
Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?

Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?

mint0621 Profile Photo
#1Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:40pm

Does anyone here tip the ushers as they are being shown to their seat?

I met someone at Spamalot today in the audience that told me that he tips $10 for the ushers, and was astonished that I do not.

Am I making a major faux pas by not tipping the usher?

#2re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:41pm

You do not tip ushers unless they do something extravagant for you.

ETA: By that I mean if they go out of their way to find you a better seat, et cetera, without management knowing, for example.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...
Updated On: 5/12/07 at 07:41 PM

SDav 10495 Profile Photo
SDav 10495
#2re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:45pm

Which begs the question: do you not tip the crabby ones, or do you slip them something to get them off your back?

"If there is going to be a restoration fee, there should also be a Renaissance fee, a Middle Ages fee and a Dark Ages fee. Someone must have men in the back room making up names, euphemisms for profit." (Emanuel Azenberg)

kyle. Profile Photo
#3re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:46pm

I have many friends who are ushers in Broadway houses and once in a blue moon a customer will slip them some money, but it is very rare.

winston89 Profile Photo
#4re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:49pm

You don't tip ushers at a theatre. It is not something really that is done. But, I don't think that if they were given a ten that they would turn it down eiather.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

singingbackup Profile Photo
#5re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:51pm

What is this Vegas? At 110 bucks a shot, the ushers should pat me on my a$$ and tell me I'm pretty.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#6re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:57pm

LMAO - That's gold!

mint0621 Profile Photo
#7re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 7:58pm

that's what i thought too...tipping isn't common in theater, but thought i'd ask.

the guy insinuated something was wrong with me since i don't tip so i thought i'd ask bww-ers, the real theater experts :)

#8re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 9:38pm

That would be sweet if every person tipped ushers for showing them their seats! I didn't know the etiquette of tipping an usher who gets you a better seat. I wish I had known that.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#9re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 9:45pm

It would be more fun if it were like tipping cows.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

#10re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 9:49pm

"I didn't know the etiquette of tipping an usher who gets you a better seat. I wish I had known that."

Actually, that's not etiquette, it's completely against the rules...any usher who demands or expects money for getting you a better seat should be reported to the manager, NOT rewarded.

As for tipping, I don't. The tickets cost enough as it is. Updated On: 5/12/07 at 09:49 PM

Horton Profile Photo
#11re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 9:58pm

tipping ushers is ridiculous, their sole job is to show you to your seat, its not like they are doing anything out of the ordinary.

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#12re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 10:04pm

I have a tip for that usher that works right side orchestra at the Eugene O'Neill: STOP YELLING AT EVERY ONE YOU HORRID WOMAN!

(Sorry, this probably should go in the "ushers gone bad" thread, but I couldn't resist.)

Like tipping cows. Hee, hee.

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"
Updated On: 5/12/07 at 10:04 PM

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#13re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 10:08pm

Tipping ushers is unnecessary in my opinion unless, they do something extraordinary for you. Their job is to show you to your seat, I don't see why you would feel the need to tip for that.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#14re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 10:21pm

In other countries you must tip them. But in NYC. I have never done it. It's still sad that they make so little money, I wish they raised their salaries along with the ticket price increase.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#15re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:08pm

When I first started going to the theatre I would tip a dollar to the ushers. Over time I found that they would be more and more surprised to get a tip. Then I reached a point where I couldn't really afford it anymore, and to be honest I had forgotten all about it until this thread.

I think another thing that's happened is that it's more common for the ushers to not actually show you to your seat but hand you a Playbill and gesture and say "Down there, row D, three seats in." There were times back when I would still keep a dollar handy that I would decide to hang onto it when I found I wasn't actually going to be shown to my seat (not that I mind that, I just don't think it's the kind of service that deserves a tip if they don't have to move).

At any rate, it used to be somewhat common, but now I think it's pretty much stopped. I should ask some of my usher-friends how often they get tipped now.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#16re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 1:00am

I love getting tips - I mean, who doesn't? It's rare, but delightful when it happens. So tip away! re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?

retrogirl44 Profile Photo
#17re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 1:21am

Hey loser, do you think that the ushers set the price of tix? And BTW, as an usher, we have to put up with ingrates like you with bad attitudes every single show.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#18re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 1:33am

"Hey loser, do you think that the ushers set the price of tix? And BTW, as an usher, we have to put up with ingrates like you with bad attitudes every single show."


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#19re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 1:50am

I've been seeing shows on Broadway since 1972 (okay, I was 7 years old then, so money issues didn't count then for me), and since then I've been venturing into Manhattan several times a year to see shows (yes...even to this day), and I've NEVER (nor felt I needed to) tip an usher in a Broadway house.

#20re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 1:58am

It is definitely not customary. Although it doesn't pay as well as ticket prices would suggest, ushering is not a job that depends on tips (like waitressing), so I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you have the money and your usher was awesome and you are feeling generous. And, yeah, let's not get all hostile with each other about ticket prices (that are clearly not set by anyone working at the theatre) and/or audience behavior (which is annoying, but not the responsibility of the other theatre goers, so you shouldn't feel the need to pay the usher off for dealing with crazies).

#21re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 2:18am

"Hey loser, do you think that the ushers set the price of tix? And BTW, as an usher, we have to put up with ingrates like you with bad attitudes every single show."

WTF is right. Actually, I've worked in customer service and I'm usually the one of the first people to stick up for the ushers. They put up with a lot of garbage on a daily basis, we know that.

Ushers don't depend on tips the way waiters do, as someone else mentioned. Their job description involves bringing people to the seats and handing out programs. I don't think they deserve some sort of special tips for simply doing their assigned jobs competently. And no, they don't set the ticket prices, but after spending that much money, I don't feel like throwing more around at the theatre on ANYTHING--merchandise, drinks, tips.
Updated On: 5/13/07 at 02:18 AM

kec Profile Photo
#22re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 5:19am

"In other countries you must tip them."

Really? Where? It's never happened in London as far as I know.

#23re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 5:41am

Its always a nice thing to do, and always appreciated.

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#24re: Tipping ushers at Broadway theaters?
Posted: 5/13/07 at 2:06pm

It used to be customary in London - but the programs (like a Playbill) weren't free then either. Haven't been to London theater in so long I don't know what is currently done. I have never tipped in NYC.
Updated On: 5/13/07 at 02:06 PM
