Let me preface this by saying I'm very aware that, in the macrocosm, this is a terribly trivial concern.
However, I must say I'm very disappointed with how ATG/Plaza Suite have handled this situation. After 48 hours and 70+ calls to the box office, I finally got through to a representative who attempted (albeit barely) to assist in an exchange of my tickets.
In November, I had purchased two $59 tickets to a preview performance of Plaza Suite. It seems, since then, that the producers/company updated the pricing scale rather dramatically, increasing the face value of my rear mezz seats to $129 each. Now, I understand that the producers have every right to do this. It's their circus. However, I do feel that the theatre's complete refusal to offer an even exchange for properly purchased fair-value tickets is purely bad business. I was given only two options: to receive a complete refund or to pay for a new pair of tickets at the increased rate.
So, without the funds to afford the price hike, I opted for a refund. Again, I'm not ignorant to the fact that I've gotten my money back and that they've made me whole. But, first-world problem or not, this whole ordeal left a very bad taste in my mouth.
FOAnatic said: "Let me preface this by saying I'm very aware that, in the macrocosm, this is a terribly trivial concern.
However, I must say I'm very disappointed with how ATG/Plaza Suite have handled this situation. After 48 hours and 70+ calls to the box office, I finally got through to a representative who attempted (albeit barely) to assist in an exchange of my tickets.
In November, I had purchased two $59 tickets to a preview performance of Plaza Suite. It seems, since then, that the producers/company updated the pricing scale rather dramatically, increasing the face value of my rear mezz seats to $129 each. Now, I understand that the producers have every right to do this. It's their circus. However, I do feel that the theatre's complete refusal to offer an even exchange for properly purchased fair-value tickets is purely bad business. I was given only two options: to receive acomplete refund or to pay for a new pair of tickets at the increased rate.
So, without the funds to afford the price hike, I opted for a refund. Again, I'm not ignorant to the fact that I've gotten my money back and that they've made me whole. But, first-world problem or not, this whole ordeal left a very bad taste in my mouth."
As trivial of a concern as this is, I completely agree with you.
I’m having similar frustrations with Telecharge and their inability to do an even exchange. I have several pairs of tickets I was hoping to reschedule because I am lucky enough to live in the city where a reschedule is not a problem (and I feel heavily for those who planned extensive trips who will now miss out completely.) Telecharge is offering their usual refund/return/rebuy policy for exchanges but to me, that’s not an even exchange if the price is not identical and in my case it is not. I purchased tickets to two shows on limited time promotions and they are not honoring those prices, so it’s frustrating for sure.
Frankly, I think even attempting an exchange right now, when there is so much that is uncertain and these ticketing services are getting slammed, is unwise. Although we all hope performances resume after Easter, it seems just as likely that they won't. I would wait until the situation clarifies in the coming week or two, as testing becomes more widespread and statistics become more clear and reliable.
Kad said: "Frankly, I think even attempting an exchange right now, when there is so much that is uncertain and these ticketing services are getting slammed, is unwise. Although we all hope performances resume after Easter, it seems just as likely that they won't. I would wait until the situation clarifies in the coming week or two, as testing becomes more widespread and statistics become more clear and reliable."
Oh, I’m with you, Kad. Another perk is rescheduling for a much later date, which I was trying to do so (looking at July/August thinking I’d be safe). It’s the principle of the refund/rebuy policy rather than an even exchange that frustrates me.
Kad said: "Frankly, I think even attempting an exchange right now, when there is so much that is uncertain and these ticketing services are getting slammed, is unwise. Although we all hope performances resume after Easter, it seems just as likely that they won't. I would wait until the situation clarifies in the coming week or two, as testing becomes more widespread and statistics become more clear and reliable."
True...nobody knows for sure at this stage when BROADWAY will reopen even though they are saying 4 weeks April 13 ...we have tix for WSS on Friday June 5 so i'm feeling optimistic things will be fine by then but we just don't know???
