SO ANXIOUS to hear about this, LOL
Yeah the whole charging $120 foe something you need to apologize in advance for really turns my stomach. That's almost fraudulent in my eyes.
Updated On: 10/8/10 at 10:28 PM
I mean, yes, but everyone should have been aware of what they were getting themselves into. I assume most ticket buyers knew that it was a show that had never had an out-of-town try-out or Off-Broadway run. Plus, with the constant pushing back of the first preview date, it should have been clear that this wouldn't be in its polished form.
It wouldn't have been that clear to the people who bought the tickets for tonight, originally. And I guess if Sher thought an apology was necessary then he expects that the audience might have expected something more :P.
At the end of the day they paid to see a professional show, not a dress rehearsal.
Not sure how they could have 'fixed' this issue though, (partially refund tickets?)..I just don't think it should be considered acceptable or the norm.
That said, I have only been to one first preview, and that had an out of town try-out and a lead who already knew what he was doing [La Cage-Hodge], so maybe it 'is' considered acceptable, I don't know.
The singing, the dancing, the sets, the acting. I want to hear all the details! What was the best part of the show and did the audience have a great time?
And I want to hear how Justin did in his Broadway debut!
Sorry, I don't buy that. Ticket buyers should not be required to research a shows history and know how long it's played before the performance they're attending. If you feel you are ready to charge people to see your work them that work had better be ready to be seen. Otherwise, you owe that audience a refund in addition to an apology.
Well, it certainly isn't like the old days (in the 70's) when I saw many a show during previews because the tix were always 50% off!! They practically had to drag people into previews. How times have changed.
As far as merchandise:
- white tshirt with poster artwork
- black tshirt with only artwork logo (no eyes, high heels etc.)
- magnet
- window card
- DVDs of Almodovar's films Women on the Verge, Volver, All About My Mother
- Patti's book! haha.
Understudies when someone gets a chance, please?
It was a rough night. There were a lot of set problems which led to many funny ad libs. Laura stole the show. The lighting/projections are incredible and the set could be impressive but had some difficulty tonight. I really enjoyed the score. I will go back but I need to give it some time to mold into a groove and run smoothly.
Seconding a song list when applicable. Thanks!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
You all say "it was a rough night" like it comes as some kind of a shock that a highly technical, new, original musical that's playing cold in New York and never had a full performance would have a rough first performance.
Should they be charging $120? Probably not, but that's the game and all of you first preview kings and queens knew exactly what you were getting into.
Updated On: 10/8/10 at 11:26 PM
So all this hype was to sell the Pone's book in the lobby?
Should have known it was a set-up.
I thought Patti was against BCEFA collecting because the audience had already spent enough on the tickets.
But Yankee, the problem is that 90+% of the audience aren't first preview junkies. Many MANY of them are tourists who bought tickets to a show they saw was playing. How (or more importantly WHY) are they supposed to know or expect they're not going to be getting a finished product? When people go see a Broadway show, people who don't go to every show like we do, there is that magical feeling that they are seeing the absolute best they'll ever see that show. And things like this cheat them from that experience and I think it's just plain wrong.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Jordan, you raise an interesting point, made even more interesting with the fact that the show was supposed to have been playing for a week already.
I wish I knew the audience make-up, but I want to say I strongly doubt there was a significant number of people who went in cold, without knowing that it was an early preview.
But then, audiences love when "live theater" happens and people have to ad-lib. In my experience, when errors do roll around, the audience is very vocally appreciative.
I'll second the sentiment that Laura steals the show. And I'll also eat my words and say Justin Guarini wasn't horrible.
Fighting a bad case of the flu right now; will try to post understudies and song list tomorrow if no one else has. Need sleep.
Everyone's so busy harping on the fact that the show was rough and didn't run smoothly. Not surprising at all. But regardless, does anyone wanna comment on the MATERIAL? Ha.
^ I agree! Can anyone post a review?
This so is in seriously bad shape, and I believe it is unfixable without a complete overhaul of the show. I'm not talking about the sets and stagehands either. I'm talking about the book, score and direction. Other than the costume design this production is COMPLETELY missing the mark of what made the movie wonderful.
Laura Benanti is the only one in the cast given any material to work with (and she delivers). I don't blame the actors for a second. I feel very sorry for the talent on stage, and the frustration was palpable during the curtain call.
This is Pepa's story, and there is SO much padding it never lets the story take off. It is supposed to be funny, and the movie is a delight, but this is serious and deary. Poor Patti has a clunker of a song in act one and a pretty, but wrong song in act two. Brian Stokes Mitchell has pointless numbers and they could all easily be cut. He is in wonderful voice though.
I could go into details and answer any questions, but I'm basically thoroughly disappointed. Before anyone starts telling me it's only the first preview and it will get better I realize that. I have been to many first previews. This goes far beyond stagehands moving set pieces. That I expect and forgive. The huge missteps by the creative team are far more troubling.
How did they handle the taxi cab scenes? And were they as funny as they were in the film?
Oh no...
It's really disappointing to read such a negative first review. I'll admit that I will gladly see the show regardless of whether or not it's a train wreck (in any sense of the phrase), but I'm bummed you think it's really THAT bad.
Scenic struggle withstanding, how long did it run?
The taxi cab scenes are very awkward. Partly because the cab was having some difficulties, but they just didn't know what to do with that character. The scenes are a riot in the movie, but here nothing. Danny sings a song at the top of act two called Madrid that has to do with NOTHING! His character shouldn't be doing this, but it gives the ensemble a chance to come out and salsa dance.
Can we quit harping on the fact that it was a technically problematic first preview and how dare they put this on cold and charge patrons full price?
I think any somewhat half intelligent person would look at the word PREVIEWS plastered everywhere: "Previews begin 10.8.10" or the announcements of a "delayed first preview" and think "gee, whats a preview?"
New shows need to run in order to be tinkered with and improved and part of that molding and growing process is having a live audience and seeing what works and what doesnt based on audience reactions.
Yes it was the first preview, yes they charged full price but hey it's a $5M musical and they need to pay everyone on and behind that stage.
Why care so much about what nameless faceless theater goers are [possibly] disappointed that it isn't a fully polished production? Worry about yourself and be thankful that you know the difference and see the show AFTER it has opened.