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LuminousBeing Profile Photo
Posted: 5/21/18 at 12:00am

mtcond said: "My issue with Garfield was the pain and strain in his voice. The screaming and shrieking throughout got old for me, but the audience ate him up. Yes, Prior screams in pain and in fear, but even simple moments were shouted. "

Except for the very last scene in Perestroika. For me, it was worth 8 hours of screeching and camp to "come down" for that last monologue, as the house lights go up. When Prior says to the audience, "You are fabulous creatures, every one of you," in that steady baritone, I just melt every time. For me, it's like Prior finally finds his peace, so the audience gets to have some, too.

Totally agree about Nathan Lane. IMHO, it's the finest work he's ever done. I also agree about the other aspects of the play you've lauded. I hope it sweeps on you-know-what day!


antonijan Profile Photo
Posted: 5/21/18 at 1:43am

Saw Part 1...and now planning Part 2 but I am bringing a friend who hasnt seen part 1. Would she be confused....just seeing Part 2?

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
Posted: 5/31/18 at 12:19am

I finally saw this production today and it was absolutely brilliant. Lane & Gough were best in show for me, just hitting every beat and taking my breath away.

It’s impeccably staged and designed. I know they did the NT Live but I hope this is persevered in a more lasting format.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 5/31/18 at 12:50am

My sister only saw Part 2 and loved it. I think they stand alone. 

And yes I wish this could extend with multiple casts. It's a brilliant production of a brilliant play. 

Posted: 5/31/18 at 3:51am

antonijan said: "Saw Part 1...and now planning Part 2 but I am bringing a friend who hasnt seen part 1. Would she be confused....just seeing Part 2?"

She can watch this 2-minute NT live summary of Part One first.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/31/18 at 4:18am

I think Part I erodes and bursts open a world so Part II can rebuild it. They can't really stand alone if you look at it this way.

NYfanfromCA Profile Photo
Posted: 6/4/18 at 6:25pm

I saw Part 1 last month, and may not be able to make it back to NY for Part 2 before it closes.  Does anyone here have any suggestions on what to watch so that I can find out what happens in Part 2?  Do we think that they will show the play again in movie theaters via Fathom Events or sell it on DVD/Blu-ray?  There looks to be an older HBO miniseries, maybe?  Otherwise, I have to think about a couple of long travel days to get back to NY in July.  I'm in California.  Thanks for any advice on what videos I might be able to find.  Or should I read the book?

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
Posted: 6/4/18 at 6:37pm

Can you make it to Berkeley to see Perestroika?

If not, watch the HBO film but start from the beginning.

NYfanfromCA Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:35am

TotallyEffed said: "Can you make it to Berkeley to see Perestroika?

If not, watch the HBO film but start from the beginning.

It's easier to fly to NY than to drive to Berkeley and park, ha ha.  I just wonder if I will be terribly disappointed in the production given that I saw Part 1 in NY.  Would you say it's better to see it in Berkeley than to watch the HBO film?

Sondheimite Profile Photo
Posted: 6/5/18 at 12:38am

NYfanfromCA said: "I saw Part 1 last month, and may not be able to make it back to NY for Part 2 before it closes. Does anyone here have any suggestions on what to watch so that I can find out what happens in Part 2? Do we think that they will show the play again in movie theaters via Fathom Events or sell it on DVD/Blu-ray? There looks to be an older HBO miniseries, maybe? Otherwise, I have to think about a couple of long travel days to get back to NY in July. I'm in California. Thanks for any advice on what videos I might be able to find. Or should I read the book?"

Check your PMs

Broadway World's Fireman.
Updated On: 6/5/18 at 12:38 AM

Posted: 6/5/18 at 1:18am

NYfanfromCA said: "TotallyEffed said: "Can you make it to Berkeley to see Perestroika?

If not, watch the HBO film but start from the beginning.

It's easier to fly to NY than to drive to Berkeley and park, ha ha. I just wonder if I will be terribly disappointed in the production given that I saw Part 1 in NY. Would you say it's better to see it in Berkeley than to watch the HBO film?

