Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
FranklinDickson2018 said: "Dear Poisonivy2, I can't thank you enough for your brilliant review. I have read it and re-read it and I think you brilliantly convey what is wrong with this production.
I am a huge fan of your writing and again thank you.
It is your review I will be reading again after the predictably laudatory raves come out from the usual media suspects."
But who wrote it? The real person or the onscreen persona this person has created?
FranklinDickson2018 said: "Dear Poisonivy2, I can't thank you enough for your brilliant review. I have read it and re-read it and I think you brilliantly convey what is wrong with this production.
I am a huge fan of your writing and again thank you.
It is your review I will be reading again after the predictably laudatory raves come out from the usual media suspects."
Thank you. And Artman, my blog is real life. It’s real bc I spent my own money to take my mom to see the show.
imeldasturn said: "Is it me or the people who give it bad reviews are the same that have been campaigning against it for months"
So much hate behind this production, regardless of the casting. I guess people want to see the same revivals of shows over and over and over. I personally found the production innovative and the cast was ****ing fire. While I wouldn't see it again, it's def noteworthy
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
YvanEhtNioj said: "imeldasturn said: "Is it me or the people who give it bad reviews are the same that have been campaigning against it for months"
So much hate behind this production, regardless of the casting. I guess people want to see the same revivals of shows over and over and over. I personally found the production innovative and the cast was ****ing fire. While I wouldn't see it again, it's def noteworthy"
But also, what I've recently been thinking is that shows like this, shows like Oklahoma!, Phantom, Mean Girls, these are stage adaptations, yes, but a lot of people who are buying tickets are doing so for so many different reasons. They're not all on social media. They don't know what's going on with casting controversy. So when they hear a show is being revived, they have reasons for seeing it. Maybe it was the show that exposed them to a lifetime love of theater. Maybe they worked on a production when they were young and the revival brought back memories and made them curious. It's unfair to judge people who do see these shows, regardless of if they're aware of the drama surrounding the show or not. Theater is an incredibly personal, meaningful thing to people and if they want to see a show that has greatly affected their life, who is anyone else to tell them to squash that love? That desire to see a new iteration of the show they love so much?
**note: I just included mean girls because it was a movie that so many people love and people were basically on the verge of boycotting when Cameron Dallas was in the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
And AEA just released this statement...
PSA: This is the OG GeorgeandDot. I lost my login info so this is me now.
ANYWAYS, caught this the other night. This seemed right up my alley. I love innovative revivals. I've always had some minor issues with the museum treatment that West Side Story receives. It's made the piece feel very old and somewhat dusty so I was looking forward to seeing someone reinvent it. I wasn't crazy about Amar's casting going in. 1. He created an unsafe workplace elsewhere 2. He brings a lot of drama with him 3. His performance in Carousel was one of, if not, THE worst performance that I have ever seen on a Broadway stage. He was alright here but he did take me out of it a few times.
ANYWAYS, now that, that's settled, this production is quite possibly the worst revival I've ever seen on Broadway. Props to the cast for working so hard, but my god, what a stinker. The video projections are laughable, bizarre, ugly, and distracting. Not to mention shamelessly manipulative. The acting is bad, the singing is mediocre, the dancing is horrendous. The Latin dancing? Someone tell this Great Value Twyla Tharp that a quick hip swivel does not equal Latin "flavor." The dancing is basically them running in circles, throwing their arms in the air, and then doing a little hop. The orchestrations also sound THIN.
Speaking of thin, Ivo has stripped the life and blood from this show so it becomes a beeline straight to the bloody ending which is laughable in this production. I never felt anything for these characters partly because it felt like half the show was cut and dehumanized. This whole production felt like it was directed by a high school student who thought they were being clever. This has none of the deep textual analysis and reinterpretation that some of the more recent, radical revivals of classic shows have had. What a disappointment.
I don't want to see the same show over and over again, I just hope to see some humanity behind your avant garde dancing and fancy projections.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
hearthemsing22 said: "And AEA just released this statement..."
Which serves absolutely zero purpose other than to cover their own a**es.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
JSquared2 said: "hearthemsing22 said: "And AEA just released this statement..."
Which serves absolutely zero purpose other than to cover their own a**es.
Oh I agree. I think they figure the production is making money, the protests haven't impacted that at all, so they're perhaps doing the bare minimum.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
poisonivy2 said: "joevitus said: "poisonivy2 said: "imeldasturn said: "Is it me or the people who give it bad reviews are the same that have been campaigning against it for months"
Uh ... I actually don’t think Amar should be fired and I think he’s one of the best things about this production. I just liked trolling the MAGA crowd in the old deleted thread."
