Lol. How's that going?(Sorry going to stop threadjacking now)
Haha I was wondering about that too Lesserworm. :-P I'm a girl and I still dont know how to keep myself upright in a pair of heels. Converse=safe for me. And those were some HUGE heels. I must say Anthony, you've got great balance.
Understudy Joined: 11/23/04
Yes, Anthony definately deserves praise there. I wore heels once when I went to see the midnight show of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (I was completely in drag, and no, I'm not gay.) I have never felt so awkward or fallen down so much as that instance. So, Cheers for Anthony.
As to how my portrayal of a woman is going, very slowly. I'm not horrible, but not very good either. Still a bit unsure of exactly how to walk, hand movements, that kind of thing. Thanks for asking, Racetrack and Dreamcatcher.
Well I hope everything goes well Lesserworm. While we seem to be on the subject of Hedwig, just out of curiosity, did you get to pick out the costume you wanted to wear or was that more of the wardrobe/costume designer's choice? It was a kick ass costume to be sure!
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
I just wanted the Cheers to Anthony for being able to walk in those shoes. I haven't seen the show (technically I'm not *allowed* to) but I've seen pictures, and the biggest heels I've ever worn are like 1/2 an inch and I even trip in those. haha So good job :)
Yeah I wish I could have seen the show. But at the time I didn't know it existed but thats how it goes I suppose... But like everyone else said, I've seen the pictures and wow. Those shoes could make even me look tall. :-P
Featured Actor Joined: 12/11/04
you talked in an earlier post about Sidways and Million Dollar Baby. Have you seen Kinsey yet, and if so, what'd you think? Also, have you seen the movie Tarnation? (it's brilliant!)
And, do you plan to see the extremely controversial Kevin Bacon movie The Woodsman?
So, as I was thinking about it, I thought of a question for you, Anthony. I turn to music when things get tough, and I recently lost a friend of mine to a house fire. As I went through my cds, I couldn't find one that I thought would help get through it. Is there a particular show you listen to when things are rough? Is there a certain show you listen to when you're happy? Just curious.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
Are the rest of us allowed to post responses to? .. Well anyways if you have Look Around for some reason it always makes me feel better. A friend of mine just died of brain cancer and I almost wore my copy of that out. So you could listen to that and see if it helps :)
Could Rent help if you had that?
I listened to Rent, and it somewhat helped, but my friend loved that musical, so it was bittersweet to listen to. I tried Zanna, Don't! and found one song on there that somewhat eased the pain...I don't know...
hey again! I don't know if this has been asked, but are you interested or have you performed in tick tick boom?
KristiAnn85, I'm definately not Anthony but I think I can help
I've unfortunately been to a few funerals/memorials as of late and I also turn to music when I feel blue. I find that listening to your favourite music when you were little is the most comforting. (For example, I've been pulling out my old Disney soundtracks) Hope that helps sweetie and I'm so sorry for your loss.
KristiAnn85, I'm very sorry to hear about that. (I'm sorry I know this is kind of threadjacking but it is pertinent..) I always turn to music to kind of relay my mood. I agree with broadwaystar2b in the sense that listening to your favorite music can sometimes make you feel better. I've always liked For Good from Wicked. I know it doesnt sound like it would help but if you really listen to the lyrics behind it, its kind of uplifting and sobering. Enlightening almost. I'm not going to get into my life story but I'll just say that whenever I felt really horrible I'd pop in something like "beautiful by Christina Aguilera (kinda mainstream i know but what can i say?) to kind of re-strengthen. And even though its a sad song, at the end I felt alot better and stronger. Even if the songs seem sad, if you really listen to the lyrics and the point they bring across it really does make you feel better. Sometimes feeling better doesnt come from really bubbly perky songs. Sometimes, I find, it takes something that will make you cry but also make you think to feel better. I hope that helps and again, I'm really sorry for your loss.
Hi Anthony. We seem to have the same taste in music. Have you heard "The Mars Volta"? Check them out if you haven't , I think you would really dig them.
