Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/08
I think word of mouth is working here, too. The hardcore fans (and their parents) can only fill so many seats. But there's a lot of buzz around this little musical that became a cult sensation after exactly one short professional run three years ago. People who might have otherwise skipped this are probably buying tickets because they want to see what the big deal's supposed to be. It was already completely sold out through August at the beginning of this week, and there was quite a bit of "hurry and grab a September ticket while you can."
It had one major NY Times write-up back when the production was announced, and it was featured again in this week's Five Shows to See in New York article. Whether people end up liking the show or not is obviously completely subjective, but I can definitely see why even people who aren't familiar with the story or the music would be interested. People always want to see something that's sold out.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/15
inception said: "Has anything been announced to go into the Barrow Street theatre after Sweeney Todd? Would that be a good fit? Or perhaps one of the stages at New World Theatres?"
ARS Nova is taking over Barrow Street.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/27/17
I was at the show tonight, and didn’t observe any crazy audience behavior. Also, really enjoyed the show, and am in the mid-30’s. Highly recommend!
Is the Davenport theater too small? Or the Minetta Lane?
dearalanaaaa said: "I have an odd feeling that if this is true they would want to be at second stage. Simply because their set is very similar to Hansen, and it would be an easy transfer to there. They'd also take that route because since Hansen and Chill fans are closely linked, the really small few who have been with those shows that long can say they saw both shows at Second Stage. Just a thought."
Seems weird they would want to sacrifice their own identity at that level. Plus, Second Stage doesn't usually just rent their stage out, DEH was part of their season. And their next season already has shows in October, January and May...
Stand-by Joined: 5/4/17
I won the lottery last night and I can confirm that my seat was first row, far right. I will also confirm that there are definitely a lot of....enthusiastic young fans who scream, but it wasn't over the line. I've heard the same or worse than that at other shows.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/21/15
yesraccoons said: "Saw the show today. The music was the best part for sure book could definitely use work mainly towards the end. Overall enjoyable but not a broadway show. Hope it extends though.
My main issue wasn’t even because of the show itself but the speakers were incredibly loud. Beware if your ears are sensitive I don’t have senestive ears and I still held my ears at points it’s extremely loud.
Almost all the cast came out expect for the actor who plays Jake for the stagedoor.
I was next to a big fan she started to mouth and move along to the words during the first song so I told her to stop and she did. She also said something about how she likes the squip and thinks he’s a good person which is just very wrong and I actually almost began to debate her on that. She called him “precious”. Not sure how an evil super computer that takes your fears and wears you down emotionally is precious but hey what do I know.
Overall it’s worth seeing. There weren’t really any crazy stans and it was enjoyable.
I have a friend in the pit, and he informed us that it can’t extend because something else is coming in. He’s hoping it will move somewhere, however.
So, Jenn, have you been lurking here? Or is this post simply ~coincidence~
P.S: This is a joke but seriously I've heard of producers coming to the broards so it wouldn't be a stretch
Understudy Joined: 10/6/17
I took my daughter and one of her friends to this past Sunday’s matinee. The show is a lot of fun. I really liked the first Act, the second act could use some work. I enjoyed most “Michael in the Bathroom” and “I like Play Rehearsal”. I can see why this show appeals to teens but this mom also liked it.
I think produce, Jennifer Ashley Tepper’s post on social media is totally on point. There were lots of teens at the show but it was a very respectful audience. I saw one girl getting really excited before some songs but she was doing it silently.
The stage door was fine. The theater staff is great and keeps it all organized. All the kids were well behaved. I warned my daughter to not expect the cast to come out because they had an evening show but they all came out and signed and took pictures. Except Will Roland did not take pictures but was still really gracious to the kids. I thought that it was very nice of the cast to come out between shows.
I don’t think anyone who already has tickets should be worried about the supposedly crazy teen fan base. The fans for this show seem to be pretty cool.
Also, I saw Ben Brantley there so I guess he will be the one reviewing this show for the Times. He seemed to have a smile on his face for some of the songs so maybe that’s a good sign?
I was there last night, and I thought the very young audience was pretty well-behaved, just very enthusiastic.
As for the show, I thought it was too long and bland, the first act especially. It really dragged and just could not hold my interest. A premise is not a plot. And yeah, it really was very, very loud.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
I also attended last night's performance, and overall was pleasantly surprised. While some of the show is a bit too loud and could border on obnoxious, a lot of the songs worked very well and the story was very entertaining and relatable. I think this could definitely become a big hit Off-Broadway long term. The audience was overall well behaved, and there was no disrespectful behavior during the show at all, just plenty of excitement and enthusiasm. Even the stage door wasn't too bad, most waiting were very polite and respectful. The whole cast came out, and most did pictures except for Will Roland I believe and everyone was very nice. Speaking of Will Roland, he truly impressed me in the show, he was excellent as the leading man this time around
I was impressed by Will Roland, and Tiffany Mann really needs a starring role. Between her bit role here and Jerry Springer, I've been super impressed by her, her voice, and her stage presence.
