecessary clarification.


uncageg Profile Photo
#12TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 1:31am

All shows have not received their shipment yet. I know one that at hasn't. If there are no major changes a show can just use stuffers for new cast members until the shipment arrives.

Just give the world Love.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#13TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 2:20am

Is no one going to point out how much worse the Pride playbills look as a gradient? The clearly defined colors were so much better. Bad choice, Playbill.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#14TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 2:21am

The Les Miz national tour started giving out pride playbills here in San Diego on May 29th.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#15TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 7:54am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Is no one going to point out how much worse the Pride playbills look as a gradient? The clearly defined colors were so much better. Bad choice, Playbill."

I actually like it. Especially on the Angels In America and Mean Girls ones.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 8:30am

I like it too.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#17TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:12pm

Lee Pace did post the Angels in America Pridebill on his Instagram story, but as of yesterday's two show day, Angels is still distributing yellow-header playbills. I asked the usher why -- she said that they hadn't gotten their shipment yet. Unclear how Lee got ahold of one, I guess.

#18TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:38pm

Skintight had them yesterday

SDV Profile Photo
#19TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 12:40pm

Boys in the band had them on Thursday night. They initially gave out the regular ones but when I saw some pride ones in the usher’s stack he happily traded me.

Steph N
#20TBV Playbill
Posted: 6/3/18 at 1:13pm

Cursed Child didn't have any Pride ones yesterday 6/2
