For what? Either you are or aren't a TDF member.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
I got bronx tale for tomorrow night and Les Liaisons for Fri night.
If you're a member, there are no just go see what they're offering .
Bronx Tale is up for Tuesday. Can we also talk about the Proof of Eligibility. I have to send something in?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Kinky Boy said: "Bronx Tale is up for Tuesday. Can we also talk about the Proof of Eligibility. I have to send something in?"
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
I just emailed them a scan of my ID ( and it worked.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
Is anyone having trouble logging into TDF today? Just checking to see if it's just me.
^ I am having problems as well.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/11/16
I am too. It just redirects me to the main page when I try to log in.
Great Comet is up for this Thursday (Groban out)
Broadway Star Joined: 3/14/13
I just saw The Great Comet popped up there, but with Groban out. It's good to know they're offering the show and I'm hoping one day they'll do it when he's in which I'm waiting for.
djoko84 said: "I just saw The Great Comet popped up there, but with Groban out. It's good to know they're offering the show and I'm hoping one day they'll do it when he's in which I'm waiting for.
I wouldn't count on that, at least for a while. The show, at least so far, is nearly sold out for most performances he is in for.
Id bite the bullet and go for one of the cheap seats if you want to see him in on a budget. The rear mezz for this show is actually an outstanding view.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/15
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
jbird5 said: "The Front Page is on for the 12/23 matinee.
Thanks for posting, just got my tickets! Hope the full cast is in!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/16
If I didn't already have two matinee tickets for exactly those times when Ride the Cyclone is up....(one of which is the aforementioned Front Page...)
Guess I'll hope some Ride the Cyclone tickets come up for next week--perhaps the two matinees they added on the 28th and 29th
Understudy Joined: 10/23/16
In general, do you think you get better seats through TDF or rush?
Understudy Joined: 12/5/16
itsshowtime2 said: "In general, do you think you get better seats through TDF or rush?
I'm sure others will opine differently... but I always pick TDF. I usually check inventory on Telecharge before I buy them and will have an idea of where I will sit based on what is unsold. I can buy the tickets from my couch and show up 10 minutes before the show.
I have heard many stories with people getting amazing seats at a rush, but it's never happened to me. They are sometimes obstructed, and usually worse than TDF, since those were allocated first.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
This is sort of a tangent, but in past years, five years ago maybe, it seemed like all the rushes and lottos were front row seats. Now? That's rare. You usually get obstructed seats or rear orch or something.
I usually just use TDF now for the convenience factor, plus the seats are usually good. There may still be rushes with great seats, but they are certainly less common.
I think TDF is particularly good for Off Broadway, because those theaters are smaller. Usually, there are no bad seats. (Of course there may be exceptions.)
I rarely do rush anymore. TDF is much better. The last four Broadway shows I saw through TDF all gave me good center orchestra seats. As neon says, rush has increasingly become a way for theaters to sell of their least desirable seats -- which is fine, but I'd rather take my chances with TDF for close to the same price.
Also, if anyone's interested, tonight's performance of THE FRONT PAGE has been added.