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Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?- Page 2

Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?

Piercemn Profile Photo
#25re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 4:43pm

I agree that Dolly is a broader role and more for her style. She's not a Desiree. She could, maybe, do the Countess, but not Desiree.

NYC Visitor and Broadway Fan

raphael06 Profile Photo
#26re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 4:48pm

I agree! Bernadette needs to do an original soon!

"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not."-Sunday in the Park with George

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#27re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 4:50pm

Personally, I think Bernadette's dry wit would have been perfect for Charlotte maybe 15 years ago.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#28re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 5:09pm

I was fortunate to see Jean Simmons play Desiree in London in the 1970's. She was spellbinding to see. What stage presence and what beauty! She owned the stage when she was on, even when not singing or reciting her lines.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#29re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 5:12pm

Peters is indeed shopping for an original musical for her return to the stage.

She isn't interested in doing another revival at this point ("Dolly" was specifically brought to her as an option last year and she wanted no part of it.) The producers behind the idea (I believe) even attempted to leak the rumor in hopes of generating some buzz, but it never got off the ground (nor into the limelight) as Bernadette killed the prospect from the start.

"The First Wives Club" is a very realistic option for her at this point. I've been told she liked the pitch she was given by the creative team and, if the material they're working on turns out to be substancial, she's very much interested in being a part of it.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 4/23/07 at 05:12 PM

#30re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 6:39pm

Peters has about as much a sophisticated, continental style about her as a box of Crackerjack.

Jerusha Bromley
Aboard the Thetis

BigFatBlonde Profile Photo
#31re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 6:53pm

Isabella Rossellini ... not an exact fit..but I just want to see her live.

What great ones do the less will prattle of

#32re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 8:16pm

Bernadette would be perfect for Desiree, since she can't sing.

Did someone say she could have played Anne? Hello? Are we talking bout the same show?

Anne needs to sing, you know, actual pitches. In a range that is nowhere NEAR the range that she has ever sung in.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

#33re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 8:26pm

"that she has ever sung in."

So you admit she sings then????

Thank you Fenchurch.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

kyle. Profile Photo
#34re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 8:30pm

There are lots of other people I would rather see in the role over her.

Ebersole to begin with.

#35re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 8:57pm

you dead meat, theenchantedhunter. You dead meat.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#36re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 8:59pm

Fencurch: Oh NO you din't!

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

best12bars Profile Photo
#37re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 10:40pm

How about Kate Winslet AS Bernadette Peters IN "A Little Night Music!!!"


"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

binau Profile Photo
#38re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/7/22 at 4:36pm

She WAS a great Desiree in the end!

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

#39re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/7/22 at 4:50pm

binau said: "She WAS a great Desiree in the end!"

And a terrific Dolly as well.  I did not like her Sally in Follies, but those two were perfect.

David10086 Profile Photo
#40re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/7/22 at 8:51pm

I was fortunate enough to see her in both "Music" and "Dolly". Experiences I shall never forget. 


Nobody in April, 2007 had the foresight to see Catherine Zeta Jones in "A Little Night Music" ?  They were thinking Peters, Mirren, even Brooke Shileds - but not CZJ ?  LOL!  

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#41re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/7/22 at 9:45pm

Peters was superb. She brought something akin to the irresolution of grief to her regret about Fredrick. 

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

David10086 Profile Photo
#42re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/7/22 at 11:10pm

When Peters sang SITC at the performance I attended, I believe she had the whole audience in tears when she was done - including me. She sang it with such emotion. I only wish I had the chance to see Jean Simmons in the role. Love her cast recording! 

Georgeanddot2 Profile Photo
#43re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 12:45am

This is reminding me how much we need A Little Night Music revival.

#44re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 1:13am

Georgeanddot2 said: "This is reminding me how much we need A Little Night Music revival."

Anika Noni Rose as Desiree and Diana Ross as Mdme. Armfeldt

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#45re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 6:52am

I will forever mourn the Natasha Richardson/Vanessa Redgrave production that could have been.

binau Profile Photo
#46re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 7:51am

David10086 said: "When Peters sang SITC at the performance I attended, I believe she had the whole audience in tears when she was done - including me. She sang it with such emotion."

I think it’s the single greatest performance of a song I’ve ever seen on stage (and I also just saw Judi Dench do it a couple months ago in London!). Feels like one of those special “you had to be there” moments, especially that no recording was made. 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

Capeguy Profile Photo
#47re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 8:17am

She was amazing! Everything about her performance worked so  much better than CZJ. When she sang Send in the Clowns, the audience was so mesmerized, that you could hear a pin drop. One of her best performances. I wish it was recorded. I did hear her sing it again at a concert at Symphony Hall in Boston a few years ago.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#48re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 8:30am

The whole production woke up around Peters and Stritch when they joined the cast. It helped that they apparently picked up the tempo on several songs and seemed to lean more fully into the comedic side of the piece. The Chekhovian approach worked well in London, but it felt a little dour on Broadway with CZJ and Lansbury (and I say that as someone who really enjoyed CZJ’s performance and found the whole production hypnotically beautiful).

#49re: Bernadette Peters in A Little Night Music- Who is with me?
Posted: 7/8/22 at 9:05am

Bernadette's Desiree was wonderful.

"And THIS is MY daughter" was the best laugh of the night.
