per The View, right now
She just announced on the View!!
Wow, we both started threads at the same time and they got merged, haha.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/26/07
Hah how many threads can we all make about the same topic at once
The caps are a big much for me...I generally prefer to not feel like I'm being screamed at when I read the title of a thread.
But, what was weird.
Heard her announce it too. So glad for her!
I'm glad they are doing a host, I didn't like it without one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
YES! I love her! She's hysterical, and was the best Oscars host in recent memory.
I was hoping for Ellen, but this is good, too
YEAH WHOOPI!!!!!!!! She'll make a great host!! Good choice!
Actually she saod she would be "narrating" and didn't want to use the "H" word.
She said they would be celebrating all the shows not just the nominees, I quess this is to avoid the LEGALLY BLONDE debacle of last year.
This makes me happy. I really think it's most enjoyable if a single person is at the helm.
I wish I could be there. I was offered a ticket but can't make it to NYC at the time of the awards.
This was an interesting way to start my day.
Good. And if they're actually celebrating all the shows for once, I'm a very happy guy.
I think this is a great choice. I imagine she'll be fantastic!
I am so excited!!!!
Great news! I really hated the host-less telecasts. And I'm glad they're celebrating all the shows this year. That's what the Tonys are about: a celebration of Broadway.
I was hoping for Ellen, but this is good, too
What does Ellen have to do with Broadway?
I was actually hoping for Kristin Chenoweth, since she has achieved Hollywood fame now and is a recognizable face. She was a riot hosting the Drama Desks last year.
But Whoopi will be great.
GREAT news!!! FINALLY CBS can make a smart decision