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the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....- Page 2

the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....

#25re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:28pm

This is my first post here!

Okay, at my high school we did the Diary of Anne Frank as our Fall play, and there were just some RUDE people in the audience! When the Nazis came to take the Franks away at the end, there were people in the audience saying "Get the Jew" and "See ya" as well as other prejudice comments throughout the play! I just wanted to strangle those people!

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#26re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:30pm

Oh my Rainin that may be the worst of all, Do you mind if I ask where, just to make sure I don't have to go whup some folks?

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#27re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:42pm

smartpenguin, I love your post in relation to the quote in your sig.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

uncageg Profile Photo
#28re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:44pm

Two experiences I can think of......While seeing the WIZ for the third time at the Broadway Theatre, a man in the orchestra section not far from us decided to take a flash picture just as the song "Be A Lion" was starting. Stephanie Mills got up from her kneeling position and walked off of the stage. The orchestra kept playing while an usher came down and escorted the man out of the theatre. Stephanie Mills stepped back out on stage and continued the song. The whole thing took about 5 minutes. A long 5 minutes.

2nd one was last year at A Raisin In the Sun. 2nd row center, the two ladies next to me talked during the whole 1st act even with people shhing them and glaring. Two girls in the front row were trying to take cell phone pictures of P Diddy when he came onstage but thankfully the lady in front of me who was next to them leaned over and told them that they were not allowed to take pictures and it was rude. 2nd act at the beginning an announcement was made about cell phones, talking and candy (I think they forgot at the beginning of the show). The ladies next to me went for the candy in the noisey wrappers as soon as the curtain went up and started talking again, then the lady right next to me pulld out an emory board fingernail file. I politely grabbed her arm and told her that she and her friend had been rude during the 1st half of the performance and that the fingernail file was the last straw. I asked her to put it away and to please stop talking as I did not pay top dollar to have to endure their rudeness. Not a peep from them after that.

Thank goodness our ushers stay pretty much on top of this stuff here in Denver. And I have to give it to them at the Buell as it seats 2,800 people.

Just give the world Love.

#29re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:46pm

Smartpenguin, I go to school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There were 3 articles in our school paper about it! I was so angry!

Updated On: 4/25/05 at 05:46 PM

KelRel Profile Photo
#30re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:49pm

I saw the natioal tour of RENT and these girls in the front row got up during seasons of love and danced and sang along. That would have been bad enough, but they were yelling "You sing it girl!!" Woo hoo, c'mon hit that note sister!" etc...I wanted to go duct tape them back into their seats. The ushers just stood there.

"All the while making faces like a baby platypus who forget to take some Beano before eating a chimichanga." FindingNamo in reference to Jessica Simpson's singing.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#31re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:51pm

On behalf of Texas, I appologize!!!!!!

keggss23 Profile Photo
#32re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 5:59pm

I was at a community theatre production of "Anything Goes" this past weekend and the people sitting next to me were so infuriating! It was a man, woman and 3 kids. One of the kids was around 4 and there were 2 girls around 8. The 3 year-old was fussing and crying and whining while the 2 eight year-olds were talking to eachother and laughing - the ENTIRE show. The mother was trying to shut them up, but she was speaking in a regular speaking voice, not even whispering. The man left in the middle of a song to go to work and went to each kid and gave them a kiss on his way out. The poor people sitting behind them! I know kids do this sort of thing and it isn't really their fault, but for the love of god leave them at home! Better yet, maybe the parents should learn how to behave in a theater and then pass that wisdom onto their kids, otherwise please, please STAY HOME!

Thank you, I feel better now.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#33re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 6:05pm

orangeskittles: I love the irony. I once started a club in college with another future pastor friend called "pacifists for violence"
I just like the word whup, not doing whuppin unless the audience acts up at Sweet Charity Tuesday
Thanks Rainin

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

Huey's Pop Profile Photo
Huey's Pop
#34re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 6:11pm

In late 2001, I had great tickets to The Full Monty. The couple behind me obviously had never been in a theater before; during each musical they hollered like they were at the rodeo. They left at intermission (I'm sure that they believed that the show was over).

We live in Los Angeles and our season tickets at the Pantages' series of musicals is for Saturday afternoon -- when the theater is full of long-time (and very very very old) subscribers. We often get the same group of old ladies behind us who feel compelled to whisper, unwrap candy, and disucss where they are going to eat dinner.

