
Is that NYT expose still coming out?

Is that NYT expose still coming out?

#1Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 9:58am

Have the writers just given up? It’s been almost 6 months since they first revealed they were working on something. Are the names just too big and powerful?

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#2Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:02am


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#3Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:24am

From what I've been told, more keeps surfacing but it is still being worked on.  Nothing is preventing it whatsoever.  The days of powerful people squashing anything is no longer plus The New York Times has never suffered by any of the articles they've published for decades and will continue to be the leading and credible newspaper in the world which is why everyone chooses them to tell their stories.  

#4Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:32am

Can someone please fill me in on what’s going on here?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#5Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:40am

Can someone please fill me in on what’s going on here?

Remember how the ME TOO movement began because of actresses coming forward with their allegations on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and then numerous people started coming forward with their sexual harassment allegations about several actors/entertainers (Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, etc.).  Well, there is an article about the Broadway community that has been in development as well. 

#6Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:50am

BrodyFosse123 said: "Can someone please fill me in on what’s going on here?

Remember how the ME TOO movement began because of actresses coming forward with theirallegations on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and then numerous people started coming forward with their sexualharassmentallegations aboutseveralactors/entertainers (Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, etc.). Well, there is an article about the Broadway community that has been in development as well.

Thank you for replying! And oh my gosh my golly, that doesn’t sound well for this community. Especially with the toxicity of the fandom. 

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#7Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 10:58am

CedricOates said: "BrodyFosse123 said: "
Thank you for replying! And oh my gosh my golly, that doesn’t sound well for this community. Especially with the toxicity of the fandom.

This article coming out is GREAT for the community.  I'm sure many of us, at this point, know the names mentioned.  It's time to scourge the theatre community with fire as sexual assault has somehow just become part of the theatre lifestyle. 

This problem extends far past Broadway.  I was in a production of The Rocky Horror Show at a small regional house in Columbia, SC.  I watched most of the cast get sexually assaulted by the director.  The Artistic Director was made aware.  He responded by showing his penis while he was drunk during a cast party (that took place in the theatre) to a group of actors who complained about the director's sexual assault.  The board of the theatre and their sponsors have been made aware of this and nothing was ever done.  The theatre even hired the director again to do promos for one of their shows. 

Theatre "protects" their own and that's not always a good thing.  This has lead to a culture were sexual assault is not only rampant but is expected.  When one of the people who felt sexually assaulted complained to the Artistic Director... he responded to with, "this is your first professional show, isn't it?"  That basically sums up the attitude of a lot of the community and it's disgusting.

It's time for this problem to be talked about and for NAMES TO COME OUT all across the country.  

Broadway World's Fireman.
Updated On: 5/19/18 at 10:58 AM

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#8Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:03am

Anyone else think the mods will either lock or delete this thread?

#9Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:03am

Sondheimite said: "CedricOates said: "BrodyFosse123 said: "
Thank you for replying! And oh my gosh my golly, that doesn’t sound well for this community. Especially with the toxicity of the fandom.

This article coming out is GREAT for the community. I'm sure many of us, at this point, know the names mentioned. It's time to scourge the theatre community with fire as sexual assault has somehow just become part of the theatre lifestyle.

This problem extends far past Broadway. I was in a production of The Rocky Horror Show at a small regional house in Columbia, SC. I watched most of the cast get sexually assaulted by the director. The Artistic Director was made aware. He responded by showing his penis while he was drunk during a cast party (that took place in the theatre) to a group of actors who complained about the director's sexual assault. The board of the theatre and their sponsors have been made aware of this and nothing was ever done.

Theatre "protects" their own and that's not always a good thing.

It's time for this problem to be talked about and for NAMES TO COME OUT all across the country.


Oh no. What i meant was that this would be great to come out and it SHOULD, because sexual assault has no place in the theatre, AND no place anywhere at all. I hope this does come out. 

What I meant was that the fan base is soooooo toxic, they might defend their favorite actor or director, or vice versa would even try to become violent, try to stalk them and so on. You never know with these crazy ass fans. 


Sondheimite Profile Photo
#10Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:08am

CedricOates said: "
Oh no. What i meant was that this would be great to come out and it SHOULD, because sexual assault has no place in the theatre, AND no place anywhere at all. I hope this does come out.

What I meant was that the fan base is soooooo toxic, they might defend their favorite actor or director, or vice versa would even try to become violent, try to stalk them and so on. You never know with these crazy ass fans.


Totally agree.  


Broadway World's Fireman.

raddersons Profile Photo
#11Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:52am

It will be messy, but what’s the alternative? Let the victims keep suffering because being called out hurts the abuser?