Coronavirus Update: NYC Health Inspector Says Outbreak Could Last Through September
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/15/05
CURSED CHILD in SF just announced on social media their closure is extended through April 30 now.
Yeah, I have tickets for Plaza Suite (June 3), Company and Assassins (both June 4). If they’re cancelled (or never even open) and I get refunded, it might be a relief.
A little context:
I was working in Pennsylvania this week. Suddenly before noon yesterday, all conferences/trainings were cancelled per our host. Also, the organization I contract through has suspended all work travel for at least the next three weeks (including returning to this site again next week) and possibly through May 31.
Part of me is relieved. What went from mild concern at beginning of the week has escalated to considerable stress related to travel contributing possibly losing my iPad mini (I’ve reported it missing via Delta’s online form) and misplacing my wallet in rush to get to the airport as I changed flights to fly out last night rather then this morning (fueled by Delta reporting they are decreasing flights by 40%). After having gracious friends get out in the wet and cold after 10:00 p.m. to pay my airport parking fee, I luckily found out I had just misplaced my wallet inside my duffle bag in my rush to pack. These are mistakes I typically make. So I’m glad to be freed of some of that increased travel-related stress. My friends wanted to give me a hug me last night (sensing my distress), but because I’ve been traveling and they have elderly parents (as do I), they (understandably) couldn’t. Also, in stress mode I mistakenly sent out a remote test (we usually test in the classroom) to my trainees with the answers to the test. A major blunder which my project director was unbelievably gracious about when I called to confess.
On the other hand, if this goes on much beyond April and my work just stops, I’m going to be relieved if my tickets are automatically refunded because that trip isn’t going to be financially feasible anymore. Suddenly, seeing theater won’t matter so much if I’m struggling to pay my bills. I feel for all the people in the theater community and service industries who are especially being affected by this. I’m so so glad to be home, but the feeling of dread persists.
This is a bit of a selfish and materialistic thing to ask, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and buy my COMPANY, SIX, and HADESTOWN tickets now or wait until Broadway officially reopens - I'm assuming that the April dates are tentative for the time being. It'd be a headache to go through all of the refunding again, so I'm strongly leaning towards "wait it out." Has anyone else bought tickets again yet, or are we all choosing to wait? I'd also like to catch BEETLEJUICE again before it closes, but I was planning on rushing that one anyway.
AndreyIsntHere said: "This is a bit of a selfish and materialistic thing to ask, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and buy my COMPANY, SIX, and HADESTOWN tickets now or wait until Broadway officially reopens - I'm assuming that the April dates are tentative for the time being. It'd be a headache to go through all of the refunding again, so I'm strongly leaning towards "wait it out." Has anyone else bought tickets again yet, or are we all choosing to wait? I'd also like to catch BEETLEJUICE again before it closes, but I was planning on rushing that one anyway."
Personally, I have made the decision not to buy any more shows tickets until Broadway re-opens. There is just too much uncertainty right now.
AndreyIsntHere said: "This is a bit of a selfish and materialistic thing to ask, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and buy my COMPANY, SIX, and HADESTOWN tickets now or wait until Broadway officially reopens - I'm assuming that the April dates are tentative for the time being. It'd be a headache to go through all of the refunding again, so I'm strongly leaning towards "wait it out." Has anyone else bought tickets again yet, or are we all choosing to wait? I'd also like to catch BEETLEJUICE again before it closes, but I was planning on rushing that one anyway."
For those lucky enough not to be living through the Italian lockdown, pay attention: What’s happening in Milan, Florence and Rome offers a likely preview of what’s coming to New York, London or Paris in a week or two
WAIT for at least a month and see...
Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized
Not to be a pessimistic, but I think the theatre closures will last beyond the April date. It will be interesting to see if the virus affects domestic travel.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
AndreyIsntHere said: "This is a bit of a selfish and materialistic thing to ask, but I'm wondering if I should go ahead and buy my COMPANY, SIX, and HADESTOWN tickets now or wait until Broadway officially reopens - I'm assuming that the April dates are tentative for the time being. It'd be a headache to go through all of the refunding again, so I'm strongly leaning towards "wait it out." Has anyone else bought tickets again yet, or are we all choosing to wait? I'd also like to catch BEETLEJUICE again before it closes, but I was planning on rushing that one anyway."
