About Autumn doing that reading, I would have thought if she DID got the role of Elle it would make her more likely to do things such as readings and workshops. She is entering the Broadway community as a lead role in a pretty popular musical, so wouldn't that make her higher in demand than one of the girls who lost the TV show?
It's really of no importance since neither of them won and they both clearly have negative traits that were shown (or amplified) to make for more dramatic and entertaining reality television. I don't really see how forming negative opinions from a reality show is any different than forming positive opinions. Both can be proven (or disproven) upon meeting them or seeing them live.
I didn't have quite the negative reaction as many did to Cassie S. even with the editing job they gave her, I still found her to be spunky and funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/19/08
That's a good call about the "we all think you need to lose weight" line possibly being a joke. In which case, I would guess Autumn. She's tiny.
I was going back and watching the full performances, and I just have to say how much I LOVE Autumn. Even her "So Much Better" for their first audition had so much personality, and it's clear that she wasn't relying on anyone else for her interpretation. Same with "Omigod You Guys." I think Bailey is the next-strongest, but she's stuck in a Laura Bell Bundy impersonation.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
A bad Laura Bell Bundy impersonation at that. I'm not surprised she's going to struggle with the next song, Legally Blonde. She actually has to show emotion!
I was indifferent towards Autumn before this last episode. Now I'm rooting for her:) When everyone else was freaking out over the questions, she actually stepped up and took the lead. Brilliant.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/24/07
Bailey has this thing about her I hate. She is just a little annoying but still she is the best dancer. Autumn needs to win.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Natalie's the best dancer, but Lauren is the strongest overall (IMO).
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Lauren addresses the "losing weight" comment in her blog:
"Its ironic because I know you have all seen the trailor where I am saying “We all think you need to lose weight…” SO NOW YOU KNOW. I wasn’t saying that to anyone but myself… I was in the middle of a huge rant on why I refused to answer these questions… Sounded something like “I refuse to sit here and have you all tell me ‘We all think you need to lose weight.” Honestly, HOW STUPID is it to do this on a show directed towards young girls and teenagers."
And Autumn had food poisoning, which is why she threw up this past episode.
Just little tidbits I found out.
I found out that according to the contract the contestants signed, not only are they only guaranteed the 2 week contract that has been previously stated, after that 2 weeks, they will be put into the tour cast (it didn't specify as Elle, however, so I don't think that Becky will be losing her part anytime soon). One of my best friends is doing a show with a guy who's wife was one of the top 15 and he's getting all the scoop from him (I know that sounds random and fake, but it actually is true)
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
That doesn't make sense. Why would they spend a lot of time rehearsing them for the Broadway company only to take them out after two weeks to rehearse them for the tour company? Even though it's the same show, there are differences between the Broadway and tour show. I think you must have something wrong there.
I re-watched some of the current five's auditions, including "So Much Better." I realized that Bailey has a tendency to squint her eyes and shake her head about every 10 seconds while singing. She seems to think that's a sassy look when in fact it's really annoying. Right now I'm rooting for Lauren.
Does anyone actually think Rhiannon has a shot? I think she will be booted off soon due to her weak voice and/or her constant geeky acting. I love it, but geeky mannerisms are just not right for the part.
Updated On: 7/5/08 at 11:33 AM
So much love for Autumn and I don't understand any of it. Everything I see from her is just.. awful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I asked my sister to watch the dancing performances (though I used to dance as well, she's the hardcore dancer in the family) and she said that Autumn's dancing was just plain sloppy, and I think that LB needs a strong dancer. Not that singing and acting should suffer from it, but you get what I mean.
I'm not saying that it makes any sense (because I was definitely confused when I was told that. I thought it'd make more sense to try out the winner for 2 weeks on Broadway and then, depending on her performance, offer her a longer contract). I'm just reporting what was actually on the contracts that they signed. And it's the producers of Legally Blonde. When have they ever made sense?
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Um... bump? Anyone on this thread?
I love that Lauren was defending someone who called her a little girl.
Did she really just say "aesthetic"? Because that would have to be the most advanced vocabulary utilized thus far on this show.
I think that Autumn is very smart actually.
Natalie looks a lot like Rihonnan now.
Understudy Joined: 8/11/07
UGH! Natalie does not look good as a blonde!!!!!!!!!! Im excited to see autumn (shes my choice as elle) but I cant believe that they couldnt just throw a wig on their heads! That was really a turn in the show!
....But it was entertaining~
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
Aww LBB. I'm actually going to miss her...
I'm just so happy I saw her before she leaves.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/18/05
1. Yay! We get to go on a date with a married man.
2. I love that Christian refused to do this show (or so I've heard)
I didn't like Natalie as a blonde at first, but it grew on me really fast. But Autumn I just can't get use to...I'm not liking the blonde on her.
Aww LBB. I'm actually going to miss her...
so am i!!!! i was in tears during her appearance tonight.
omigod andy karl. but i am happy if its true that chrsitian refused to do this reality show.