"Nor would I. Actually, one of the most loquacious and self-satisfied posters here already put him on a par with Gershwin; so we're well on our way. "
LOL You exaggerate the point I made about the music for Marie Christine. But it's nice to see my very old statement made such an impression with you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Why, Eric, you mean you recognize yourself as loquacious and self-satisfied?
Self-awareness of that sort represents an encouraging first step.
Now you can work on both.
As for your former comment, absurdity of that magnitude can never be forgotten ---- and believe me, it deserves to be!
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 09:27 AM
Edited. Apologies, I saw here's another thread for rush.
I read that "A Puzzlement (Reprise)" is included in the show for the two sons. I was wondering if they kept "Western People Funny"?
Yes, both numbers are included, and they are FANTASTIC. The boys perform the reprise with humor and maturity, not hokiness. And Western People Funny is performed with a sly wink to the audience from Lady Thiang.
Only major cut is the Procession of the White Elephant. The opening notes are heard, then leading straight to the dialogue of the sequence.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 11:41 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I'm new to this site, not a big thing where I live in Oklahoma, but I'm obsessed with King & I - I recently played Anna last spring at my high school. Can anyone go into detail about the interpretation of Louis & Chulalongkorn in this? How are they? I saw Jake Lucas in Newsies on a trip to NYC but I have never heard of Jon Viktor Corpuz.
Really pulling for Kelli this year. Does the Broadway community realize how overdue she is for a win? Such a talent.
Swing Joined: 3/16/15
I saw the second preview. The golden curtain was "misbehaving", to quote Mr. Sher, so it was not used.
The sets and costumes are stunning. The casting and singing is excellent. Ken Watanabe was difficult to understand, especially when singing, but it sounds like that may already be improving. I do hope so - that was the only negative comment I heard from other theatre-goers as we were leaving the show.
It ran long (started late), and I think ended at about 11:20. I was row E seat 308 in the loge, and it was excellent. You can see everything happening, and can really appreciate the set as a whole.
Thorough -- How was Kelli?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/11
"Isn't the whole point of the play that the king can NOT speak English well?"
No, the play is about a King trying to modernize his country and his cantankerous relationship with the woman who could help him achieve his goals. His English is hardly a plot point let alone "the whole point of the play."
Swing Joined: 3/16/15
Skimbles - Kelli was amazing. I had never seen her in anything before this. Her accent was flawless, and she felt like a perfect fit for the role. Her singing was fantastic, and she came across as just so right as Anna Leonowens.
Ruthie Ann Miles & Ashley Park were also standouts in this show.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/3/08
are they selling rush tickets and if so are the seats just on the side or are they located throughout the theatre? I am trying to decide to either buy tickets on linctix which are only on the side or wait and buy rush tickets. I just want the best for a good price. thank you :)
Also does row J on the far side have good views of the whole stage?
Understudy Joined: 4/6/14
musicaltheatreman - i sat in J107 through linctix and had essentially a perfect view of the stage. at a few points i was disappointed that an actor had his/her back to me, but overall i was extremely happy with the seat! for $32 it's an absolute steal.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/3/08
Thank you ValillalceCream2 for your response! I just bought my linctix and got the same seat on the left side! Can you see the entire now famous "boat scene" from that seat? Thanks again :)
Yes, J107 is an unbelievable view of the boat.
"The sets and costumes are stunning."
A tad misleading, I'd say. Swell costumes throughout, sure, but the stunning-ness of the sets for me terminated at the end of Act I Scene 1. Then the weird impoverishment of the design kicked in for the duration. Given Michael Yeargan's indisputable genius on so many other LCT productions, I'm flummoxed by his choices here.
That aside, I loved most of this show, as I've reported above.
Sher and Yeargan discuss why they purposely went for a less opulent set on the right side of this interview.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 09:56 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Someone, ljay, thoroughbred. Can any of you answer my question about Lucas and Corpuz? Extremely curious because looking at them they look a little old to be casted. How were their takes?
They are both excellent. Yes, they are older and more mature than I had expected, but it works wonderfully. It is easy for those two roles to come off as too hokey/cutesy. These two boys bring some depth to the characters, especially Corpuz.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 10:25 PM
Jake Lucas left very little impression on me as Louis, but Jon Viktor Corpuz was an awesome Chulalongkorn. My seat (H404) put me especially close to him in several scenes. Every interaction with Anna or Lady Thiang was beautifully modulated, from antipathy to grudging respect to appreciation. And thinking back to his final speech as he walked downstage away from his father's deathbed can still bring a tear to my eye a day after the show. Just perfect.
Oh and I couldn't care less about how tall they are.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 10:32 PM
could those of you who have seen previews mention more about the ballet please?...it is one of my favorite things in the whole show and hearing that it closely resembles the Jerome Robbins choreography makes me very happy...is this true?...thanks!
A question for those who have seen it: Is the set during the "Shall We Dance" number the same one that we saw in the 30 second commercial that was released months ago or is it different?
Wow...just wow...
Can't wait to see this Saturday!