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hey all --
I have to say (not to jinx anything, but still) that watching the Golden Globes last night I was thinking about the fact that it's very very very likely we will be a part of them next year, since there is a separate category for musicals/comedies and all. As for the other awards, *who knows*. But you can pretty much bet on Rent getting at least one Golden Globe nomination next year. Seems like it would be a more or less fun party to go to. The only big awards shindig I got to go to was the SAG Awards, when the cast of A Beautiful Mind was nominated for outstanding ensemble (we lost to the much-deserved winner Gosford Park), and that was fun. We'll see...
Anyway, as to some questions from the weekend's posts:
"I read an article today about Open House. The movie sounds pretty interesting. Can you tell me more about the project and how I might be able to see the film? Has it been released on DVD?"
Open House was a very fun, silly, *very* low low low budget musical comedy that I did a while ago. I have no idea if it will ever see the light of day beyond the film festival circuit, but I was happy to be a part of it, and I especially enjoyed getting to hang out with Sally Kellerman a bit, because I think she's one of the most wonderful character actresses out there, and she unfortunately doesn't get nearly enough of an opportunity to strut her stuff.
"Do you suppose that you will ever get to record a track for LSoH? "
Nope. They did a recording of the Broadway company, and that's all there will be. I've heard that there are some bootlegs out there of our company, so maybe you cn track them down?
"And I've been hearing some stuff on the thread about a book your writing. Maybe I missed a post since I'm fairly new here but is it like an autobiography or what?"
It's a memoir of a three-year period (with some flashbacks thrown in) from when I first got the workshop of Rent and my mom was diagnosed with cancer, through her death while I was in the Broadway company. It's about how those two amazingly impactful events shaped my life.
"A few questions: Do you expect any singles from the soundtrack?"
I have no idea. That depends on how ambitious the record company is. Apparently there was a song or two from Chicago played on VH-1, so maybe something that will happen for Rent as well. I certainly think the songs from Rent deserve to get airplay, but the music industry is a funky one, so you never know.
"Also, my nine year old asked me while listening to La Vie Boheme, "What is this song about?" Any thoughts?"
I think it's about celebrating yourself for who you are, standing up for what you believe in, throwing off the restraints of conformity, and fighting for your voice to be heard. Not taking no for an answer. Living with joy in the face of disease and other difficult circumstances. Triumphing over suppression. Stuff like that.
"Anthony-do you ever encounter people who don't "get" RENT? if so, how do you deal with them?"
I understand that not everything is going to be appeal to all people. I do feel like they're missing out on something very very special and powerful, but if it's not for them, it's not for them. There's not much more that can be done about it. We used to say that when people would walk out, at least we'd provoked a reaction. It's amazing to think, though, that in today's political climate in this country, Rent will be even more of a protest piece than it was in 1996. I have a feeling we might make some folks pretty angry out there. Ah well. As Jonathan used to say, you're either living in fear or love. Rent certainly lives in love. The political world is one mostly run by fear. Should make for an interesting conflict.
"Did you have fun at Interlochen?"
My two summers at Interlochen are among my favorite times of my life, truly. I go back there often to speak and teach, when I have time in my schedule for it. It's a wonderful, wonderful place.
"But back on subject, (sorry if I ramble, I'm quite sick and am a bit delusional :-P) going back to what broadway style said, what do you do if you run into hecklers? Like people who perhaps didnt really like something you were involved in but they choose to make a big public deal about it. Has that ever happened to you?"