Unfortunately I keep forgetting to bring my favorite baseball bat with me to the theater.....

yodamarie78 Profile Photo
#35re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 6:25pm

When I was in middle school all of the schools were invited to a kind of theatre showcase that was designed to give people not already familiar with it an introduction to the theatre. They performed a couple of scenes from different shows (my dad was John Proctor in the one from The Crucible) and sang songs. It was all fine until the "date" scene from The Glass Menagerie. When they kissed the theatre erupted with Whooo's and generally sounded like a studio audience from Saved By the Bell. The woman playing Laura stopped the performance and lectured us on proper behavior at the Theatre. I have never been so embarrassed. It was all made worse by the fact that I knew every person in the show and the woman playing Laura happened to be the youth choir director from my church, a good friend of my parents, and had known me since I was about 3.

Lisatwin-2 Profile Photo
#36re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 6:54pm

I have season tickets here in Seattle to both "major" theaters. Tomorrow night I see The Graduate and I am DREADING IT....due to the ladies in front of us this whole season are RUDE. There are 7 of them (we have the 5 seats in the row directly behind them) they come tipsey from dinner every time! They are approx. 60 years old, always giggling, talking and whispering into eachother ears during the shows. They sit forward, they move and will lean all the way to the right or left to see something on the stage they cant see well. When they talk to eachother during the show they lean on the shoulder of the us behind are 100% obstructed (you know you look between the two heads in front of you, when those two heads become one, well you cant see at all!)I have my 18 and 19 y/o daughters with me, and my sister has her 16 y/o son with her. I have been too "chicken" to confront these women due to I really don't want to make a scene and I am afraid they will then make the remaining shows even more miserable for us.
I wish there was a easy way to confront people and teach them manners!

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#37re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 6:58pm

One time at Wicked a 13 year old girl was singing along quietly to herself during Popular and Cheno left the stage and slit the girls throat...needless to say it had an impact on us all.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

bwaymargie Profile Photo
#38re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 7:02pm

from a tourist, I'm sorry. I'm from Michigan, and although we tend to be more civilized..I just returned from a choir trip to NYC and some people in my choir are just dumb. for instance, at the Guggenheim "I didnt know you could name art!" yes. I guess wherever you go there are ignorant people in this world. I cant imagine how many times I had to explain what BKLYN or ASU was about (the two shows we saw)

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#39re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 7:03pm

Another time during Little Women, Sutton Foster clubbed an old woman in the head with a chair leg she had bitten off.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#40re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 7:28pm

At Titanic, a huge group of tourists were sitting around me. They were obviously together because they were screaming to eachother the whole time about whether or not Leonardo DiCaprio was in the show.

At Hairspray, the third time I went, these three women (tourists once again) were talking very very loudly the whole 1st and most of the 2nd act about what shows they were going to see while they were in NYC. They began arguing because one wanted to see Gypsy, the other Little Shop. They also argued about Wicked being on TKTS or not and one of the women was SO sure it was, she turned around (pissed off) and didnt talk again during the show. Thank God.

Also at Wicked, this woman came up to me during intermission (I had an aisle seat and she was in the same row as me in the middle of the row) and asked to switch seats. I said, as politley as possible "I'd rather stay here, if thats alright" and she went on and on about how her seats were so good and how she had to get to a hockey game in a little while and how the other people in the row moved for her. I kept saying no until it got to the point where I said "Excuse me, but I did NOT pay top-dollar for these seats to switch. I want to stay here." When the rest of her entrouge returned, she told them very loudly "Well, this person wont move even though the rest of the row did. Isnt that something?!". I ignored it but literally right after the lights dimmed and Kathy Deitch sang her little thing, they left. Why did they even bother asking me to move? Why didnt they just leave during intermission!?!? And if thats not enough, when she left, she mumbled something and stepped on my feet as hard as possible, putting her hand on my arm rest to get out and crushing my hand which was lying on the arm rest. She stepped into the aisle and stared at me and left. Jesus H. Christ, she pissed me off so much!!! Ugh!

Updated On: 4/25/05 at 07:28 PM

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
#41re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 7:48pm

I hear you Sum, when I saw Wicked someone was using a nail file on the front row... Idina put the poor guy in a chokehold while Kristin took the file and gutted him with it. THe whole thing only took like 30 seconds. The audience was silent after that.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#42re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 8:06pm

Some strange person in Las Vegas decided they would conduct the last half of Les Miz. This was last November. Fortunately for me, I was many rows back and had a big head in my way, so I didn't get to bear the full brunt of it. The first time I saw that, I thought they were just stretching and being a bit intrusive about it. Then it kept going...

