I am here now. Shirine is giving a wonderful performance. You would never know it’s her first time on. Haven’t seen Brooks of course, so I’m not sure how different they play it, etc.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/25/15
JBroadway said: "I spoke positively about the show when I saw it in early-ish previews. I wrote a posted saying it fell "just under" my high expectations, and saying that John David Washington had the MAKINGS of a powerhouse performance, but needed to time to find more variation in the performance.
I have to confess I've cooled on the production a little bit, in the last month or so. And I'm disappointed to read from these reviews that the production's rough edges weren't honed during previews. I think I was more forgiving of the production because all of the issues seemed like they were totally fixable: the actors just needed time to settle in, and the director just needed time to find the rhythm of the play as a whole. But the fact that some reviewers are pointing out some of the same uneasiness I saw in previews, is a little disheartening.
As for John David Washington's performance; I maintain that he has a potent stage presence, with a natural charisma, and a strong sense of who this character is. But I'll admit I've cooled off on his performance a bit too; the issues with the performance have nagged at me more than I expected, especially hearing some other people's criticisms of it, and realizing I agree. Again, it's disheartening to hear that he hasn't settled into the rhythm of the play over the course of previews."
I saw this yesterday and I thought Washington was incredible. I - and the other three people I was with - all thought the entire production was one of the best we have seen, with some of the best acting we have seen. Having seeing Leopoldstant last weekend and now The Piano Lesson, I feel like Broadway is doing what Broadway does best - entertains while making us think and helps us learn. The Piano Lesson definitely did that yesterday and I am thankful.
The only less than stellar part of the show was the very ending, which I think others have mentioned. I didn’t love how the director tackled the very last scene BUT it did not detract from the overall experience.
Highly recommend this show.
Oh, and there was a lot of verbal audience reaction and I loved it. To me, it was a visceral reaction to the action and the words and it highlighted the connection the audience had to the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
quizking101 said: "I see a lot of the reviews are split on John David Washington. Nearly all of them acknowledge his volcanic and blustery approach to Boy Willie, but there seems to be a divide between those who think it was a bravura performance and those who think it was gratingly over-the-top"
I think this puts it quite nicely and having seen it tonight, mark me in the OVER THE TOP category.
I've never seen this play before, and absolutely love Fences and especially Jitney. I was so looking forward to this but
Not sure if its the direction or the play itself, but it dragged, especially in Act 2. And I found both Washington and Sam Jackson barely intelligible especially in the first act. Both actors were so hard to follow, and it was therefore even more frustrating when it was clear they were turning that dialect on and off: in the second act (and whenever Jackson would narrate a story) I had no problem. But that was an annoyance compared to the way Washington was directed to START AT AN 11 AND STAY THERE. By the time the end of the 2nd Act rolled around, Washington was screaming at the audience-- and while his ability to project/emote was dang impressive, it made little sense.
ESPECIALLY because of the fine, subtle work from Michael Potts (who I really hope wins a Tony for this, long overdue, hes pitch perfect start to finish) and to a lesser but still impressive degree, Danielle Brooks. Washington's overthetop performance and Jackson's endearing but surprisingly unmoving turn became distractions; I found myself wanting to hear more from Potts and Brooks as much as possible. (Brooks is great but I found the role really underwritten; Berniece isnt really given her own moment to stand up to Boy Willie).
Finally, and I've noticed this in many other productions and especially high profile, celeb driven ones: the audience is SO eager to enjoy themselves and love the stars that they laugh, and oooh/aaaah, and awkwardly try to insert themselves into the production. Its SO damaging to the work. American Buffalo at Circle in the Square suffered from the same phenomenon, where forced chuckling and knowing sighing just sucked the air out of certain scenes. A high point of this Piano Lesson is the extended scene between Brooks and Ray Fisher in Act 2; its so delicately written, and so perfectly performed here. The ooooooh and whistles and laughter at non-jokes really undermined it tonight.
So I left just very disappointed, mostly because I entered with such high hopes and partially because 2:55 minutes is a long night. The theater felt full but was nowhere near sold out. I used TDF for the first time in a long while, and was very pleased with Row C Front Mezz seats, a bit to the right but perfect view (though I do prefer the orchestra in the Barrymore, the Mezz feels a bit far back).
Saw this tonight and enjoyed it. I’m surprised by all the praise for Brooks because I thought she was the weak link in the cast, and agree with the poster who said she was miscast. In the bravura vs. over-the-top debate regarding Washington, I’m kind of in the middle. I thought he was very good but understand where the detractors are coming from (I also had trouble understanding a lot of his and Jackson’s dialogue, especially in the beginning). Fisher was the highlight for me, I loved him and thought his comic timing was spot on. And honestly, April Matthis stole the show in her small part.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
I'm going to go out on a limb here, perhaps committing theatrical heresy in the process, and suggest that much of the problem people are having with Washington's performance stems from the role itself as written by Wilson. I felt the same way about Charles Dutton's performance as Boy Willy. There's a lot of exhausting hot air built into the character. It's basically a supporting role that's given more stage time and dialogue than the others. I inevitably find myself tuning him out, as I do with people who talk in circles in life. He comes on stage and everyone takes a back seat to him because they know he is not going to shut up until he leaves. It's only then that the others can address what needs to be addressed, and the play comes to life. I have asked myself many times if this is intentional on Wilson's part, and I have come to the conclusion that it is. I am not entirely certain that it was the right choice and wonder if less of Boy Willy would have made this excellent play even stronger.
