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What A Shock

#100re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 1:27am


Dammit, he was robbed. dsajjasb.

What the puck?!

#101re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 1:45am

I was in total shock at this one.

I just couldn't even process it for a long time. I sat watching the rest of the telecast in silence with my friend. We were both dumbstruck by Raul's lose.

He was said to be the best Bobby ever, and Bobby is such a challenging role. I just don't understand it.

I realize that yes, it is just an award, and life will go on. However, I still would like to have seen him win. It goes down in history and Raul can't hold the title of Tony award winner.

#102re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 1:46am

I TRIED to read through this thread, I really did. But it's just too full of things that don't count to spend my time on.

Do you people realize you were watching the TONYS? Do you know how they work and what they're about?

Honestly, not ONE industry professional that I was sitting with this evening thought anyone BUT Mr. Pierce would win. It was obvious for SO many reasons.

And to exclaim the way some of you are - I couldn't make it through much, so God knows what's been said here - is just ridiculous.

If you have an interest in this BUSINESS, grow up, learn something and THEN try to open yourselves to it - otherwise, you are in for this kind of 'heartache' for the rest of your lives.

#103re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 1:48am

1) I'm going to finally admit that I hate Raul's vibratto as well. It drives me crazy.

2) What on EARTH was that "Mock me with praise" thing he did tonight? Bizarre.

3) Really, the award should have gone to Michael Cerveris. If Christine Ebersole is being heralded by everyone because she not only plays the Edies but "inhabits" them, then Cerveris should be properly awarded for his complete embodiment of Weill as well. Cerveris was transformed on that stage. That, to me, is something that defines the best actor of the season.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#104re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:02am

Compare this to 2003 when MJW beat Bernadette.

C is for Company
#105re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:17am

I'm with robbiej and DG on this one. Would have liked to see Raul win, but comparing him to Pierce in the politics of the Tony awards and their reflection on aspects within the community leaves you with some answers.

We have seen great performances lose before. But remember, an omniscient being doesn't decide who wins, the people with the money and motives do. I think that Raul was completely deserving, but should people damn DHP because he was given an award? Hell no! They gave it to him based on their own criteria or laziness or for whatever reasons you'd like to think.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#106re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:18am

I LOVE how he does "Mock me with praise" it pretty much is an orgasm in song form.

Raul is perfect. and should have won. end of story.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

C is for Company
#107re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:20am

Yes, it was thrilling to see an epileptic fit occur in vocal format on that line.

#108re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:25am

"Raul is perfect. and should have won. end of story."

No, the 'end of the story' is that Raul lost - period, end of sentence. Done.

You can claim any sort of analytical superiority or awareness you want, but he LOST.

Do you get it? It's OVER - he LOST.

For reasons that are obvious and understandable to those who aren't approaching this with ignorance or blinders.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#109re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:29am

Well, DG or C is Company,

Would you care to elaborate? I know awards (especially Tonys) are political, but give specifics (especially DG since you said you didn't think anyone but Pierce would win!).

Blue-Eyed Wonder Profile Photo
Blue-Eyed Wonder
#110re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:30am

allvocal--I am totally with you. Raul is good, but his voice was out of control...I was in pain for him by the end just istening to him rip through his vocal chords--and that was the first day of previews. I was pleased with DHP and I would have been happy with Michael, but Raul? I can't buy into him.

First you're another sloe-eyed vamp, then someone's mother, then you're camp...

#111re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:37am

MTV - I think the only real justification necessary for Pierce's win was that he was the one who would be recognizable to tourist/ticket-buyers.

Sondheim's opus was never going to have the possibility of a 'run,' so they were looking to prop up the 'feel-good' option with awards - and this was a viable option.

What were they going to do, give an award to Monk over the one everyone talked about all year? Please.

Besides, they MIGHT tour GARDENS (don't underestimate the Kennedy/Bouvier connection!) so keeping Christine and that show afloat makes sense.

#112re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:38am

Raul Esparza will be nominated at least 6 or 7 more times in his career, if he acts for 20 more years. DHP will probably never be nommed again. Does that make it fair? Of course not, but it's the same reason Kate Winslet hasn't won an Oscar yet, because everyone knows eventually they will put forth the kind of performance that is impossible not to recognize. That said Esparza's Bobby was life-changing, and I'm not the kind of person to throw that term around; it made me re-realize why I'm in this ridiculous business in the first place. I feel a little guilty, because when I met him after the talkback, I asked him how it felt to win his first Tony- he laughed and said, "Now you've jinxed me." So... for what it's worth- I'm sorry, man.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#113re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:43am

Well DG, if that's the case, then why didn't Christina Applegate win over Victoria Clark??????