I'm not sure that I remember running into a heckler in person, but there have been some incidents on the net: back when I was in Charlie Brown, a friend alerted me to a post someone wrote about me saying "no wonder his name rhymes with crap." I wrote to him, just saying remember that I was a human being and that people like me could see what was written about us, so if he could just be a little more careful with his words when he wanted to criticize us. To his credit, he wrote me a very sincere apology, and even came to the stage door to apologize in person. I really appreciated that, and respected him for having the guts to look me in the eye and apologize. In another incident, when I was in Henry V, someone posted on my old website's message board the following: "You are F*CKing clown shoes. Your attempt at henry made me vomit in my mouth. For the love of god, never act again." That one made me laugh. What the hell are "clown shoes?!?!" But you know, it's easy for people to sit at their computers and just write whatever they'd like, and never really have to face any consequences. As I said earlier, though, I know that there will be people who won't be pleased with my work, so I certainly expect criticism and dissension. I would just like to see a bit more civility in such criticism, is all.
"Is anybody documenting the making of RENT the movie? Like taking pictures, filming random / special moments, etc. for a documentary or something? Because I know a lot of people would love to see something like that! (myself included...I love behind-the-scenes stuff!)"
I've been taking some photos, (I took several that were published in the Rent book, about which I am very proud) although because I'm working so much I don't have a lot of time to take photos at this point. The choreorgrapher is heavily documenting rehearsals with his video camera, and there is a crew that pops in and out with their hight-tech equipment to gather stuff. There will be lots of behind-the-scenes footage to put together for the dvd, I can assure you. It's so interesting the way making films has changed over the years, because all the dvd extras are being thought about now, before we're even in principal photography.
"i was wondering what character in rent you think jonathan identified with most. i know they all embody a piece of him, but who is he most connecteed to?"
I've always thought that overall, Jonathan was closest to Mark, based on my experience of knowing him, and on some of the things his friends and family have told me over the years. But there are aspects of him in all of the characters, for sure.
"I read that Happy New Year (A and B) was being cut out. Does anyone know if thats true?"
They are not in the film as songs, but as dialogue.
"Will Adam be playing the guitar solos for "Musetta's Walz" and "Your Eyes" on the film soundtrack? Actually, while that's up, did he do them on the OBCR or was that Kenny Brescia?"
I'm pretty sure that Kenny played them on the OBCR, and that the guitar player will play them for the film's soundtrack. Sorry if that disappoints you.
"I just wondered if there are already plans of bringing the movie to Europe and if so, which company will distribute it?"
It's a great question, and one I would love to know the answer to. I think there are some plans for an international release, but I don't know how splashy it will be. The show has been prioduced all over the world, and while it's never run for as many years as it has on Broadway, it has done well in a number of places, so I'd imagine that the producers would want to give it a chance to garner an international audience. I would also relish the opportunity to get to travel to different countries to promote it, if that were made available to me.
"Another question for Anthony. How did you walk/learn to walk/ get used to walking in the platform heels for Hedwig?"
My friend Georgia, who played Katherine to my Henry in Henry V, and is a very glam, leggy, beautiful woman, came over and put on my boots and I watched her walk around in them, and then tried to emulate her movements. That was the beginning for me, and then it was a matter of just getting accustomed to them and try not to look like a klutz. I actually got really good at it, to the point where I could dance, spin, walk up and down ladders, and evern perform a whole show after one of the heels broke almost completely off.
"While we seem to be on the subject of Hedwig, just out of curiosity, did you get to pick out the costume you wanted to wear or was that more of the wardrobe/costume designer's choice? It was a kick ass costume to be sure!"
When I work with a costume designer, I let them put things on me, and if I have thoughts about it, I'll express them, but basically, I know that I'm not a designer, so I'm happy to wear pretty much what they ask me to. In the case of Hedwig, Miguel Huidor was wonderfully creative, and found ways to deal with my strong thighs and wide ribcage and make me look more womanly than I would have thought possible. (I think I've said before somewhere around these boards how much I loved doing that show, but if I haven't said it, * I LOVED DOING THAT SHOW!!!!*)
"you talked in an earlier post about Sidways and Million Dollar Baby. Have you seen Kinsey yet, and if so, what'd you think? Also, have you seen the movie Tarnation? (it's brilliant!)
And, do you plan to see the extremely controversial Kevin Bacon movie The Woodsman?"