What headache, exactly? They are automatically refunded to your card once the performance is cancelled.
Anyhow I agree that the April date is EXTREMELY tentative.
SmoothLover said: "Not to be a pessimistic, but I think the theatre closures will last beyond the April date. It will be interesting to see if the virus affects domestic travel."
Although no government restrictions on domestic travel yer, it has already affected it. My flights this week, including both last night were at least 50% empty. Most of that is likely because of the temporary shutdown of work travel.
What is social distancing? This practice is key to slowing the coronavirus, public health experts say
Experts says the tactic will help ‘flatten the curve’ and prevent an explosion of new cases
Understudy Joined: 5/6/11
SmoothLover said: "scarlet721 said: "SmoothLover said: "I got a a Jury duty questionnaire and I though oh lord that is about the last place I would like to go during this outbreak.
i can relate... i actually got a jury duty SUMMONS for March 30th yesterday....
Just cough continuously and you will probably be dismissed in a flash.
Notice from the Commissioner of Jurors re: Coronavirus and Flu In light of public health concerns arising over the coronavirus, please note the following:
If you have been summoned for jury duty, beginning on March 16th and continuing until further notice: • Please do not appear at the courthouse. Your service has been suspended at this time. You will hear from us in the future with another date for service.
If you are a juror currently serving on a criminal trial, on a grand jury or on a civil trial where opening statements have been made: • You are required to appear to continue your service.
So... in the words of song cut from Ave Q, but on an extras CD, i can "tear it up and threw it away...."
Thanks for the Jury duty information. I just filled out a questionnaire so they could call me months from now which I would prefer.
On this weeks On Stage Frank indicated that the theaters purposely wanted the governor to make the closing decision so they could file for insurance. I think I understood this correctly. I am also wondering if the different unions involved with Broadway shows could negotiate some sort of financial help beyond unemployment.
I think what has everyone freaked out is the fact that this all seems like survival of the fittest. Even if wider access to testing becomes available the test only reflects a person’s status for that particular day. They say you need 2 consecutive tests within a 24 hour period to test negative if you are taking the test because you had it.
SmoothLover said: "I think what has everyone freaked out is the fact that this all seems like survival of the fittest. Even if wider access to testing becomes available the test only reflects a person’s status for that particular day. They say you need 2 consecutive tests within a 24 hour period to test negative if you are taking the test because you had it.”
Yes. If you test negative it only tells you what your status was on the day you were tested. It seems to take at least 48 - 72 hours to get the results. By then, even if you were negative on the day you were tested, you might not still be on the day you get the results.
This is all bringing back memories of the advent of HIV testing. Back then you went in and got tested and then had to wait 2 weeks to wait for the results. That was the longest two weeks of your life. When you got the results (assuming you were negative), it only told you your status 2 weeks prior. So glad we have rapid tests now.
I also was an HIV educator and counselor at my prison. The thinking used to be that there was a six month window period (I believe it’s now believed to be a shorter period of time) following infection during which one would possibly test negative (or inconclusive) even though they are obviously positive. I haven’t really heard if they know something similar exists with COVID-19. I do understand 90% of the people who have displayed symptoms and been tested in other countries have tested negative. I do know that a negative test result may give some people a false sense of immunity. Still, looking back to the beginning of AIDS epidemic, the advent of free and widely available testing for all who thought they were at risk (plus education) played a big part in decreasing new infections and ultimately deaths for many, if not my friends. Should anyone who is concerned have access to free testing? I’d err on the side of saying yes once tests are widely available. A negative result may offer some piece of mind to those, but a positive result could well be life saving if not for the carrier then at least for those he or she might encounter. Of course, an HIV diagnosis was largely perceived to an automatic death sentence back then while most people with COVID-19 recover, but COVID-19 is much easier to transmit.
