MILLIE appreciation thread

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#0MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 4:34pm

Since Millie is closing today I figured I'd start this... I don't want it to die a terribly quiet death... that'd be really sad.

So... Goodbye, good goody girl.
You'll be missed.

The show is going on right now, but if anyone went, please post! I know Wicked_Elphie will, but I'd love to hear what everyone else thought.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/20/04 at 04:34 PM

Corine2 Profile Photo
#1re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 4:54pm

Millie will be missed.
So sad to be all alone in the world.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 4:55pm

lol, very clever Corine. So sad indeed.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#3re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 4:59pm

I saw it 6 glorious times with Sutton.
Millie was one of my favorite shows of all time.
Sigh. Thank God we have Avenue Q.
re: MILLIE appreciation thread

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#4re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 4:59pm

Millie is one of my favorite shows. I've seen in three times, and it introduced us to one of Broadway's brightest new talents---Sutton also gave me actors to look up to(Creel, Kudisch), and the score, set, costumes, and cast were all perfection to me. I know some people hate the show, but it will always be one of my favorites.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#5re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:03pm

Sutton is great she makes the show but i loved the whole cast.
You also have to realize how special Jeanine Tesori and Dick Scanlan are.
I can't believe I forgot to buy a ticket to the last performance.
I am having serious Jewish guilt.
Updated On: 6/20/04 at 05:03 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#6re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:04pm

Jewish guilt. Is that a more painful form? If so, I'm in serious trouble.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#7re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:05pm

Broadway sure did find a green glass love...

Goodbye Thoroughly Modern Millie! Brought some classical musical theatre back onto Broadway.

CCM '10!
Updated On: 6/20/04 at 05:05 PM

Corine2 Profile Photo
#8re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:07pm

I did see it 6 times. The most times I have seen any show excluding Forbidden Broadway.
I usually see a show once and maybe twice if i really loved it.

#9re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:13pm

I saw this show 3 times on Broadway and 1 time on tour. I love this show. A great way to excape for a couple of hours! It really will be missed.

#10re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:17pm

I always wanted to see Millie. I got the cast recording for Christmas a few years ago and fell in love with Sutton. I even had tickets to see it during a trip to NY, which was eventually cancelled. A week later, I found on her site that she was on vacation at the time anyway. I guess it was just never meant to be.

I then had another chance to see it, but not with Sutton. And without Ms. Foster, I didn't want to see the show, so I chose Wicked instead.

And that's my TMM story...

BroadwayKelly Profile Photo
#11re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 5:18pm

Thoroughly Modern Millie will be Thoroughly missed!!! I saw it with Sutton and fell in love with the entire show! Very glad I saw it!

"NYC....what is it about you? You're big! You're loud! You're tough! NYC...I go years without you...then I...can't get.....enough!" from Annie

shira467 Profile Photo
#12re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 6:51pm

I always felt Mille should've been a show that was always there, on Broadway. Where people are becoming accustomed to flashy, and more modern musicals (special effects, or modern comedy), I feel that Millie was a throwback to classic musicals, and that everyone should see/have seen it, and appreciate classic musicals.

Goodbye, good goody girl. We're crazy and how. So beat the drum as we say goodbye to Thoroughly Modern Millie now.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

dididda Profile Photo
#13re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 7:26pm

i remeber first hearing about millie o my first nyc trip. i stayed at the marquis and the signs were going up. i had no interest at all, but on my next trip i saw it and i fell in love.

to me this show was glorious. it was everything musical theater emboidied to me and i could also very much appreciate the small town person in the big city and adapting and growing while there.

i too saw millie more than i've seen any other show and i adored it everytime. i amd so sad its closing and it will live on forever in my heart.

""the gays love their presents. just wave something shiny in front of their faces, you can get whatever you want. Thats how we got manhattan from the gay indians" -Karen (W&G)"

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#14re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 7:38pm

I adore this show...I've seen it a ridiculous amount of times for my budget, but every single time I saw it, it really brightened my mood for a long time afterwards. I could ever resist a great laugh. I'll miss the presence of the show on Broadway.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#15re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 7:38pm


Paul LW Profile Photo
Paul LW
#16re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 7:43pm

Thoroughly Modern Millie brought back to broadway the classic, feel-good, learn a lesson musical, while at the same time putting into the spotlight some fantastic talent.
It has truly made its mark and will be missed.
Congratulations, Millie!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#17re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 8:28pm

Good bye good goody girl
We never met
But I thank you notheless
For givin givin
that thing called love
To thousands
with the stars in their eyes
and a song in their hearts
BO DO DE OH! re: MILLIE appreciation thread

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#18re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 8:39pm

I love/ed millie!!! I saw it once on broadway with sutton and once on tour with darcie. Sutton was THE best and has one of the best voices in the world. The set, costumes, lighting, and music made me love this show! A real feel-good musical. Sad to see it go!

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#19re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 9:02pm

I truly wish this show could have run longer. This is in part due to a fairly selfish reason. I turned 18 this year and had every intention of auditioning for the role of Mr Trevor Graydon (After all being 6'4" and a baritone my options are rather limited).

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

on1ystarinthesky Profile Photo
#20re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 9:09pm

I wish I had a witty pun to stick in here, but I'm too sad to think of one.


DJ Jellyfeltz's Weekly "Don't You Just Hate That?" (courtesy of Scott Cohen)
Walking by the same person you've already walked by in the dairy, produce, and frozen-food sections.

#21re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 9:48pm

I just got home from seeing Millie's Broadway finale, and I'll be glad to give the first report.

Seemed like most of the audience has seen the show before numerous times judging by reactions. I even met a couple of priests who have seen it 60 something times. I felt like a novice, this being only my 7th.

At the final curtain, for the first time, at least when I have been there, the entire ensemble got a standing O. Also writers Dick Scanlan and Jeanine Tesori, and director Michael Mayer came on stage for final bows.

During the show, I sat right accross the aisle from Dick Scanlan. There was a good sized crowd at the stage door, and while most of the fans were scambling for autographs from the stars, I got to meet the writers and musical director Michael Rafter. I also talked to JoAnn M Hunter and I told her I'm still using my Millie mousepad she sold me last November at a BCEFA fundraiser.

All in all, it has been a very great, but bittersweet Broadway experince, and I'll miss it too, but I'm kind of tempted to see the tour when it comes around to Philly, Baltimore, or Washington this fall.

Millie42 Profile Photo
#22re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 10:27pm

I really thought it had the stamina too.

It was my first musical on Broadway and I fell in absolute love.
My heart just broke when I found out it was closing so soon, so I spent all my remaining money to go up to NYC to see it one last time. It was a good thing to do for the closure I needed.

To me, it is just the best musical ever. And it also made me think about going into theatre again, and that means a lot to me.

It was one of those shows that makes you forget you are sitting in the audience. You just are in this world for those few glorious hours.

It will be greatly missed... and if I have anything to do with it, REVIVED soon!

Goodbye Millie!

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

Blonde Profile Photo
#23re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 10:50pm

i love millie! it's a great feel good show and i would not know the likes of sutton foster without it. millie will be thoroughly missed. re: MILLIE appreciation thread

shalom kitty

Corine2 Profile Photo
#24re: MILLIE appreciation thread
Posted: 6/20/04 at 11:14pm

I am green with envy.