Updated On: 11/5/22 at 07:24 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
The Other One said: "I'm going to go out on a limb here, perhaps committing theatrical heresy in the process, and suggest that much of the problem people are having with Washington's performance stems from the role itself as written by Wilson. I felt the same way about Charles Dutton's performance as Boy Willy. There's a lot of exhausting hot air built into the character. It's basically a supporting role that's given more stage time and dialogue than the others. I inevitably find myself tuning him out, as I do with people who talk in circles in life. He comes on stage and everyone takes a back seat to him because they know he is not going to shut up until he leaves. It's only then that the others can address what needs to be addressed, and the play comes to life. I have asked myself many times if this is intentional on Wilson's part, and I have come to the conclusion that it is. I am not entirely certain that it was the right choice and wonder if less of Boy Willy would have made this excellent play even stronger."
I think thats fair, in that its a tough role to play. And I have no idea if Dutton did the same shoutfest. But SURELY there is a way to modulate the bluster, and waver between a 5 and a 12. By the time the end of the second act rolls around, his intensity and hostility is nothing new, weve been hearing it for 2 hours. Just seems like such a fixable misstep-- and Washington is clearly so talented and committed, it was particularly frustrating.
I also agree with the shoutout above for April Mathis. She was simply perfect.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
Washington's performance is far more nuanced than Dutton's.
Updated On: 11/5/22 at 07:36 PM
FYI, Samuel Jackson is out of the show this week.
ACL2006, do you mean that he is out through the MLK weekend, or just for a performance or two? This was originally the last week of the run before it got extended, so it would be odd timing for a lengthy planned absence. I was thinking about going this upcoming weekend. There are photos on BWW of him at a gala yesterday, and I assume he wouldn't have gone if he had COVID or some other illness.
I believe I saw in another Piano Lesson thread that he’s out for more than one performance this week, but Telecharge and other ticketing sites pulled up nothing.
edit: found the thread - he is out Wednesday through Saturday, people with tickets should have gotten an email yesterday.
I believe ticket holders received an email stating he's out this week. Looks like he's in tonight and Sunday.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
He is out beginning tomorrow until Saturday. NOT Covid.
Yea, I saw him at that same gala too, but Latanya stayed the whole time looked planned to me
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
Whelp wish I had known that before I bought a TDF ticket
It’s odd that none of the ticketing sites/sources noted his absence, especially since he’s the biggest Star on the marquee - it was very obvious when Danielle Brooks was out, they made sure you knew that.
Swing Joined: 1/16/20
Samuel Jackson will be out Sunday as well. Returning on Tuesday 1/17. I visited the box office just now (Sat afternoon) because I was thinking about going Sunday and was told that from the box office.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
That is incorrect. Samuel L Jackson is back on the stage performing tomorrow/ SUNDAY January 15. I know because my tickets were moved as I changed performances with Telecharge. CORRECTION- I moved my tickets from Jan 13 to Jan 15 to catch Jackson.
Be accurate please.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/20
troynow said: "That is incorrect. Samuel L Jackson is back on the stage performing tomorrow/ SUNDAY January 15. I know because my tickets have not been cancelled from Telecharge. In fact I moved them from Friday Jan 13.
Be accurate please."
I’m confused. Why would your tickets be cancelled? They can still do a performance without him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
troynow said: "That is incorrect. Samuel L Jackson is back on the stage performing tomorrow/ SUNDAY January 15. I know because my tickets have not been cancelled from Telecharge. In fact I moved them from Friday Jan 13.
Be accurate please."
Presumably someone conveying information provided by the box office does think they are being accurate.
@troynow - maybe I’m wrong, but I have literally never heard of tickets to a show getting automatically refunded, as long as the performance hasn’t been canceled. Seems a little unfair to lash out at that user for passing along information straight from the box office, when your “information” is more of an inference, and quite possibly an incorrect one.
I guess tomorrow we’ll find out for sure
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/09
Not sure whether anyone was looking for closure as to this question, but I got the last rush ticket for the show yesterday - others waiting in line also had heard Jackson was going to be out, but I asked at the box office and was told he was supposed to be back...and he indeed was IN.
It was Trai Byers' last show - at curtain call, Danielle Brooks urged him to come to the middle of the line for bows, and the rest of the cast were rooting for him.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/11/18
The Tony rulings had me thinking about the shows so far this season…
Does anyone think that Samuel R. Jackson is the frontrunner for the Supp. Actor Tony?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
Netflix film adaptation set to film in April; Denzel Washington's son Malcolm Washington directing.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
Wow, must be nice. Just checked Malcom's IMDB and he's been "other crew" on a few films and directed one short.
That said, always excited for an August Wilson project, so hope it turns out.
Pashacar said: "Wow, must be nice. Just checked Malcom's IMDB and he's been "other crew" on a few films and directed one short."
Willing to reserve judgement until it comes out, but yes based on his credentials it would have been nice to have a director of a higher pedigree. (especially since I didn't think LaTanya's direction was exceptional on stage; the actors made it sing.) We'll see how this goes...glad it's being filmed.
How's the Lloyd Richards TV film adaptation from the 90s with Charles Dutton? I've never seen it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/20
Has Denzel announced the next installment of The Pittsburgh Cycle he'll be producing? He seems to have a pretty good sense of what he wants- he announced the cast of The Piano Lesson during the publicity tour of Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.