That actually makes you worse than the MAGAs (assuming there really were any). Congratulations?"
Why? I am a serious theater enthusiast. When I go see something I give the performers the respect they deserve. Online I like adopting another persona that is not me in real life. What’s wrong with that?"
So then why should anyone ever place any credibility into anything you write -- here or elsewhere? How should we be expected to know which "persona" is at the keyboard at that moment??
JSquared2 said: "poisonivy2 said: "joevitus said: "poisonivy2 said: "imeldasturn said: "Is it me or the people who give it bad reviews are the same that have been campaigning against it for months"
Uh ... I actually don’t think Amar should be fired and I think he’s one of the best things about this production. I just liked trolling the MAGA crowd in the old deleted thread."
That actually makes you worse than the MAGAs (assuming there really were any). Congratulations?"
Why? I am a serious theater enthusiast. When I go see something I give the performers the respect they deserve. Online I like adopting another persona that is not me in real life. What’s wrong with that?"
So then why should anyone ever place any credibility intoanything you write -- here or elsewhere? How should we be expected to know which "persona" is at the keyboard at that moment??"
Uh ... I think people can tell the difference between when I'm being serious (anything related to real-life, my social media, my personal blog, my job, people I care about) and when I'm just fanning the SJW flames (in threads I know will be locked or deleted by mods).
Understudy Joined: 8/16/19
hearthemsing22 said: "And AEA just released this statement..."
I’m hoping Equity does a double check on that floor with all the does not seem safe, not at all.
inmyownlittlecorner said: "hearthemsing22 said: "And AEA just released this statement..."
I’m hoping Equity does a double check on that floor with all the does not seem safe, not at all."
Considering the show has been in production for over two months now and is opening tonight, I think they’ve moved on from this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
inmyownlittlecorner said: "hearthemsing22 said: "And AEA just released this statement..."
I’m hoping Equity does a double check on that floor with all the does not seem safe, not at all."
Oh I'm sure it's never once crossed their minds until you just brought it up! LOL
Swing Joined: 12/13/19
It’s sad that the protesters have taken to cyber-stalking and harassing other company members in attempt to fuel discord backstage. At least the production is taking the safety concerns of company members into account by giving them access to resources to protect their privacy and security, and the union, while issuing a weak statement otherwise, is trying to support that move. I can only imagine that the AEA hotline will be flooded with lots of fake calls from people pretending to be a company member and “anonymously” reporting Amar has done something to them, as the protesters become more desperate. Sounds like a perfect setup for Witch Hunt 2020.
Updated On: 2/20/20 at 01:25 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
What would you expect AEA to do? Amar's indiscretions did not involve any AEA members or workplace. Anything beyond a boilerplate statement about avenues to report harassment would be grossly inappropriate.
And OhBoy, I hope you'll consider removing the last part of your post - no need to give people any bad ideas.
OhBoy17 said: "It’s sad that theprotesters have taken to cyber-stalking and harassing other company members in attempt to fuel discord backstage. At least the production is taking the safety concerns of company members into account by giving them access to resources to protect their privacy and security,and the union, while issuing a weak statement otherwise, is trying to support that move. I can only imagine that the AEAhotline will be flooded with lots of fake calls from people pretending to be a company member and “anonymously”reporting Amar has done something to them, as the protesters become more desperate. Sounds like a perfect setup for Witch Hunt 2020."
The the leaders of the protest have made it clear on their Instagram page that they don't condone the attacks on other cast members and have been distancing themselves from the rogue "protestors." But let's be real its not like Waterbury isn't getting attacks from the other side as well. Of course, you wouldn't care about that though.
poisonivy2 said: "JSquared2 said: "poisonivy2 said: "joevitus said: "poisonivy2 said: "imeldasturn said: "Is it me or the people who give it bad reviews are the same that have been campaigning against it for months"
Uh ... I actually don’t think Amar should be fired and I think he’s one of the best things about this production. I just liked trolling the MAGA crowd in the old deleted thread."
That actually makes you worse than the MAGAs (assuming there really were any). Congratulations?"
Why? I am a serious theater enthusiast. When I go see something I give the performers the respect they deserve. Online I like adopting another persona that is not me in real life. What’s wrong with that?"
So then why should anyone ever place any credibility intoanything you write -- here or elsewhere? How should we be expected to know which "persona" is at the keyboard at that moment??"