I saw Kinsey yesterday, and admired it, but didn't love it. (It sometimes felt strangely polite and conventional, when it's about things that are a bit more thorny and interesting than that, it seems to me.) I'd love to see Tarnation, and I have some interest in The Woodsman, as well. I'm also looking to get to Closer, Hotel Rwanda, House of Flying Daggers, The Motorcycle Diaries, Vera Drake, and maybe Being Julia. There were a lot of strong movies out this year, huh?
"So, as I was thinking about it, I thought of a question for you, Anthony. I turn to music when things get tough, and I recently lost a friend of mine to a house fire. As I went through my cds, I couldn't find one that I thought would help get through it. Is there a particular show you listen to when things are rough? Is there a certain show you listen to when you're happy? Just curious."
I'm sorry for your loss. I can't say, though, that I came up with any sort of ritual like that for myself when I've lost someone. The most important thing, to me, is to allow yourself to go through the entire experience of loss, which can certainly be very very difficult, but in the long run, it's the only way you will ultimately be able to move on. I hope you find some good ways to comfort yourself.
Take good care, and have a good Martin Luther King, Jr. day.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Wow, thanks. We all feel very loved.
It's wierd to think that less than a year's time I'll be seeing posters and commercials and articles about Rent... it's like I'll have to share it with everyone.
Do you read a lot of message boards? Do other actors? I can think of a few who'd be a bit frightened.
Thanks for the post! Interstingly enough, I was at blockbuster last night and out of curiosity I asked if they had Open House on DVD and the guy actually had a copy but it was already rented to someone. So I guess it did get to see the light of day after all. Well I hope RENT does get nominated for some big time awards, I saw the GG last night as well and based on the nominees I could probably safely bet my lung that it will be nominated. Too bad they wont be making another LSoH recording...My friend saw it a while ago and spent all saturday raving about it. I heard one clip from Tari Kelly's website and it was great.
Anyways, I just saw another one of your movies called David, Searching. I'm really into those more artsy, less mainstream films so one of my friends got it for me off ebay and it was really good. This is kind of a wierd question but was it ever hard or akward to film based on some of its content? Could you ever kind of relate to David on a personal level? Thanks again.
PS. I agree, what the **** does "You are ****ing clown shoes." mean.
Swing Joined: 10/29/04
Yeah the fact that you actually enjoyed doing Hedwig made it alot better. When some guys are put in a situation where they have to go onstage in such an elaborate costume they just whine and bitch and then give a half assed performance in the end because they dont enjoy what they do. It really made the show alot more energetic etc because you actually enjoyed it and gave it all the energy it deserved. Its looked like alot of hard work. Was there ever a point where you just got really exausted from it and wanted to just say "F*CK it, I'm staying in bed."
PS. Speaking of which, I think i should be worried then I am about the fact that you can do everything in those shoes and I can't even remain upright in a pair that are half that size.....
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
thanks for your wonderful post as always.
that's a good point insomniak. it will be weird to see it everywhere and to see people talking about it all the time. i think i feel strangely possesive over it. i probably be thinking, "what are you all doing, you don't know what you're talking about! i discovered it first!" even though none of that is true and it's great that it will be getting the exposure and will be shared with so many more people who can't get to ny. the show and everybody working on it really deserves it but it will feel weird when it happens.
anthony, i know with your very busy schedule you don't have much free time but i was wondering if you like to read and if so what some of your favorite books are.
thanks again!
I'm pretty excited to see the media hype start to come out. I just started to listen to RENT a few months ago and pretty much missed the hype. It'll be really interesting to see all the behind the scene stuff, interviews etc that they will probably do. Its nice for those of us who don't live in New York and can't get that much info on it normally.
On another note, I just heard the version of Seasons of Love that had Stevie Wonder singing the solos. Did you get to meet him and sing with him for the recording or was it all done seperately? I've always been a huge fan of his and that must have been wonderful to be able to record a track with him.