Broadway Legend Joined: 6/11/07
They are holding onto a TON of money that people could use now. There is a zero percent chance that it is beginning in September as scheduled.
Everyone knows that Broadway would be fortunate to be able to open in March 2021 at the earliest. Why wait months?
Because we DON'T know that? I'm not saying you are wrong, but the fact is - nothing is fact.
The show will be postponed at some point, but we're still five months before previews start. They're going to wait as long as they need to figure out a plan to postpone. The fact that people "could use their money" doesn't mean a thing.
Don’t they start rehearsing in late June? If rehearsing is not possible then they will postpone the start date.
Give it time. They are probably still trying to find out if Jackman is willing/able to make time in his schedule for a postponement.
If I were Scott Rudin I would completely postpone 1 year or longer. Even if they manage to start performances this year or early next year - if they have to stop again because of a 2nd or 3rd wave it would be a disaster. Put the brakes on now if possible!
Understudy Joined: 6/27/19
Although I understand the sentiment, there’s no way they’re going to pull the plug until they absolutely have to.
Although you’re probably right - there’s no way they can hold adequate rehearsals while the city is still on lockdown...
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually just cancel it outright. I can’t imagine Hugh Jackman is the kinda guy who can just wait around for updates. Unless there’s a clause in his contract that would require an extension under circumstances such as these (doubtful) , by the time everything’s ready to go, there will probably be less than a year on his contract (assuming he signed up for an 18 month performance commitment, and that’s a generous guess). I can see them finding another star in effort to avoid having to pay for Hugh’s entire allotted performance contract for a measly couple months of performances, at best.
We’ll have to wait and see, but if I were a gambling man I wouldn’t bet on this show to open smoothly... Even if for some crazy reason NY is completely opened up by September.
It’s a shame. I was really looking forward to this...
Understudy Joined: 2/3/12
I'm sure it's coming. I would imagine Rudin wants to have a specific plan in place before he announces. Jackman seems very excited for this and it's been in the works for quite some time. I'd find it hard to believe that the production will be cancelled outright.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
SpookyFish13 said: "Although I understand the sentiment, there’s no way they’re going to pull the plug until they absolutely have to.
Although you’re probably right - there’s no way they can hold adequate rehearsals while the city is still on lockdown...
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually just cancel it outright. I can’t imagine Hugh Jackman is the kinda guy who can just wait around for updates. Unless there’s a clause in his contract that would require an extension under circumstances such as these (doubtful) , by the time everything’s ready to go, there will probably be less than a year on his contract (assuming he signed up for an 18 month performance commitment, and that’s a generous guess). I can see them finding another star in effort to avoid having to pay for Hugh’s entire allotted performance contract for a measly couple months of performances, at best.
We’ll have to wait and see, but if I were a gambling man I wouldn’t bet on this show to open smoothly... Even if for some crazy reason NY is completely opened up by September.
It’s a shame. I was really looking forward to this..."
It WON'T open smoothly - which is what everyone on this thread has been saying. It will be postponed, most likely by approximately a year - and, much like Plaza Suite with Broderick and Parker, if -I- were a gambling man, Jackman and Foster (after doing other possible work in the meantime like Foster's TV series for her and TV movies like his brand-new one on HBO for Jackman) will both absolutely be there for it, to play these roles in this show and to help Broadway get back on its feet. There's hardly a reason to go from "might this be delayed so people get their money back" to "such a shame this will never happen" in only 5 posts.
Understudy Joined: 2/26/17
Everyone needs to chill!!!
We are all worried about getting the virus... and we can’t open Broadway til there is a vaccine, come on everyone
Broadway will open either by September or Later but not much later....
I do not believe they will postpone nor cancel it...,might open to smaller audiences but I think they will open ...
My personal belief is we can not be closed til a vaccine is available there is no way ... if everyone follows guidelines we should be fine , disagree with me all you like it’s my own opinion
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Part of me wonders whether they should just postpone it a year, the way that Plaza Suite did. Automatically reassign people for corresponding performances, let people who can't make that work apply for refunds.
Clearly, this has to work for Jackman, but it is not like movie production is going to start like gangbusters when people feel safe. I can't help thinking that Jackman is a Tier 1 stage star, but really only a Tier 2 movie star, so who know's where his head is.
Of course, no one can anticipate what things will be like if there is no vaccine, but -- let's face it -- live theatre will be the least of our concerns.
Understudy Joined: 6/27/19
Kimbo said: It WON'T open smoothly - which is what everyone on this thread has been saying. It will be postponed, most likely by approximately a year - and, much like Plaza Suite with Broderick and Parker, if -I- were a gambling man, Jackman and Foster (after doing other possible work in the meantime like Foster's TV series for her and TV movies like his brand-new one on HBO for Jackman) will both absolutely be there for it, to play these roles in this show and to help Broadway get back on its feet. There's hardly a reason to go from "might this be delayed so people get their money back" to "such a shame this will never happen" in only 5 posts.
I’m thinking strictly from a contractual standpoint. If they can renegotiate the contract with Jackman, then yes, this would be a great driving force behind Broadway’s big comeback in early 2021. And I would LOVE to see that happen!
If you’re right and this is indeed a passion project for Jackman, then yes he can make it work. But if he’s just an actor/businessman looking for a sweet pay-day, he’ll be in the right to simply keep the signing bonus, and walk away to pursue other projects. If you’re right, and Jackman can fill in the time with HBO projects and other high-caliber projects, he’ll probably make it work.
Basically what I’m saying is it’ll be up to Jackman and his agents whether or not he’ll stick it out. I HOPE he does. It simply comes down to his personal investment in the project. I’m just a bit skeptical when it comes to these A list actors who probably have a million projects on the table to pick from. I’d like to think that Jackman chose this project because he believes in it, not because of money... Only time will tell.
briankershawjr said: "Everyone needs to chill!!!
