Unsung theater heroes of 2008

mikem Profile Photo
#1Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 12:01pm

These are my unsung theater heroes of 2008 --- the people who, by nature of their role or just by fate, didn’t seem to get as much attention as they deserve.

These are in no particular order – there may be spoilers in the descriptions below each listing.

De’Adre Aziza picked up the awards attention last year, but Rebecca Naomi Jones’s Desi gives humanity to the Youth character. And she sings “Come Down Now,” one of the best songs in the show, beautifully.

While everyone’s watching Amy Morton, Rondi Reed, and Deanna Dunagan go at it onstage, Francis Guinan and Sally Murphy were quietly giving 2 great performances in very difficult parts. Francis Guinan projected decency and groundedness in the craziest house that you’ve ever visited, and Sally Murphy’s performance was incredibly layered – on seeing the show a second time, watching her reactions, particularly “pre-reveal” when a certain relative’s name is mentioned, was a joy.
(I know August is a 2007 production, but I did not see it until 2008.)

Sure, Liza Minnelli makes or breaks the evening. But Halston’s clothes and the subtle changes in lighting and backdrop by Matt Berman and Ray Klausen help make it as wonderful as it is.

Is she crazy, or is she just making everything up? Laura-Leigh’s off-kilter Girl doesn’t even have a name and only appears in one scene, but her performance is the one I still remember the most from that production.

She takes what could be a stock character and makes us understand the character’s complexities and contradictions.

Yes, I know that some people think she is terrible, but I think she portrayed a spoiled but naive girl who doesn’t understand what is going on around her beautifully.

I am a little bit saddened I need to include either of these performers, since in other circumstances and with a different structure to the season, both of them would have gotten the awards and media attention they deserve. Karen Olivo makes you see why Usnavi falls for her. And Leigh Ann Larkin gives a hilarious performance, but also one that makes you understand how deeply unhappy she is – June runs away because she just has to. (I know Karen Olivo won the Astaire Award, but under other circumstances, I think she would have at least been nominated for more.)

It is hard to portray the “good guy” and get attention for it – playing the colorful villain is probably a lot more fun. But as with Francis Guinan in August:Osage County, J.D. Williams projects the wish to do good, which is not an easy feat.

Black Watch is truly an ensemble effort, but if Cammy, who is as close to a central character as there is, doesn’t work, then the play would fall apart. In Paul Rattray’s hands, Cammy works just fine.

Any comments would be welcome. And who are your unsung heroes of 2008?

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"
Updated On: 12/31/08 at 12:01 PM

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#2re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 12:35pm

I agree with Leigh Ann Larkin. Whenever there were interviews with Patti, she never mentions Leigh Ann and only mentions Laura and Boyd.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#2re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 12:38pm

I love Karen Olivo. She is beautiful and at the same time she is incredibly talented. I hope WSS is only the beginning for her.

Also, I know its not highly looked upon on here but I think Bailey Hanks should be recognized. It is hard for a girl to come into a Broadway show replacing a very good actress after winning a reality show. I don't think she was drop dead amazing in the role but she certainly was enjoyable to watch and I loved every minute of the show when I saw her. So I think she should be given a nod because she blended right into the role.

#3re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 12:38pm

The supporting cast of SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE
The Michaels (Frank Dolce and David Bologna) in BILLY ELLIOT
The outside stars and movie adaptations that, like it or not, are keeping Broadway alive

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#4re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 12:42pm

Natalie Toro... Tale of Two Cities!!!!

#5re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 1:11pm

Lenora Nemetz, Marilyn Caskey, and Alison Fraser from Gypsy along with the rest of the cast of Gypsy. It really is a perfect cast.

Tick Tock

sanda Profile Photo
#6re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 1:27pm

The Set and Light design team of Sunday in the park with George. They deserved 2007 Tony.

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#7re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 2:14pm

I agree with Fran Guinan, but I thought Jenny Dare Paulin gave the worst performance in a show full of terrible performances.


Becky Ann Baker in ALL MY SONS- One of the most intense, honest performances in that play. When she asked Ann to leave, I was on the edge of my seat.

Bryce Ryness in HAIR- Utterly hilarious and believably confused, his character was thorough and (unlike some other ensemble members) present.

The cast of BACK BACK BACK- All gave wonderful performances and exhibited the type of ensemble work that we should see on all stages.

Colman Domingo in PASSING STRANGE- Created two of the shows best characters- Franklin and Mr. Venus, and exhibited fantastic comedic chops and real heart in them. His stoned conversation with Daniel Breaker was one of the real highlights of the show.

Michael McKean in THE HOMECOMING, delivering what could have been the most honest performance in that play (and certainly the most heart-breaking.)

The horses in EQUUS, who made the play's ending thrilling and terrifying and perfectly synergized human movements and equine ones in order to give the horses just the right amount of emotion.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#8re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 2:57pm

Kahtryn Hann in BOEING-BOEING, gave the most hilarious, scene-stealing performance on that stage.
Karen Olivo in IN THE HEIGHTS, deserved a Tony nod.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#9re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 4:04pm

BAILEY HANKS, "Legally Blonde"


MANDY GONZALEZ, "In The Heights"

EISA DAVIS, "Passing Strange"

SIERRA BOGGESS, "The Little Mermaid"


SEAN HAYES, "Damn Yankees"

come to mind...

But I'd hardly call then theater "heroes". Just unrecognized, strong performances.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#10re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 4:14pm

Tyler Maynard and John Treacy Egan in The Little Mermaid. Small supporting roles, but they really stood out to me.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#11re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 4:32pm

I will second Colman Domingo in Passing Strange. He was the absolutely best part of that show hands down.

I did enjoy Karen Olivo as well. Very entertaining in In the Heights. But my favorite was Andréa Burns, who definitely should have gotten a Tony nomination.

As for Leigh Ann Larkin, I didn't really get her performance. It wasn't anything special for me and at times her affected voice was annoying. Patti doesn't mention her because she doesn't really have any scenes with her. Larkin's primary scene partner is Laura Benanti, who totally outshines her in my opinion.


legally_popular Profile Photo
#12re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 4:47pm

“I agree with Leigh Ann Larkin. Whenever there were interviews with Patti, she never mentions Leigh Ann and only mentions Laura and Boyd.”

I have to say Leigh Ann Larkin too. I think her performance as June was wonderful. Sure Patti, Boyd, and Laura get all, if not most, of the attention, but Patti and Laura, as far as I know, do acknowledge Leigh Ann in interviews too. Patti always talks about what a great company she is working with and once she mentioned “especially Leigh Ann, Laura, and my beloved Boyd.” And Laura talks about singing “If Mama Was Married,” with her and stuff like that. But yeah, Patti, Boyd, and Laura share the most scenes together, so they mention each other the most.

I also must say Christopher Fitzgerald. He and Andrea Martin were the saving grace for me during Young Frankenstein.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#13re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 6:02pm

Cubby Bernstein. Hands Down.


Weez Profile Photo
#14re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 7:44pm

Everyone in the RSC's Hamlet who wasn't David Tennant. He was excellent, but his magnetic stage presence didn't really benefit the rest of the company, who are truly superb but couldn't shine until the production was brought back down to a real ensemble piece.

Edward Bennett deserves particular praise for the daunting job of "going on as Hamlet the night before press night when there are hundreds of people in that theatre waiting to see Doctor Who". I mean, he did actually get praise, but he deserves more.

In fact, December has been an interesting time for understudies. Praise to all the 2nd and 3rd covers in La Cage aux Folles who actually went on when those before them in the chain called out sick, and bravo to Graham Norton for having the balls to go onstage three weeks before he was due to start after the internet has been complaining so fiercely about his casting; that's one heckuva dress rehearsal!

And bra-freakin'-VO to Norbert Leo Butz for stepping into Speed-the-Plow. Again, he's had praise, but what a monumental task! He deserves every good word he gets.

#15re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 7:56pm

BAILEY HANKS? seriously? ugh. she's gotten SOOOO much praise already

Leigh Ann Larkin all the way. She > Laura Benanti

I'd like to add in Janine DiVita as "Rizzo" in Grease. She is fierce, hah.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#16re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 10:35pm

I second Sierra Boggess.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#17re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 10:39pm

And I third Sierra Boggess.

Men don't even belt.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#18re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 12/31/08 at 10:44pm

I think she's just plain bogus.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#19re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 1:13am

Now that there is a thread about them, are they really unsung heroes anymore?

philly03 Profile Photo
#20re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 2:34am

I also agree with Leigh Ann...terrific! But Patti does mention her time to time, ...I believe Patti said her favourite part of the show (that's not her own) is when she gets to watch Dainty June & her Farmboys! Anyway...

I truly think Jill Santoriello, composer of ATOTC, and the long-standing producers/investors are as well. After 9 (or 16, depending on how you look at it!) years, never giving up and finally making it to Broadway in bold fashion (Big budget.., James Barbour casting.., maintaining several principles from past readings/workshops, etc.) to have those 9 years thrown to shreds by most of the reviews (and having people say that it was sold out didn't help either but shh!). I don't think most people understand that Tale wasn't just thrown together in a year, but has been worked for many many many years...If there were no producers or writers like Tale had on Broadway anymore, could it really be hte same place?

#21re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 10:08am

The magnificent Carole Shelley in BILLY ELLIOT, THE MUSICAL. When Ms. Shelley takes stage to perform her big number "We'd Go Dancing" in this smashing show, she breaks your heart and takes your breath away. Any time she's on stage, even if she's wordless, is a moment to be cherished. I have always adored this woman and as far as I'm concerned, she is one of the greatest unsung theater heroes of all time. Updated On: 1/1/09 at 10:08 AM

Craig Profile Photo
#22re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 10:39am

Going by this definition "the people who, by nature of their role or just by fate, didn’t seem to get as much attention as they deserve" and NO disrepect whatsoever to Bailey Hanks. She cannot possibly be on this list.

How did Bailey not get enough attention? She appeared in all the major media (print, radio, tv and web); she headlined a Broadway show; she was the subject of several press releases and "headlined" Paper Mill's HSM.

Again - nothing against her - but she definitely was NOT ignored...

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#23re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 10:18pm

I'd also like to add Christopher J. Hanke who came in and seamlessly replaced Jonathan Groff as Claude in this past summer's fantastic production of HAIR at The Delacorte. He did a masterful job and in my humble opinion was far superior to his predecessor. I hope he gets to reprise his performance when the musical transfers to Broadway.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#24re: Unsung theater heroes of 2008
Posted: 1/1/09 at 10:44pm

Not that she wasn't recognized; I just didn't think she was given enough credit for giving a really good performance once she stepped into the role. Yes she got attention through the TV show but a lot of people thought she was not very talented and couldn't hold up the show and she did a lot better than people expected. Not particularly unsung, just underestimated I guess? And unsung in the fact that she was very, very good in the role and was the first really successful reality show winner --> Broadway transfer.