Sorry for the ramble. This is just a microcosm of what is going through my mind. This has certainly brought back a lot of memories
It seemed that some experts were saying that if you contracted the virus you would have antibodies for it once you were well and you would then be unable to pass it on. But I am not sure if the antibodies theory is true.They are not even sure if a person can catch it more than once.
You know something is up when there are 4 people in a Manhattan Starbucks and the Eagle is closed on a Friday night. More closures to follow.
I never got why there has hoarding of toilet paper until a Walgreens clerk informed me that it was a fear of being quarantined.
I want to support theatres/performers/shows during the shutdown. I plan to make donations when I can, but I was wondering -- does buying merch do much to help profits? There's some new shirts/souveniers that I've been eyeing on playbill.com and official sites for plays/musicals, but I've been procrastinating in buying them...I'm wondering if it would be of much help to buy them now. I wouldn't buy just to buy and I know that one $30 t-shirt isn't going to make or break a show, but everything helps, right?
SmoothLover said: "It seemed that some experts were saying that if you contracted the virus you would have antibodies for it once you were well and you would then be unable to pass it on. But I amnot sure if the antibodies theory is true.They are not even sure if a person can catch it more than once.
You know something is up when there are 4 people in a Manhattan Starbucks and the Eagle is closed on a Friday night. More closures to follow.
I never got why there has hoarding of toilet paper until a Walgreens clerk informed me that it was a fear of being quarantined."
Antibodies for a virus only work if the virus is one virus and not a family of viruses. For instance, the flu and cold are a family of viruses. Therefore a vaccine for a flu only lasts for that season.
There's so much about the CoVid virus that we don't know.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
AndreyIsntHere said: "I want to support theatres/performers/shows during the shutdown. I plan to make donations when I can, but I was wondering -- does buying merch do much to help profits? There's some new shirts/souveniers that I've been eyeing on playbill.com and official sites for plays/musicals, but I've been procrastinating in buying them...I'm wondering if it would be of much help to buy them now. I wouldn't buy just to buy and I know that one $30 t-shirt isn't going to make or break a show, but everything helps, right?"
Donate to the Actor's Fund. Buying merchandise in no way, shape, or form, support any of the out-of-work actors, stagehands, ushers, or box office staff.
De Blasio orders all NYC restaurants, bars go ‘take-out’ only, nightlife shutdown as of Tuesday! Our lives are all changing in ways that were unimaginable just a week ago. We are taking a series of actions that we never would have taken otherwise in an effort to save the lives of loved ones and our neighbors. Now it is time to take yet another drastic step.
This is major and crippling!!!!!!!!!!!!
I work retail and we would really like to get closed down as well. I work somewhere with A LOT of tourist traffic. I'm seeing people that are wheeze coughing all over everything. People are not staying home and they are not social distancing.
The minute you start asking minimum wage workers to put on masks and gloves to scrub the entire store with Virex, it's time to close. I should be getting hazard pay for that sh*t. I have people at home who are part of the extremely at risk group. This disease would, without question, kill my mother who is 62, auto-immune, diabetic, and has serious lung issues. We're losing money keeping ourselves open so we can sell non-essential goods to millennial yuppies that don't care about anyone else.
Shut. It. Down. And make my multi-billion dollar company give me sick leave while we're gone. God, knows they can afford it.
NYC is NOT handling this situation well at all.
Stand-by Joined: 2/26/20
I wonder if we might chill with the !!!!!!!!!!
Stress levels are high enough as it is and the facts alone don't seem to require any punctuation to let us know things are difficult.
To be fair, I think the bar closures are about in line with some other states. NYC is a little behind in that it hasn't closed gyms and just closed schools. I think few places, though, are on lock down like Europe, with all non-essential businesses closed.
But I've thought of retail workers in this. What is the point of having such stores open besides fear of the economic impact? Stay safe.