Chorus Member Joined: 8/19/11
Followspot: When I did Play by Play, it was mostly Off-Broadway (Voca People ALL THE TIME) and Birdland, Duplex, Roseland events. Broadway would pop up, but usually only if a show was REALLY struggling. I think the most "popular" show I ever saw on PbyP was Mandy and Patti's show and I was in the back corner of the balcony. The mezzanine was practically empty, so we all moved down once the show began.
Thanks, mybestaudition — very helpful.
What I have seen with PbP that Gold club didn't offer (not the Actor's Fund Performances)
Bonnie & Clyde, Jesus Christ Superstar, On a Clear Day,and more Broadway.
Much of the Town Hall performances.
Radio City, Zarkana, Riverdance and MSG NY Rangers, Wrestlemania and concerts.
Much much more.
Thanks, Pammy!
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
Thanks, appreciate your responses. Think I will give TheaterMania Gold Club a try when they have a promotion for a show I do not have tickets for yet.
re: Ticket pick-up
For Broadway and other high price shows most of the time they are NOT box office p/u.
PbP you meet a rep in Shubert Alley, show him your ID (you cannot let anyone pick them up), one hour before show time.
TM Gold: Rep usually is right near the theater with a stack of tickets. No ID needed. I have seen them give tickets just by asking for the name.
PbP very strict on rules. Will suspend you if you break the rules. I was in the ER and called that I couldn't go to a show. They wigged out and put me on 24-hour suspension.
Theatermania's gold club is great.
I have seen leap of faith, Streetcar, Lyons, and much much more this year for 4.50 per ticekts.
You can't beat that.
Don't know Play by Play.
Audience extras used to be good but has lost some luster and they don't get the best shows so I don't use that anymore.
TDF is also a great back up for Gold club.
Based upon this thread, I joined TMG.
Question: when is the best time to access the site (i.e when do shows first start to appear on the site, time of day?).
Ir's pretty slow now, will pick up when previews start.
As for time to get tickets, there is no rhyme or reason when. I for. Priscilla tickets at 11 pm. 5 performances came up for a month away late one night. It was an advertising deal they made. I have also got tickets in the mornings, afternoon, early evening.
Just got a pair of tickets for Traces closing weekend.
Swing Joined: 12/30/14
Play-by-Play is by far the best. I have been a member of all of them over the years. Play-by-Plays selections over the past few years have surpassed all the other services. A close second I would say is theater extras. Theatermania doesn't get very much broadway anymore and when they do it sells out in minutes.
Prefer Play to Theatermania. Saw Honeymoon on it plus Actors funds of Newsies, It's Only A Play & regretfully Mormon
If Theatermania does not improve their selection next year will have to rethink reupping for 2016.
Joined Theatermania a few months ago, and strongly regret it. Haven't used it once.
Updated On: 12/30/14 at 01:00 PM
Besides the rare Broadway show, Play by Play is only good for "discount" $50 - $60 seats to actors fund performances. So it's good if you want to pay a $100+ yearly membership plus additional costs to reserve tickets to shows that you could get seats for that same price by using discount codes.
I just finished a years membership with Theatermania and boy was it a disappointment, to say the least. I used it 3 times the whole year. Really don't recommend it.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
I did not renew my Play By Play membership in November. Once in awhile they had something decent, but not enough for me to justify renewing.
Satisfied with Play By Play. Changing to audience extras if Theatermania does not improve
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
I have a question about Play by Play, Audience Extras and Theater Extras. On each of those sites, are you able to see what shows and performances are sold out? Like on Theatermania Gold Club and TDF when a performance sells out it disappears. But like on "free site that shall not be named" you can see what performances the site had but are already sold out. I find that information is helpful in planning. Thanks for any info!
All these clubs are over subscribed. Sometimes they have only 10 tickets to a show and people who have double memberships get 4 tickets immediately and in 5 seconds all are gone. You can catch a good show if you go on every five minutes all day long. I know retirees that do nothing all day but check these clubs. I feel sorry for them.
Why do you feel sorry for them? Isn't that what you do even though you don't need to? Just curious.
Big Baloney is correct. You have to be checking continually and have the free time on your schedule to actually see the shows. I often work late during the week, so my time is limited. Still, I saw about 24 shows via Gold Club last year.
Updated On: 12/30/14 at 08:51 PM
Joined Theatermania Gold on Nov 11, 2014, and have seen several shows. Definitely worth it so far ....
Some times of the year (such as now) are slower than others for Gold Club. But the past few months have been good, I thought.
Updated On: 12/31/14 at 10:30 AM
I was actually going to ask if this was a better time for these services since this is a slow time for attendance but macnyc is saying the opposite. Do you guys find that Jan is a worse time?
Clyde, when we get out of the holiday season, the rest of January and all of February should be good. I'm sending you a private message.
Also, I checked out Gold Club by clicking learn more, and the shows they give you as teasers (saying, "new shows added daily"), are very misleading. I've never seen those particular shows, such as Jersey Boys, offered on Gold Club as complimentary. Just a word to the wise.
Updated On: 1/2/15 at 03:25 PM
Chorus Member Joined: 11/23/14
I use GoldClub and I persoanlly love it. Last year I saw 14 shows with them (8 Broadway).
I always check at 5:00-5:30 PM. Broadway shows are more common early weekdays.
I won't break the rules and list shows, but it isn't too uncommon to see a Broadway show.