Updated On: 5/19/18 at 11:52 AM

#12Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 12:00pm

The initial announcements said that the expose was about producers / directors and other executives. I don’t think that actors where involved. 

SchuylWERKsister Profile Photo
#13Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 12:11pm

They must have caught on to someone major who has money and that person pulled an Olivia Pope esque (on a theatre level) stunt to get this shut down. Half joking.

You can always add more “negative”/gossip information and people will read it. Sadly, that’s the culture that we live in so I don’t believe that this is due to an abundance of information. Think of all the singular incidents that were read and thoroughly discussed. Kevin Spacey didn’t get less attention just because that story was released later. Granted, he’s a huge name but I think my point still stands that scandalous information isn’t dependent upon time.

EDIT: Just to be clear, my intention is not to reduce the positive benefits and neccesity of MeToo when I use the terms negative, gossip, scandal, etc. I think that it’s very important for people to speak out, and I thoroughly support the MeToo movement.

Updated On: 5/19/18 at 12:11 PM

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#14Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 7:15pm

BroadwayRox3588 said: "Anyone else think the mods will either lock or delete this thread?"

I'd give this thread about another 26 hours before being shut down "on accident" or "for becoming disruptive/disrespectful." It's a given for all debate threads on BWW at this point.

#15Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 8:38pm

Just so everyone can feel at ease in the thread, as of now, there is nothing in here that would warrant us even considering closing/deleting this thread. As long as the conversation stays on its current track, and doesn't begin to discuss rumors of specific people accused that have not been reported by a reputable outlet, there is no issue discussing this topic; assuming the discussion comports with all of our other rules. 

We have said many times before that we completely support victims reporting and publicizing their personal stories in whatever ways they feel comfortable, however, we don't think that our anonymous message board is the proper forum for that. However, if you have a story that you feel needs to be shared, please feel free to contact us (contact [at] broadwayworld.com), and we will immediately put you in touch with an appropriate journalist(s) who can help facilitate the reporting in a professional way.  

Thank you for keeping this discussion constructive and on-topic thus far. 

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#16Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:15pm

Can’t they just start the articles and post what they have for right now

Elegance101 Profile Photo
#17Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:45pm

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Can’t they just start the articles and post what they have for right now"

I understand that there might be legal issues with that, but so long as they don't publish, these people are still working and possibly continuing to act disgustingly. I think they should release soon, if not to begin the "punishment" process. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#18Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:52pm

Elegance101 said: "so long as they don't publish, these people are still working and possibly continuing to act disgustingly"

I'd imagine the people involved know they are being profiled, and the names are already being whispered about behind the scenes... given the diligence of the NYT, they will be going through multiple sources and asking others for comment that they have worked with in the past/present, so most creatives in the Broadway scene probably aren't waiting for the NYT article to drop to find out what names it contains.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#19Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/20/18 at 1:03am

The people involved do know.

mw212 Profile Photo
#20Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/20/18 at 1:25am


Updated On: 5/20/18 at 01:25 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#21Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/23/18 at 3:28pm

As a comparison point, the NYT multi-part expose on housing in New York that came out this week had been in progress since early last fall.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 5/23/18 at 03:28 PM

#22Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/24/18 at 3:25pm

No doubt this piece will be well-read, and leave a wake of turbulence in our industry.

What is becoming lost in this dialogue is the range of behavior - from boorish and rude - to criminally predatory.

One one end of the spectrum is Harvey Weinstein . . .followed closely by Kevin Spacey.  With Bill Cosby solidly in the mix.

Using today's news as a reference point - allegations against Morgan Freeman do not carry the same weight, or deserve the same response.  While I fully support a policy of "keeping your hands to yourself in a business context" - and being respectful in what words exit one's mouth - mildly improper behavior that stops when objections are raised are very different  - to me - than relentless, predatory, retaliatory assaults against a disadvantaged party.

Both types of allegations draw headlines.  Outside of these areas - a person speeding in a car gets a ticket.  A person driving drunk goes to jail.  And driving drunk and causing a death gets a manslaughter conviction - or both.  My point being - all behaviors are wrong - yet the "punishment fits the crime."  The rush to end careers as a "one size fits all" solution is a bit draconian.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#23Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/24/18 at 5:02pm

Bob Fosse better be happy his as$ is dead...

Broadway World's Fireman.

haterobics Profile Photo
#24Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 5/24/18 at 5:05pm

GhostXmasPast said: "The rush to end careers as a "one size fits all" solution is a bit draconian."

Did you see the uproar when Matt Damon said the same thing?

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#25Is that NYT expose still coming out?
Posted: 7/7/18 at 7:12am

It's been almost a year...
