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strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!- Page 2

strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!

#25re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 3:56pm

This could be one of two things..Either they made a deal and they are waiting for them to have press conferences as stated already or someone close to the talks said theres a deal where there isn't one yet..I'm hoping for the first!

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#26re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:01pm

My friend (who wants to remain annoymous) sent me a message saying. "Hey, we have all been called and told to get to the thatre ASAP. No clue whats going on but I'll get back to yah! lyl!"

adamgreer Profile Photo
#27re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:02pm

If the reports of people being called to the theater are true, this sounds very positive.

#28re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:04pm

Could mean anything at this point.....literally anything. We'll just keep watching the boards for an official announcement.

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#29re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:04pm

I e-maild Andrew Ku, the web-master of playbill... and he sent me this message back.

"Sorry - we had pre-written a story in case there was a resolution but as of
now, there is no word. The link to the story has been removed.

Andrew Ku"


however, those messages are heartening to hear.

that's a really big mic...
Updated On: 11/25/07 at 04:04 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#30re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:07pm

My friend just called me and said NY1 is reporting that it looks like it may be over but they are not confirming it yet.

Just give the world Love.

#31re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:07pm

Well, unfortunately I would not be surprised if the show my friend in was closing, and that is why he was called back to the theater.

JulianHookbucks Profile Photo
#32re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:08pm

what show, Neddy?

that's a really big mic...

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#33re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:08pm

Ha..gotta love my friend "Hey Love,producers are here at the theatre, is either about the postponing of opening night or the strike is over, g2g but ill ttyl!"

Neddy-its never good when a show closes re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!...hope its not Drowsy or RENT Updated On: 11/25/07 at 04:08 PM

#34re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:09pm

I'm shivering with antici-SAY IT-pation

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#35re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:09pm

I don't know if I should say what show - just in case it is something bad. But it is a PLAY not a Musical.

uncageg Profile Photo
#36re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:12pm

But maaybe the rain....

(Sorry, had a Rocky Horror moment there.)

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 11/25/07 at 04:12 PM

#37re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:15pm

That's why I wrote my post the way I did.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

JimmyP2 Profile Photo
#38re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:17pm

"That's why I wrote my post the way I did."

If it means anything to you. I got it! and I even chuckled.

Insert witty comment here.

#39re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:18pm

Thanks, Jimmy.

But back on topic.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Neverandy Profile Photo
#40re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:20pm

I just heard too. Things are looking up.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

uncageg Profile Photo
#41re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:20pm

I got it too! That's why I posted that!

Back, back on topic!

Just give the world Love.

#42re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:20pm

ucjrdude902- Are you sure that we aren't talking to the same person? That person I was talking to said he just talked to a fellow actor in the show and it is most likely about postponing Opening Night to the 16th of December.

Edit: Nevermind - I am not talking about Little Mermaid.
Updated On: 11/25/07 at 04:20 PM

#43re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:21pm

My stomach is in a knot about this. My loved ones depend on the settlement of this strike (as I am sure other people's loved ones do!) Please let it be over!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#44re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:21pm

Either somebody at Playbill screwed up bad, or my prayers have been answered. If it's true, if it's really over, how long do you think until we hear official word?

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#45re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:22pm

I'm plotzing with anxiety.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#46re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:23pm

lol Neddy. I'm talking to a girl from The Little Mermaid.

Edit: Just saw u werent talking about TLM Updated On: 11/25/07 at 04:23 PM

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#46re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:23pm

lol Neddy. I'm talking to a girl from The Little Mermaid.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#48re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:25pm

The suspense is killing me. My biology paper can wait. I'm not budging from this site until I know for sure.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#49re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
Posted: 11/25/07 at 4:27pm

My finger is hurting from presing F5
come on! some one give me the news, I can take it!
unless it bad..
if it's bad I rather not know

Ignornce is bliss(is that how you spell ignornce? I was never very good at english..)
