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Tony NOMINATION reactions?- Page 5

Tony NOMINATION reactions?

alphieboy Profile Photo
#100re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:07am

I also wish Mr. Jbara would have gotten a nod!

"If I have something to say, the whole world (BroadwayWorld) should hear it." - Thenardier

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#101re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:07am

Oh, damn it! Oremus didn't get one for ASU. I really thought he would. re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....

::listens to HAIR in protest::

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#102re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:07am

Wow..not surprised at Brooklyn and GV, but was All Shook Up completely locked out? re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

#103re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:07am

I fear the wrath of Rath.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#104re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:08am

Heh, I've been up all night and just remembered the awards were being announced 2 minutes ago when I saw the notice on the BWW homepage.

I'm not too familiar with the way the Tony noms work, is there a max limit to how many can be in each catgory? And does it depend on what the category is?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#105re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:09am

5 for the acting categories, 4 for everything else

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#106re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:10am

Thank you, Margo. I only know details like that about the Oscars. :)

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 09:10 AM

Razz77 Profile Photo
#107re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:10am

...Glad they remembered Laura Linney from her performance almost a YEAR ago...It was definitely that memorable...

Kind of surprised that they left Denzel out just because of who he is...

Happy for the nomination for On Golden needs it at the box office...

Pacific Overtures seems to be remembered quite a bit..

Surprised that the hailed Streetcar set didn't receive a nomination...

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#108re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:11am

It's 5 in the acting categories and 4 in the other categories.

I am really not surprised by any of the nominations, except that especially in the play categories really deserving work actually got nominated over some bigger names. Brooklyn, ASU, etc were not going to get noms. And apparently Little Women gave the voters a severe distaste as well.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#109re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:12am


The category I'm totally excited about is Best Orchestrations. I thought Piazza had it in the bag, but I totally forgot Pacific Overtures! You can't go wrong with Jonathan Tunick. And Sondheim. So it'll be interesting to see who wins...

Yay for the nominations!


popcultureboy Profile Photo
#110re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:16am

Given its steadily declining box office and its now total shutout of every award possible, I really wouldn't be surprised if Glass Menagerie announced early closing now.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#111re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:16am

*cries in happiness* Vicki Clark in the Best Actress Musical category. My day is complete.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#112re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:17am

::cries more::

How I can be expected to do a twenty page project under these conditions?!

For now.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#113re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:18am

Pop - I think that's really sad about Menagerie.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#114re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:18am

*big hugs to Emcee* Sorry, hon.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

OnTheAisle Profile Photo
#115re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:20am

Yeah, I don't see Glass Menagerie sticking around for very long...

This is probably ignorance on my part, but wasn't "The Frogs" eligible for something? (I didn't see it, so I have no real way to judge the merits...)

"Not a day goes by..."

#116re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:20am

Little Women deserved so much more! They should have gotton nominations for Maureen McGovern, orchestrations, scenery, and best musical-- at least. At least Sutton got her well-deserved nomination, but the show really deserved a lot more. I found it to be the most enjoyable of the new musicals this season!

admanrich Profile Photo
#117re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:21am

Yay Spelling Bee!!! :) :)

I'm surprised Brooklyn didn't get costumes.
I think it's a goner now.

wendy72 Profile Photo
#118re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:21am

Very happy for DRS, but would have liked to see Greg Jbara get a nom. Also think Jessie Tyler F. from Spellin Bee should have gotten a nom. Tough field. Yay for Matt Morrison, though.

Not at all surprised about Lithgow, not only deserving but wasn't nominated for "Retreat from Moscow" and I think people remember that.

Biggest surprise: Gary Beach, everyone said he is just "wrong" in that role. As much as I loved him in The Producers, I have not heard anything about his performance that would merit a nom.

2ND biggest surprise: No Christian Borle, everyone I know who saw "SPAM" said he was the best thing in the show, after Sara.

oh--and GO NORBERT!!

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#119re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:22am

The Frogs was technically eligible for everything, because they deemed it a new musical. It just didn't...get anything.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

OnTheAisle Profile Photo
#120re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:23am

Since Sutton got the nomination, is the show safe for awhile? My wife and girls are going at the end of May...

"Not a day goes by..."

#121re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:23am

I still think Piazza has orchestrations in the bag. Tunick merely did a reduction of his earlier 1976 orchestration of the show and -- through no fault of his -- while it was beautiful, it sounded VERY thin with only 6 musicians. Unfortunately, Roundabout's cost cutting demands compromised a brilliant score.

On the other hand, Guettel, Sperling and Coughlin's lush, rich orchestration for its 14 piece orchestra is simply dazzling and should take the award in a walk.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

NYadgal Profile Photo
#122re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:23am

It certainly points to the thrilling season on Broadway!

SO many deserving performances. Still, I'm sorry for some of my particular favorites who were shut out.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#123re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:25am

DGrant - I think it's sad too about Menagarie but I am not surprised. I am only sad when I think about what might have been with that production.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#124re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:25am

Lithgow and Beach are two of the most charming and best-liked people in the business. That helps.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 09:25 AM