We are all worried about getting the virus... and we can’t open Broadway til there is a vaccine, come on everyone
Broadway will open either by September or Later but not much later....
I do not believe they will postpone nor cancel it...,might open to smaller audiences but I think they will open ...
My personal belief is we can not be closed til a vaccine is available there is no way ... if everyone follows guidelines we should be fine , disagree with me all you like it’s my own opinion"
Sorry - I don't think anyone is being UNchill. But your own post is bonkers...which is it: Bway won't open until there is a vaccine or it won't wait? Because a vaccine could be a year away before it's actually available.
It really does come down whether Jackman is available. If he isn't , this likely gets canceled unless they can get another big name to replace him. This is likely the main reason nothing has been said.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
I think something we all seem to be forgetting is that just because shows are cancelled through September 6th doesn't mean work can't be done on them beforehand. Now, September 6th seems like a longshot for Broadway to reopen, but it's not completely out of the realm of possible yet. The only reason Broadway is cancelled through then is because we know crowds of 1000 people won't be able to be in a theatre until at least then. That doesn't mean that workers can't come into the theatre before then and load in the set, focus the lights, clean the theatre and get it ready, etc. Nor does it mean that they can't hold rehearsals in smaller groups. So let's just say that theatres can in fact reopen on September 6th. Is September 9th a realistic start date? Probably not. But that wouldn't mean it couldn't start before December because of rehearsals. They probably would need 2 weeks from the point of Broadway reopening and could have it up and running. So no, they shouldn't cancel the production yet.
Understudy Joined: 2/26/17
I was stating that what people think “ can not open Broadway til there is a vaccine”
I think Broadway is going to have to down size on how many are allowed in the show
Cut back shows to 3 to 4 a week
Every other row
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
briankershawjr said: "I was stating that what people think “ can not open Broadway til there is a vaccine”
I think Broadway is going to have to down size on how many are allowed in the show
Cut back shows to 3 to 4 a week
Every other row
I'm not sure about 3 shows a week, every other row, etc., but you're right in that there is absolutely no way Broadway is going to wait for a vaccine to reopen (barring a miracle and a vaccine being available in the next 5 months or so). Realistically, this vaccine may take 2 years to develop and fully implement. A giant NYC industry and the tens of thousands of people employed by it are not all going to say "it's cool, we'll just sit back and remain unemployed for the next 2 years until this is fixed". Whether or not that SHOULD happen is of course up for debate. But there is absolutely no way they're going to just sit around and wait.
I don't understand why it's the "right thing" to do right now.
Yes, I understand it's unlikely they'll be able to open as scheduled. But there are tons of details to sort out now. As someone who works on producing shows at an amateur level, there are tons of intricacies that go into making decisions and right now none of us know what's going to happen in the coming months. I'm sure the details are tenfold for a professional production.
It's not a disrespect to paying audience members. It's just trying to figure things out with so much unknown. I feel like some posters here think decisions to not announce delays, etc are out of greed or delusion when it's actually based on an industry suffering and trying to figure out as much as they can given so many unknowns in the world.
Sure, I get that people could use the money they paid already for tickets but nothing is official past Sep 6 and so anyone with tickets beyond that date is not owed anything at the moment.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/14/13
Truthfully, I spent over $400 on two tickets to the show in November. I would like to have the money back now if they are going to postpone or cancel, which is almost certainly what will happen.
Jackman is out... The role has been given to Alex Brightman
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
hak5 said: "Jackman is out... The role has been given to Alex Brightman"
Wait, isn't Brightman doing the Beetlejuice transfer? Because that's totally still happening, of course. A 13-year-old on TikTok said so.
Broadway61004 said: "hak5 said: "Jackman is out... The role has been given to Alex Brightman"
Wait, isn't Brightman doing the Beetlejuice transfer? Because that's totally still happening, of course. A 13-year-old on TikTok said so."
Heard TikTok is being added as a producer for beetlejuice and Charli is taking on the role of beetlejuice
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
Call_me_jorge said: "Broadway61004 said: "hak5 said: "Jackman is out... The role has been given to Alex Brightman"
Wait, isn't Brightman doing the Beetlejuice transfer? Because that's totally still happening, of course. A 13-year-old on TikTok said so."
Heard TikTok is being added as a producer for beetlejuice and Charli is taking on the role of beetlejuice"
Oooh, exciting! Do you think TikTok will stage door?
Broadway Star Joined: 3/10/19
I found an old interview between Seth Rudetsky and Gavin Creel where Seth mentioned that Gavin would be a good Harold Hill. This was back when everyone thought there would be a live TV broadcast with NPH, but I could still see Gavin doing it. (Or NPH, to be honest.) Also, I know it's a joke, but Alex Brightman would honestly be a good Harold Hill, too - and it would be funny to see him originate a third leading role in a row at the Winter Garden.
This is all assuming Hugh won't want to renegotiate, which I could also very clearly see - although I did hear a rumor on a Disney news website that he's in negotiations to play Hades in Hercules, which could get in the way. But he's been so enthusiastic about this show - I couldn't see him walking away without a good fight.
MollyJeanneMusic said: "This is all assuming Hugh won't want to renegotiate, which I could also very clearly see - although I did hear a rumor on a Disney news website that he's in negotiations to play Hades in Hercules, which could get in the way. But he's been so enthusiastic about this show - I couldn't see him walking away without a good fight."
I think that's by far the most likely scenario. If/when they have to reschedule, I think they'll do it based on Hugh's availability. Sutton too to a lesser extent, but definitely Hugh