I'll be attending a student production in Chicago tonight. Structure wise the cast album never indicates the moment where Jeremy actually becomes popular. The songs skip from the before (Upgrade) to the after (Pitiful Children) with the music shifting to Michael in between. I'm curious to see how the book handles this transition.
Stray idea: If they ever make this a film they could give the original cast cameos as either:
The chorus in the mall scene or the other Squip's in "Pitiful Children."
Leading Actor Joined: 2/18/15
Extending. Have these new tickets gone on sale? http://www.playbill.com/article/be-more-chill-extends-off-broadway-engagement
They are on sale, but going fast!
Leading Actor Joined: 6/18/08
By my quick count, there are less than 40 seats left for the extension as of right now. They will likely be gone within the hour.
Jakeevan942 said: "By my quick count, there are less than 40 seats left for the extension as of right now. They will likely be gone within the hour."
yea the producer(s) buying tickets for friends to purchase is what I've heard
Intermission at the just extended Chicago student production.
The young cast can sing the score but they're more comfortable playing nerds than the "cool" characters. Johnny Rabe is a terrific Jeremy and is carrying the show. The supporting cast is likeable but some are being sabotaged by bad costumes and malfunctioning microphones.
The house is packed and happy but polite. No innappripriate behavior.
Act two's uneven. It features the shows best and worst songs and puts Jeremy and Christine on the back burner. Focus shifts to Michael and the Squip. While Audrey 2's plan was predetermined the Squip seems to be formulating its plan as it goes along.
The Chicago Stage Door production adds a dancing teen chorus which helped energize all the group numbers in act two. Though their skimpy Halloween party costumes had me worried the audience was about to be arrested.
The Jersey libretto gives us quick sketches of the supporting cast. We know which archetypes Jake, Chloe and Jenna fit despite minimal stage time. Yet I've no idea who Brooke is or why Rich is considered popular.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/16
They added a week of performances and sold out in eight hours. They'd be foolish to not transfer at this point.
I guess our premium seats get a free character poster. Are they distributed at the BO with the will-call tix, or is there a merch table where we claim them? I'd hope they're small enough to fit under the seat.
We've got a 14 day cruise after our NY visit and a flight home, (and we have no room for a poster on our walls) so I'm planning to give it to a young fan in the stage door line - would that be feasible?
MrsSallyAdams said: "Act two's uneven. It features the shows best and worst songs and puts Jeremy and Christine on the back burner. Focus shifts to Michael and the Squip. While Audrey 2's plan was predetermined the Squip seems to be formulating its plan as it goes along.
The Chicago Stage Door production adds a dancing teen chorus which helped energize all the group numbers in act two. Though their skimpy Halloween party costumes had me worried the audience was about to be arrested.
The Jersey libretto gives us quick sketches of the supporting cast. We know which archetypes Jake, Chloe and Jenna fit despite minimal stage time. Yet I've no idea who Brooke is or why Rich is considered popular.
MrsSallyAdams, I always find out we attend the same exact show a day later! I agree about the costumes, both girls and boys had "sexy" costumes and it was puzzling to me.
"Michael in the Bathroom" is one of the songs that I feel could be about two minutes shorter. I also felt the Christine last night was a bit flat, I could feel the "I could've done that role better" tension from some teens sitting next to me. I enjoyed myself, however.
I hope it transfers. It already has such a cult following. Literally every Broadway group i'm in on Facebook is littered with 13-17 year olds posting things like "What's your favorite show? Mine is Be More Chill", Be More Chill memes, or fan art.
I haven't listened to the full soundtrack or read much into the story but I will say that "Micheal In The Bathroom" song had me in my feelings a bit.
I know the NYT wasnt a fan, but the other reviews seem to be pretty good.
I think this would be great at a small theater like The Court
MarkBearSF said: "I guess our premium seats get a free character poster. Are they distributed at the BO with the will-call tix, or is there a merch table where we claim them? I'd hope they're small enough to fit under the seat.
We've got a 14 day cruise after our NY visit and a flight home, (and we have no room for a poster on our walls) so I'm planning to give it to a young fan in the stage door line - would that be feasible?"
Pretty sure they’re small and they give them out next to the willcall line.
I'm crossing my fingers for a New World Stages extension, a la Heather's. If it gets to Broadway I expect fan powered revivals to become a thing of the future. Hoping maybe to cancellation or win the lottery to get to see the show now that it's frozen! Did much change from the first to this one?