
Broadway phrases you use in everyday life- Page 2

Broadway phrases you use in everyday life

sally1112 Profile Photo
#25re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 2:34pm

After the puppet sex in Ave Q Princeton says "That was amazing"
and Kate answers with "You're amazing." I say "you're amazing" all the time after someone says something is amazing.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#26re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 4:38pm

I don't know if this is from a show, but my musical theatre friends and I always say: Totes!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

She_Had_Refinement Profile Photo
#27re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 4:53pm

Usually in a meeting... when someone says, "OK, we're finished"... the natural response is... "Finished?! We're just beginning! And there's no stopping us this time!"

jordangirl Profile Photo
#28re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 5:01pm

Huh. I heard it a LOT when I was growing up. Maybe it's more localized ashley0139. It's definitely not a new phrase for me.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#29re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 5:08pm

I wuote theater so much.
I have started saying cramayzing from the [tile of show] show a ton. I also have taken to saying [tos]ome always instead of awesome. People don't ussually ask, they think I'm just being my normal weird self

#30re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 5:20pm

It sucks to be me from AVE Q. Wear that tshirt a lot.

Weez Profile Photo
#31re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:08pm

I'm sure I use FAR too many in every day life to bother trying to list them here.

But honestly now; who here *hasn't* ever punctuated a conversation with "sing out, Louise!"?

Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:14pm

Updated On: 5/1/09 at 06:14 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#33re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:17pm

Going to school for theater now, it's crazy being around people who take my uses of Broadway lines as something other than random ramblings! I've noticed a lot of people using "How do you like THEM eggrolls, Mister Goldstone?" after pwning someone.

elphabelle07 Profile Photo
#34re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:29pm

"I have been guilty of throwing a Danny Burstein-style "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" into conversations here and there."

ME TOO! Hahaha! I've also used "if you shined a flashlight in my butt you'd see I'm dying inside..." from tos...hahaha

"life is pandemonium"

I've definitely have said "sing out louise!" and "yes momma"

Just today the word "internet" came up and I busted out with "the internet is for porn!"

"God I hope I get it...I hope I get it..."

"It's the little things you do together...doooo together...dooo together, that make perfect relationships"

"Let me entertain you"

"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world"

The "Chicago" movie came out when I was in 8th grade. All of my friends would ask my best friend and I to perform "Cell Block Tango" for them during lunch...

yyyyyeaaaaahhh...I quote something from Broadway in every day life...

"I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!"-Funny Girl

practically_perfect Profile Photo
#35re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:05pm

i use a lot from wicked all the time like "confusifying, despondiary..."
i also have a tendency to respond "Like your dead girlfriend...when someone says "you look familiar"

and of course.."cramazing and [tos]ome

jordangirl Profile Photo
#36re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:10pm

Oh yeah... At school I've also been known to use "Come look at the freaks!" when a kid calls me a freak or launch into Violet's part of "Leave Me Alone" starting with "And how would I do that?" when another says (as he is wont to do) Leave me! (And the best part of that is he almost always continues with Leave me! again, so I can continue.)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

alfgiotir Profile Photo
#37re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:19pm

No pare sigue, sigue!

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#38re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:33pm

i tend to begin conversations with "How's life" in the secret hope that the person will respond "disappointing"

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#39re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:48pm

My frequent Broadway-related exclamations:

"Hold your hats and hallelujah!" (Gypsy)

"No me diga!" (In the Heights)

"Didn't I see this movie?" (Next to Normal)

"Leave me alone, this is none of your business." (Side Show)

Oh, and one time about a year ago, I went to one of my brother's baseball games, and there happened to be a kid named Luis. My dad, who is a coach, told the kid to swing out. So that was my cue, right? I yelled out, "Swing out, Luis!" :)

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#40re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:51pm

Lately I've found myself saying "Que paso, here I go!" a lot. And I'm white (though I do speak Spanish, if that helps).

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#41re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 8:32pm

"Swing out, Luis!" :)

I played semi-pro ball and I've never heard anyone instruct a player to "swing out" before, but it's worth it for the Gypsy reference. :)

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#42re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/18/08 at 8:40pm

I say "I'm Needy!" a la Jeff at least once a day. Same voice and everything.

fafolguy Profile Photo
#43re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/19/08 at 5:49pm

My biggest one is "Near may be better than far, but it still isn't there" from Into the Woods. I use it a lot at work when somebody says that something is at least better than it used to be. Sadly, I work with a lot of people who gladly accept 'good enough.'

I have definately used "Sing out, Louise!" when I can't hear someone, and "WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTT?" has been used more than a few times in a sarcastic response.

White, a blank page or canvas. His favorite - so many possibilities. F--- you, Ms. Johnson. Word.

#44re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/19/08 at 5:52pm

I know I use more than this one but I can't think of any others now.

I use this one daily. "Sucks to be me/sucks to be you" - Avenue Q

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

emo_geek Profile Photo
#45re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/19/08 at 9:24pm

All that jazz...

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

KathyGriffinLovesYou Profile Photo
#46re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/19/08 at 10:46pm

i seriously quote rent hourly, say "thats [tos]ome, and say jesus christ superstar!, etc. etc.

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#47re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/19/08 at 11:33pm

When someone mumbles i always say, "sing out, louise".

#48re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/21/08 at 1:50am

"Krup You" - West Side Story - Officer Krupke
"Esa pregunta es tricky" - 96000 - In The Heights

As a good conversation starter I usually ask either "Will you join in our crusade?" or "Do you hear the people sing?" and see what they say. : )

When one of my friends is giving themselves a hard time I always say the thing about "Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform
and said these things, I’d think he was a mentally ill asshole,
but if the vampire inside your head says it,
It’s the voice of reason." from "Die Vampire, Die" ([Title Of Show])
On that note, I also mumble die vampire die whenever I get insulted.

This isn't really from a broadway show, but I use LuPwned a lot.

I get a lot of Sweeney Todd references in cooking class (Mmm. That's comforting eh?) and when a book in the library read "City on fire" I was so close to standing up and bursting out in song, but my friend shot me a look that told me to shut up, sit down and not embarrass myself.

You're At Destiny's Crossroads...

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#49re: Broadway phrases you use in everyday life
Posted: 9/21/08 at 2:11am

"Bitch, I don't know your life."

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"



"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars
