So... from all these BTS moments they've really cemented that this is not supposed to be anything beyond "REMEMBER THIS MOMENT FROM THE MOVIE!?"
I can't compare it to the film, because I never saw the film. It seems a little less than the sum of its parts. The songs are nice if somewhat overdone, the kids are crazy talented, and I like Chris, Jane, Ana, and Matthew, but all together it just seems a bit much. Valiant effort, though!
I've never really thought A Christmas Story warranted a musical adaptation in the first place. The film is a classic, but part of what makes it work is because it is kind of drawn-out and rambly and overdone, because that's 9-year-old Ralphie's tale during this Christmas. It feels like an odyssey for him to get this frigging Red Ryder BB gun. It doesn't so much work to start dropping in musical numbers for what's already a pretty drawn-out story by design.
Tonight's broadcast is pretty disappointing for me, especially after the utter triumph that was Grease.
I'm so dense. I totally forgot this was happening tonight. Oh well.
It's dreadful.
So bad I'd rather re-watch the giant game.
I think poor Matthew's mouth is giving out. As someone on Twitter said, he's had more lines than Hamlet.
For me, it's uneven. The excessive movement of the cameras is really bothersome. There even are scenes where the camera should be at rest- but it's teetering back and forth.
I think this went too far to the "recreation" aspect that Grease used. It feels less like a theatrical musical and also less than a film. It's just awkward.
So, far I like Chris, Jane, and Ana. Maya Rudolph seems miscast. Broderick is missing lines every now and then - I guess he doesn't know them in his sleep. "Ralphie" is inconcsistent. My spouse and daughter don't like him. I think he has moments of good followed by moments of bad. The choreography for the most part is fun, but I don't know how long this will stay on my DVR.
Far too much yelling, and the songs are insipid. for the most part. And while I think the kids are good dancers, the acting is pretty atrocious.
Stand-by Joined: 5/19/12
BroadwayConcierge said: "I've never really thought A Christmas Storywarranted a musical adaptation in the first place.The filmis a classic, but part of what makes it work is because it iskind of drawn-out and rambly and overdone, because that's 9-year-old Ralphie's tale during this Christmas. It feels like an odyssey for him to get this frigging Red Ryder BB gun. It doesn't so much work to start dropping in musical numbers for what's already a pretty drawn-outstory by design.
Tonight's broadcast is pretty disappointing for me, especially after the utter triumph that wasGrease."
^^^ Agreed! Grease was great! This is just okay. The Broadway show was way better.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/10
And why can't the Jewish kid sleep? And to that end, why was he in line to see Santa?
Maya Rudolph is the mother we all deserve!!! I just love her so much and wish she could be in more stuff! I still think she got a raw deal from NBC for the maya and Marty show.
Chris Diamantopoulos was the best part.
Matthew was wonderful especially at the end. A few flubbed words but great job by him, the entire cast and those fabulous kids. Songs were too many and too long, but Overall, a good job!
But not by much.
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/17
I have hated each of these “live” musicals, except “Hairspray” which kept to the original script. Why do you advertise a musical that in no way resembles what was on Broadway. “A Christmas Story” on Broadway was charming, quaint, and focused on the kids. This show was all over the place. And the addition of the Schwartz Family number added nothing. This is why most of my friends hate musicals.. bad community theater, high school productions, and now these awful “musicals” live on TV. Awful.
I think if I had to rate these live productions, this would be second.
A Christmas Story
The Sound of Music
Peter Pan
Chris Diamantopoulos for Bobby Child anyone???
Stro are you watching?
I missed the first 9 minutes (which includes Bebe Rexha's number (I did not know she was involved in this) and the beginning of "It All Comes Down to Christmas". So far, I'm not really liking it. I'm literally questioning, "Did Pasek and Paul really write this?". I did like "The Genius on Cleveland Street" though. And to be honest, it just feels a bit... silent. Like when Ralphie's mom was putting on Randy's coat and Randy kept putting his arms up. That's just my opinion right now though. For me, I'm at the part where "When You're a Wimp" just ended. I'll update later. I hope the scene where The Old Man gets the leg lamp goes well.
Did anyone else know that A Christmas Story Live! takes place in Stars Hollow? Half of the experience was matching locations to Gilmore Girls sets... I felt nothing at all for this until the moment the dad sings the slight reprise of Ralphies song after he gets the gun... and then I had a flood of feels.... And for the first time in a long time I found Matthew Broderick charming. The kid who played Ralphie was great too! And Jane... well amazing but I missed the sass of Caroline O'Connor as Miss Shields in You'll Shoot Your Eye Out. #iknowthatset #lookingforlorelai #waitingforakirkcameo #didmisspattydothechoreo
Updated On: 12/17/17 at 10:36 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/12/03
Well I loved it. Love the songs. My favorite score and musical of the decade. The performances were good. Maya was great. Matthew was great. He actually looked like Ralphie. Loved the kid playing Randy. Adorable. And the big guy in the ensemble turned it out! He is fierce. Probably my favorite of the live musicals.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I was somewhat disappointed. It seemed like the charm of the Broadway production was sorely lacking. But I did enjoy Chris D. as the Old Man. I had seen him previously only as Moe of the Three Stooges in that terrible 2012 movie. He hit all the right notes, though I would have welcomed the very likable John Bolton repeating his stage role. Also enjoyed Ana Gasteyer’s over-the-top Mrs. Schwartz and her new song. The rest: kind of meh.
Updated On: 12/18/17 at 10:52 PM
A bit bland but seriously there have been worse. Tots agree w All the Chris D love.
Ralphie was pretty good. Maya was sweet but underutilized. Direction?
Jane is always a delight.
saw the film a bizillon times but never saw this Broadway production.
It's entertaining - agreed that there are a ton of musical numbers that do seem to go on for awhile but it is a lot of fun. Chris, Jane and Maya are crushing it
Apparently I haven't gotten to the Ana part yet
- "Ralphie to the Rescue" did not make any sense. I thought Ralphie was going to imagine himself rescuing others with the Red Ryder Carbine Action BB Gun, but not once did it show up, it was only mentioned. It just showed him "beating up" the bad guys.
- Chris D. is INCREDIBLE. His numbers make me smile so much.
- Ken Jeong is incredible as well!
- I'm so happy they added the scene where Ralphie says "the f-dash-dash-dash" word and the leg lamp scene where The Old Man thinks "fragile" is an italian word.
- Ana Gasteyer is ALSO INCREDIBLE!! Every scene she's in brightens it up more than the leg lamp.
- I feel this live production wasn't as hyped us as Hairspray Live! was. That's just something I've been thinking about for a while.