Your results may vary, but I thought the Berkeley production was truly outstanding. I saw this both in New York and in Berkeley, and I may have a minority opinion based on the Angels in Berkeley thread, but I actually preferred it in Berkeley. I found it more intimate and riveting, though act 1 in both parts one and two got off to a slow start. By the end of each part I was sold. Stylistically they are quite different. I can't really say if you would be disappointed. As for me, after I saw it in New York, I bought tickets to see it again in Berkeley.

Posted: 6/5/18 at 8:11am

Although I preferred the NYC production, the one at Berkeley is strong, but it has a different tone and design that differs quite a bit fro Broadway.

I still would recommend it over the HBO special (as good as that is) since the live experience is unique and the intimate theatre makes for great viewing.

You can reserve a spot in the theatre garage in advance, so parking is a breeze.

Posted: 6/6/18 at 3:44am

I have not seen the Broadway production or the HBO film, and I understand the reluctance to switch casts/design/everything for Perestroika. But having seen the Berkeley Rep marathon, I would certainly recommend it. Angels in America is at its best as live theater, and the Roda Theatre in Berkeley is an intimate, 600-seat house. Randy Harrison, Stephen Spinella and Carmen Roman all do excellent work in Perestroika as Prior, Roy Cohn, and Hannah/Ethel Rosenberg. Parking is easy.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
Posted: 6/6/18 at 4:23am

I can’t imagine how anyone who even vaguely has an interest in Angels in America has never seen the HBO film.

It’s pretty spectacular.

NYfanfromCA Profile Photo
Posted: 6/8/18 at 1:24pm

TotallyEffed said: "I can’t imagine how anyone who even vaguely has an interest in Angels in America has never seen the HBO film.

It’s pretty spectacular.

Thanks for the suggestions!  I'll definitely try to get to the Berkeley Rep production.  I do like the Roda Theatre.  The show was never on my radar before...never had HBO to catch the I am late to the party, but really enjoyed Part One.

Posted: 6/8/18 at 1:31pm

I always wanted to see the HBO special, but I never got around to it. I loved Part 1 and I went in blind. I can't wait to watch it now after seeing the Broadway version.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/8/18 at 7:44pm

I was put off by the HBO special from scene one. Why did they have to assume that the audience doesn't know how to feel and add such egregiously intrusive and manipulative music ALL THE WAY THROUGH? 

Posted: 6/9/18 at 3:44am

TotallyEffed said: "I can’t imagine how anyone who even vaguely has an interest in Angels in America has never seen the HBO film.

It’s pretty spectacular.

I could get huffy about the question, but I'll answer it. I saw a touring production of Angels in America in 1994 and liked it a lot. But by the time of the HBO miniseries, it was 2003 - and even though I had HBO at the time - I didn't feel compelled to watch it. The miniseries has a star-studded cast, and I wasn't actively avoiding it. I just never watched it. 

But in 2018, I snapped up tickets to the Berkeley Rep revival months before the show opened. Even though the play is set in the 1980s, it feels more relevant and essential to me now than it did in 2003. Perhaps it's because I'm older, or because of the times in which we're living, or because I'm attending a lot more theater. 

I'm sure I will watch the miniseries at some point. Perhaps I'll agree with you, or with Dancingthrulife2. But it's a reminder that timing is everything. The play that seemed so important and vital in 1994 felt dated enough nine years later that I didn't watch the critically-acclaimed TV version. But in 2018, I was eager to see it again live. 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/18 at 10:13pm

The HBO miniseries is amazing. Al Pacino is IMO a much better Cohn than Nathan Lane. Lane is great, but he can't resist being funny. With Pacino you get the full rotten core of Cohn's character while still caring about him. A remarkable performance and he's not the only one. Mary Louise Parker, Patrick Wilson, Meryl Streep all gave performances that absolutely sang and broke your heart.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/18 at 10:42pm

I didn't think Lane was any funnier than Pacino in the series. I actually find their performances were pretty equal. They both have different approaches to the role, but they're both brilliant.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/18 at 10:49pm

TotallyEffed said: "I can’t imagine how anyone who even vaguely has an interest in Angels in America has never seen the HBO film.