I had considered maybe they had Tourette's or something, but they definitely were not doing that in Act 1. And I don't think they'd poached, either. Weird.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#43re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 8:32pm

Wickedrocks, I would have tripped her after she stepped on my feet. If she's leaving during the show, because apparently she has something better to do, she deserves to have attention drawn to her as she falls flat on her face in the middle of the audience. It's her own fault that she didn't plan ahead, so she shouldn't expect a stranger to accomidate her rudeness.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#44re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 9:51pm

i got pretty pissed when i heard babies crying during the truly scrumptious reprise in chitty....and when the entire audience started clapping off beat with the overture during the same show

Yonah Profile Photo
#45re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 10:15pm

My dad is the worst person to go to the theatre with.

When he took me to see Cats (my first Broadway show), he fell asleep and started snoring... loudly. I kept waking him up, and he kept falling asleep.

When he took me to The Phantom Of The Opera, he was mildly drunk, and he'd just recently gotten divorced from my mother (who'd found a younger less... drunk... man). Apparently my dad indetified quite a bit with The Phantom. EVERY time Raoul came onstage, he started muttering loud insults, mostly about him being a pretty boy bastard. Every time The Phantom in some way caused Raoul injury, my dad would clap.

He fell asleep near the end of Les Mis, once again snoring. He also had the good taste to make out with his girl friend during On My Own. You see, he identified with Eponine too, on account of her not being with the one she loved. He cried during A Little Fall Of Rain too, though I suppose that's not a bad thing. It was just kind of funny.

My dad also slept through most of Dracula: The Musical. However, he didn't snore. He had something worse in store. He vomited in the doorway of the theatre as we where exiting.

He knows I love theatre, and always wants to get me tickets for my birthday etc... but... well, I'm beginning to wonder if I should just skip the free tickets and avoid possible disasters. - forum for Dracula: The Musical, Tanz Der Vampire, Elisabeth, POTO, Rocky Horror, Jekyll & Hyde, Wicked, Bat Boy, general theatre, and Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicals

justme2 Profile Photo
#46re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/25/05 at 11:51pm


I hear you and agree with you completely regarding the clapping. It annoys me to no end when audience members start clapping along to one of the numbers in a show. It's distruptive. If the number was meant to have beat clapping, it would have been planned and done onstage!!

And another thing is when the cast comes out for their bows at the end and the audience also believes that this is a good time to start clapping to some unheard beat. You are supposed to be applauding the performers, not gratifying your need to clap in unison with a crowd!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

hrh_annette Profile Photo
#47re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/26/05 at 12:44am

I was with justme2 at the Mamma Mia performance, and it was unbelievable how that woman was oblivious to her surroundings while she was cleaning her toenails.

At a performance of M. Butterfly I was sitting next to two of the sweetest little old ladies with the largest binoculars on the face of the planet. They proceeded to debate quite loudly as to the gender of Song Liling. From intermission to the end of the play. They never did resolve their debate, despite the quite evident evidence.

"I would rather be with the people of this town than with the finest people in the world."--Fred Willard as Mayor Deebs in Roxanne

Elphaba Profile Photo
#48re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/26/05 at 1:26am

how bout the French family of 5 a week ago tonight at RENT.....who started filming RENT with a movie camera.......until I forced them NOT TOO.
They said since they spoke little English that they wanted to see a play "with music" and went on the internet and chose RENT, having no idea what it was about.......imagine trying to understand a play that complex and NOT being able to speak the language it's in........MORONS.....

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#49re: the EPITOME of tasteless audiences.....
Posted: 4/26/05 at 1:42am

"I hear you and agree with you completely regarding the clapping. It annoys me to no end when audience members start clapping along to one of the numbers in a show. It's distruptive. If the number was meant to have beat clapping, it would have been planned and done onstage!!

And another thing is when the cast comes out for their bows at the end and the audience also believes that this is a good time to start clapping to some unheard beat. You are supposed to be applauding the performers, not gratifying your need to clap in unison with a crowd!"

Perhaps the most brilliant statement that has ever been made.


"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88
