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Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL- Page 12

Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL

Rob Profile Photo
#275Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 8:59pm

Reminder here, because we're trying to avoid locking this thread - personal attacks are against our guidelines. You can disagree on issues and opinions, but do it without the personal attacks and insults. And speculation is fine in a situation where the reasons were vague, but let's keep it respectful as well please. 

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#276Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 9:06pm


The first day they went on sale, I purchased my "Carousel" ticket for one reason alone:  Renee Fleming.  Her beautiful voice is matched by few, and I am excited beyond measure to finally see her in performance.

Although I am not familiar with Miss Wolfe, I know from some posts here that she is much loved and much admired.  I appreciate the disappointment many feel.  Whatever the reason for her no longer being a part of "Carousel," I wish her happiness wherever life may take her.  



The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#277Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 9:47pm

If an actor doesn't want people talking about them on internet message boards they should stick to regional theatre, not a string of starring roles on Broadway.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#278Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 9:47pm

So after  11 pages where people guessed she was 


maybe taken by aliens 

going back into Frozen 

playing wicked 

and Jebus only knows what else 

Have we heard an official response yet?

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#279Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 9:56pm

If an actor doesn't want people talking about them on internet message boards they should stick to regional theatre, not a string of starring roles on Broadway.

Who are you talking about?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#280Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/20/17 at 9:56pm

She said up front there is a conflict with this fall. I would imagine if she wanted to say more and it was anyone else's business, she would have.

Why do so many people feel they are entitled to know her personal business and her thoughts? Betsy is about as fan friendly as they come but she is entitled to some privacy. 

This whole thread reminds me of "Pick a little, talk a little" from The Music Man. 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
phan24 Profile Photo
#282Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:18pm

Scott Rudin retracted his verbal offer, she never signed a contract. She was basically fired. Hope the best for her and that she finds a better project, although starring in Waitress currently is not so bad.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#283Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:23pm

If that’s the case. It makes no sense to fire someone who you haven’t seen play the part yet. That just seems illogical 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 9/26/17 at 07:23 PM

SchuylWERKsister Profile Photo
#284Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:26pm

phan24 said: "Scott Rudin retracted his verbal offer, she never signed a contract. She was basically fired. Hope the best for her and that she finds a better project, although starring in Waitress currently is not so bad."

The savagery! 

Tag Profile Photo
#285Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:29pm

Maybe he has a bigger name lined up?

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#286Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:31pm

Jorge, don't believe everything you read without proof. It's easy for you to call him sucky, or make an impression of the person based on hearsay. Even if it's proved to be wrong later, that impression has been made and is difficult to undo. Not just for you, but for everyone who reads this and does not critically think about it for themselves first. Fact is that we don't know what happened behind the scenes and while it's fun to speculate, making judgements based on speculations are toxic.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

bwayboy22 Profile Photo
#287Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:32pm

But if the contract was never signed and why did they put out a press release confirming that she would be in it? Aren't press releases only put out after all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted?

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#288Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:33pm

Valentina3 said: "Jorge, don't believe everything you read without proof. It's easy for you to call him sucky, or make an impression of the person based on hearsay. Even if it's proved to be wrong later, that impression has been made and is difficult to undo. Not just for you, but for everyone who reads this and does not critically think about it for themselves first. Fact is that we don't know what happened behind the scenes and while it's fun to speculate, making judgements based on speculations are toxic."

Duly noted. I’ll edit my post

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

SchuylWERKsister Profile Photo
#289Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:35pm

bwayboy22 said: "But if the contract was never signed and why did they put out a press release confirming that she would be in it? Aren't press releases only put out after all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted?"

Not all the time. Eden Espinosa was announced prematurely as Sheila in the Hair revival and ended up not being apart of the production. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure she hadn't signed a contract and they couldn't come to terms during negotiations so she departed.

In short, sometimes casting announcements are made before signatures.

Updated On: 9/26/17 at 07:35 PM

#290Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 7:51pm

Can you really be fired if you were never really actually hired (no contract signed)

SchuylWERKsister Profile Photo
#291Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 8:01pm

smidge said: "Can you really be fired if you were never really actually hired (no contract signed)"

I think of it more as let go since the punitive element  that's associated with firing isn't there.

If she was let go from this than I feel really bad for her. I don't care what anyone says or what she implies, she absolutely did not leave Frozen of her own volition and anyone who believes that is a fool. Only an absolute idiot would leave Frozen. Being let go twice in a row like this is just awful, If it's true. I admire her strength and the way that she is carrying herself if she was indeed let go from both projects. I know this must be difficult though.

#292Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 8:09pm

^ I can't speak to Betsy, but a LOT of people left Frozen on their own, as the workshops (and the out-of-town) were a hot mess.

#293Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 8:20pm

Why would she get fired? Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#294Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 8:27pm

People always say a new director comes with a new cast and I never understand why are patti and Greg still with the show, then? If Betsy truly got fired(from one or both) I’d be super disappointed. Not everyone loves Betsy, but I wholeheartedly believe she’s one of the most amazingly talented gals up on the broadway stage. It’s their loss if they did. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

SchuylWERKsister Profile Photo
#295Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 8:35pm

Call_me_jorge said: "People always say a new director comes with a new cast and I never understand why are patti and Greg still with the show, then? "

Because the director liked Patti and Greg and did not like Betsy. It's fairly simple.

Her "Let it Go" is not great, and she's not a high belter. She can pull it off, sometimes, but that's not the best part of her voice. I think she would have been great in Carousel as that would have been a much better fit for her vocal strengths. I was not looking forward to hearing her clearly mix the Frozen score.

Updated On: 9/26/17 at 08:35 PM

#296Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 9:02pm

Actually she is a high belter. She sings in a very strong and healthy mix which is the proper way to sing.

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#297Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 9:52pm

I can't believe you just said Betsy Wolfe isn't a high belter.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#298Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 9:58pm

This is anti-climactic if it's true. And pretty ****ty for her.

BroadwayGuy12 Profile Photo
#299Betsy Wolfe departs CAROUSEL
Posted: 9/26/17 at 10:03pm

SchuylWERKsister said: "Not all the time. Eden Espinosa was announced prematurely as Sheila in the Hair revivaland ended up not being apart of theproduction. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure she hadn't signed a contract and they couldn't come to terms duringnegotiations so she departed.

In short, sometimes casting announcements aremadebefore signatures.

And, if I remember correctly, rumors swirled back then that Espinosa was pregnant, with that being the cause for her departure from HAIR (which obviously turned out to be unfounded). Oh, how history repeats itself.

Updated On: 9/27/17 at 10:03 PM