#114re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:46am

MTV - I honestly think it's because they realized that CHARITY wasn't going to do anything past it's original engagement (a la BOY FROM OZ.) They knew that PIAZZA had the potential to tour, but only with the cache of a few awards to tout.

CHARITY would only prosper with a name. Applegate certainly wasn't willing to tour, so there was no reason to even consider her.

#115re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 3:26am

Well, now that we've all been properly chastised for having a personal connection to a wonderful performance, I suppose I should be careful how I let fly my two cents. Perhaps it should be summed up like this-- I hate industry politics, love David Hyde Pierce, and would not have given the award to anyone but Raul (unless, perhaps, I had been able to see LoveMusik and could judge his performance against Cerveris). For me, his Bobby was tremendously moving and "Being Alive" was the culmination of a very well constructed performance. It inspired some pretty big thoughts and emotions for me and left me in tears-- Curtains, not so much. I'm very disappointed. I hope that Raul wins a Tony one day, and I hope David Hyde Pierce keeps being adorable and gracious.

And for what it's worth, at the stage door, Esparza is very warm and friendly.

#116re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 3:36am

Stage - having a personal emotional response to a performance is nothing to apologize or be chastized for - it should be the goal.

However, trying to link that experience to the reality of these award presentations is something that can only lead to ulcers or prison.

#117re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 3:41am

I suppose you're right. I think sometimes die-hard theatre fans would like to think that theatre (when it comes to awarding a particular performance) operates on a level based more on artistry than commodity, but that's really idealistic. In a world where Tonya Pinkins can lose to Idina Menzel--ooo, potential can of worms--and "Spamalot" can best "Light in the Piazza," I guess it should be more obvious that that isn't really the way things work.

Edited to be a little more specific.
Updated On: 6/11/07 at 03:41 AM

#118re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 3:54am

"die-hard theatre fans would like to think that theatre operates on a level based more on artistry than commodity"

For me as an audience member, that's exactly how it operates - that's why I buy the tickets.

However, from a production standpoint, they're looking at things from an entirely different perspective.

But, to reiterate, what they're doing has no impact on what it is that I take from the experience. I don't need valication of my own thoughts and feelings.

bially082 Profile Photo
#119re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 4:01am

I was at the Tonys with the cast of Curtains and at the Party at Carmines. They all were expecting total lose. When he won the room exploded. John Kander, one of the theatres living legends exploded into tears. Marin Mazzi screamed bad words in shock that her beloved friend had won. David overcame lots of odds to win that award. He is not a song and dance man and has worked harder to perfect something new to him than anyone i know. He deserved that Tony award. He was so smiley at the party he couldn't contain himself. Let him have his win and go enjoy his marvelous performance, even if he doesn't blow the roof off the theatre, his character is nuanced beyond belief. I AM VERY HAPPY HE WON. No robbery was commited here. The robbery came when Spring Awakening won. Angela Lansbury herself said she was ashamed to read that tonight. But what can ya do eh? At least the Tonys rewarded something new and fresh.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.
Updated On: 6/11/07 at 04:01 AM

#120re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:24am

Thank you for your kind words and inside goss bially082. I am beyond happy for DHP - while I can sympathise with Raul and his supporters, DHP is incredibly talented and gracious and I would hate to think that he has had the gloss taken off his win in any way by some people's malicious responses to it. re: What A Shock

Seen some shows in my time....

ken8631 Profile Photo
#121re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 6:31am

Did anyone who is supporting Pierce here see both performances? NO WAY was Pierces performance better. End of story. And yes, I think his win is tarnished by the obvious outcry here.....

#122re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 6:51am

I was expecting Raul Esparza to win, but I certainly enjoyed David's performance, and am happy for him. They were both wonderful, as were Michael Cerveris, Jonathon Groff and Gavin Lee (who should have been nominated in the featured category). I do think likability and charm and name recognition were contributing factors to this semi-upset (some were predicting a DHP win).

By and large, the Tonys have often (there are many exceptions) given awards to wonderful performances that were not big hits. Certainly, Julie White's win is an example; particularly in the acting categories.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#123re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 7:01am

Didn't see it coming, but DHP couldn't have been more gracious and surprised about it.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#124re: What A Shock
Posted: 6/11/07 at 7:09am

Growr...I was hoping what happened to Raul (too much momentum too early in the season) would happen to Ebersole.

He was robbed. Pierce knew it. It's sad.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"