Uh ... I think people can tell the difference between when I'm being serious (anything related to real-life, my social media, my personal blog, my job, people I care about) and when I'm just fanning the SJW flames (in threads I know will be locked or deleted by mods)."
I couldn't tell the difference, and I've seen and interacted with you for years. Unless someone knows you personally, why would would anyone think that you were being anything but serious? It's a shame that you think that trolling anonymously on the internet is so entertaining. You didn't just alienate the non-existent MAGA crowd that you keep mentioning. You alienated a lot of people on here, and I'm pretty stunned by your admission that it was all an act. I can't believe that you think it's OK to start arguments for fun, and then expect people to treat you as if nothing happened. I used to be interested in your posts, but ever since the Amar nonsense, I couldn't care less about your "momsicals," or anything else you have to say, for that matter.
Variety on the opening night scene.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/31/12
Is the offstage voice in the Somewhere number in this production?
I dont know why the following article was just published. But I find some of the reaction thoughtful (I did not and likely will not see the revival if reopens) Diep Tran from Token Theatre
Updated On: 9/6/20 at 09:35 PM
I agree with quite a few of the points made here. And I certainly support you not seeing it if you don’t want to. I will say there is no perfect work of art and there is no perfect creative environment. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of room for improvement.
I am glad I never saw one HP movie or read one HP book. I’ve added that entire franchise to other brands such as Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Papa Johns, and Jimmy Johns that I avoid for moral reasons.
But I still shop at Wal Mart and Amazon. If you dig deep enough, any business (including show business) is problematic. Sometimes (often) you don’t have to dig very deep.
So WSS is made by humans so it’s going to have problems. That doesn’t invalidate the concerns. I concede many of the issues the author has with this revival of WSS (as well as the source material). Some points I hadn’t even considered before.
I still am glad I saw this revival of WSS twice. The message may be changed or muted from the original and subsequent iterations, but I don’t think that invalidates it as unworthy. It also employed a huge talented cast of POC.
I’m also aware that my existence as a white cisgender male makes it easier for me to acknowledge the issues and still enjoy the production.
I will say that I skimmed certain sections of the article, but it should be pointed out the cast member didn’t share pics of cast memberS. He shared pics of his girlfriend. Still problematic, but she forgave him. The question is whether we the public get to be more offended than his own girlfriend. He is also a person of color. I don’t think the author mentioned the huge outrage over his casting vs. the lack of uproar over a certain white convicted sex offender who was a previous Phantom. Would removing him from the WSS production have been pro-feminist, racist, maybe both?
Summary: Life is complex. If you’re looking for a perfect work of art that has no problematic elements either in its book or music or creative team or creative process or production team you might as well stay home. And if we’re going to apply that to the rest of world we should just never watch TV, never look on the Internet, never read, listen to music and just hermit ourselves up in the house and just starve ourselves to death (most bought foods have problematic origins) and that’s probably the only way we can ever avoid conceding any of our moral superiority. Life is messy. It’s intersectional. There’s no one pure moral answer or viewpoint. But we should definitely discuss them.
I will say that I skimmed certain sections of the article, but it should be pointed out the cast member didn’t share pics of cast members. He shared pics of his girlfriend. Still problematic, but she forgave him. The question is whether we the public get to be more offended than his own girlfriend. He is also a person of color. I don’t think the author mentioned the huge outrage over his casting vs. the lack of uproar over a certain white convicted sex offender who was a previous Phantom.
You skimmed the article but still managed 8 paragraphs? Cool. I think it's funny the many different ways you've tried to justify seeing this despicable production by naming all the things you boycott. How interesting. The article is correct when it states "That’s because it had cast Ramasar who was fired (along with a number of other male ballet dancers) from the New York City Ballet for sharing nude photos of female ballerinas. In all of the ensuing media coverage, Ramasar did not apologize". They shared photos with each other of many women in the company. I read the criminal complaint her lawyers filed in court along with all the evidence. Did you?
And regarding Barbour, he accepted responsibility and did his time. Then, he moved on with his life which is what we allow people to do in society. After they've taken responsibility. Also, he was never on the sex offender registry nor convicted of any sexual crime so I would retract that story you strangely made up in your head. However, plenty of people had issues with his casting in Phantom (several threads were made here and on Reddit) and chose not to attend the show.
In society, we like when people take responsibly for screwing up and hurting others. The worst Bernardo ever never apologized nor admitted wrong doing. Ever. I hope it never reopens.