It’s pretty spectacular.

I went into this production having never seen the show OR the HBO miniseries. It wasn’t for a lack of interest... just one of those things I never got around to. And I’m really glad I went in not knowing anything other than the vaguest idea that it was about the AIDS crisis in 80s NYC, and involved Roy Cohn. I was absolutely riveted to every second of this production, largely because I had no idea what was going to happen!

I’ve since gone back and started to watch the HBO version since I immediately fell in love with the show, and I think it’s excellent. But it’s not holding a candle to what I just saw on stage. I’m happy I got to experience it the way I did.

Posted: 6/9/18 at 11:20pm

JudyDenmark said: "TotallyEffed said: "I can’t imagine how anyone who even vaguely has an interest in Angels in America has never seen the HBO film.

It’s pretty spectacular.

I went into this production having never seen the show OR the HBO miniseries. It wasn’t for a lack of interest... just one of those things I never got around to. And I’m really glad I went in not knowing anything other than the vaguest idea that it was about the AIDS crisis in 80s NYC, and involved Roy Cohn. I was absolutely riveted to every second of this production, largely because I had no idea what was going to happen!

I’ve since gone back and started to watch the HBO version since I immediately fell in love with the show, and I think it’s excellent. But it’s not holding a candle to what I just saw on stage. I’m happy I got to experience it the way I did.

This was my experience, too. I love going in blind and having 0 expectations. Did you see it Thursday & Friday?

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
Posted: 6/9/18 at 11:47pm

kmissa said: “This was my experience, too. I love going in blind and having 0 expectations. Did you see it Thursday & Friday?"

I did! Though about a month ago, not this past Thursday & Friday.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/21/18 at 2:13am

It’s 2 a.m. here, but have to post briefly before I crash. I saw both parts on 6/20. Wow. Just spectacular. Excellent cast. Superb stage design. I’m too tired to give full review, but this is one of my top ever theatrical experiences.

I sat Right Orchestra A4 for Part 1 and Center Orchestra 110 for Part 2. I was able to move to aisle seat on same row at first intermission during Part 1.

Stagedoor: big crowd. Most of cast came out, including Lee Pace and Andrew Garfield. I had a lovely moment with Andrew when I told him.that on behalf of all my friends who are no longer here, i wanted to thank him for his beautiful performance. I teared up as I told him this and he seemed moved and replied that my friends were not gone but were up there on the stage with them tonight. I’m tearing up again thinking about it. A pair of young ladies were right at the barricade and had flowers for him. Apparently, they had a personal story to tell and he probably spent 5 to 10 minutes with them and even hugged them a couple times. Biggest annoyance: Neil Simon Theatre is right across from where Mean Girls is playing. One girl came over and had him sign the back of her Mean Girls playbill. He flipped it over and got weird look on his face, but he still signed.

I can’t imagine how exhausted the cast is after a two-show day. It has to be emotionally, cognitively and physically draining.

Okay, I’m off to the land of nod. Tonight I see Three Tall Women.

Wick3 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/21/18 at 9:40am

@miles2go, I'm so glad you got to see this play! I saw it last Saturday and was completely blown away. I sat in the mezzanine but had the audio-assisted device on which helped make the play feel more intimate. I connect my Bose headphones to the audio-assist device and they make the sound so much better than not wearing them at all (I'm in my early 30s and only wear the audio-assist device when watching plays.)

I'm planning to go back and get a better seat and am thinking of plunging in and spending $$$. 

I did watch the HBO mini series back in 2003 or 2004 but I didn't feel connected to it for some reason. I recall snippets of Al Pacino and Meryl Streep but completely forgot most of the plot. I'm glad they did this revival and hope to see the play one more time before July 15th (but in a better seat!)
