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CATS Film Adaptation Thread

#825CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 4:07pm

JSquared2 said: "If he worked for the production company, why would he have to order (and pay for) the Blu-ray?"

Not that I think he's a shill for the production company, but many of the classic shills would try to throw in details like that in an attempt to (often unsuccessfully) throw people off of their trail.

In all honesty, the digging in of the heels of how it's their favorite movie and everybody they saw it with has been absolutely enthralled reminds me far more of Lois calling Brian out for being a contrarian on Family Guy.


#826CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 4:14pm

AEA AGMA SM said: "JSquared2 said: "If he worked for the production company, why would he have to order (and pay for) the Blu-ray?"

Not that I think he's a shill for the production company, but many of the classic shills would try to throw in details like that in an attempt to (often unsuccessfully) throw people off of their trail.

In all honesty, the digging in of the heels of how it's their favorite movie and everybody they saw it with has been absolutely enthralled reminds me far more of Lois calling Brian out for being a contrarian onFamily Guy.

Some of us just plain liked it.  YMMV.



joevitus Profile Photo
#827CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 4:22pm

JSquared2 said: "joevitus said: "clever2 said: "It remains interesting because in three cities, they laughed when it was funny and they sniffled and cried when it got emotional. There were no “so bad it’s good” reactions. And by my third viewing, I was afraid I must have surely found my way into one of those ridiculing audiences by then. Nope. I’m glad I didn’t have to experience that."

If you've seen it in three cities and are ordering it on Blu Ray, my guess is you work for the production company.

If he worked for the production company, why would he have to order (and pay for) the Blu-ray?

He wouldn't. He probably isn't going to.

clever2 Profile Photo
#828CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 5:16pm

AEA AGMA SM said: "In all honesty, the digging in of the heels of how it's their favorite movie and everybody they saw it with has been absolutely enthralled reminds me far more of Lois calling Brian out for being a contrarian onFamily Guy.

So.....I’ve never said it was my favorite movie. My favorite movie is Ang Lee’s THE ICE STORM, thank you very much. I also described no one as being enthralled. I wasn’t in the bodies of the people around me. I described responses at my viewings being overall positive. That's a dangerous habit you have, putting words in other people’s mouths. 



Updated On: 1/2/20 at 05:16 PM

#829CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 8:03pm

Well, if The Ice Storm is your favorite movie of all time - okay.

This happens with every bad movie that's a complete bomb - a small coterie see it, LOVE it because everyone else doesn't, dig in their heels about it (as someone here said), and then start with the sniffles and crying - no one is sniffling and crying, c'mon.  People "hear" what they want to hear and that includes thinking that everyone in their audience is enjoying this thing.  One person bragged that their theater was completely full - when queried about the SIZE of their theater - under fifty seats.  Seriously.  Theaters for this are basically empty.  But there are people who LOVE Lost Horizon, the musical movie.  They LOVE it and they will tell you their audiences LOVED it and there was sniffling and crying.  In the end, this is a huge disaster or epic proportions, over a 100 million dollar loss, because the budget is MUCH bigger than is being reported.

clever2 Profile Photo
#830CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/2/20 at 8:18pm

Okay, first, I adored the movie because I adored the movie and found it quite lovely. I can think for myself, thank you.

I could turn the tables on you and suggest that everyone who hates it is hating it because they are followers and have jumped on the bandwagon. Or are part of some sort of group think. I hope you’ve found a healthy, happy home in your shared hatred.

Finally, I’m more than happy to defend the film but I’ve never tried to shove down people’s throats that they should love, like or even tolerate it. I’ve expressed my opinions, which is what this board’s foundation is. What many of YOU PEOPLE are doing is ridiculing people who enjoy the film to the point that you’re trying to bully them into changing their minds. That you are so furious and horrified that someone doesn’t share in your hatred is pretty bloody disturbing. That I or anyone else would DARE think this film is good makes you sick. And that’s sad.

Get over it.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#831CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 2:33am

OK--my turn. Saw Cats today, about 100 mixed age audience and I paid A$5.00 for senior.

We Australians are not as vocally demonstrative as Americans and there was NO derisive laughter, at all, and just gentle laughter at appropriate times.

My slight distractions were mainly with Judi Dench--the wedding ring, her teeth, strange legs and the single high kick. Ms Hudsons' dribbly nose and the ending with her drifting skyward, then an abrupt blackout, was curious.

I am sure when the blue ray edition is released it will have been re-edited.

At times I was extremely emotional as my Mother died at Christmas so probably not the best movie to go see, but mostly it was captivating and joyous and definitely want to revisit at a less emotional time.

Cats had been sent to the smallest cinema in the complex so had a  reduced screen and sound not full blast[which I would have liked].

As proven here there have been so many differing opinions and I am sorry that I had read them as I was trying NOT to look for all the Spoiler Mistakes.

This interpretation belongs to Mr Hooper, like it or loath it and I am in the like it camp.

I now want to revisit a professional stage show as I do love the individual cat characters songs but more than that I want to thrill to the skill of the DANCERS which wasn't as obvious in the film as I had hoped.

PS--2 things. The white cat--was that Taylor Swift? I know nothing about her except I know she is a singer. She is breathtakingly beautiful and seems a classical dancer as well, AND Robbie Fairchild, I have heard him sing in his Broadway debut but his voice in this is quite exceptional with a very wide range.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#832CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 2:41am

Why are people arguing over the Cats movie of all things? C’mon y’all.

clever2 Profile Photo
#833CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 4:49am

The white cat is Francesca Hayward. Taylor Swift comes down in the moon set piece and sings “Macavity.” CATS Film Adaptation Thread

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#834CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 5:03am

n2nbaby said: "Why are people arguing over the Cats movie of all things? C’mon y’all. "

Because that's what we do here at BWW. 


I havent seen this, therefore have no personal opinion, but one of my closest theater pals, that likes nearly everything (loved the revival) hated this, too.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

clever2 Profile Photo
#835CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 5:05am

dramamama611 said: "n2nbaby said: "Why are people arguing over the Cats movie of all things? C’mon y’all. "

Because that's what we do here at BWW.

I havent seen this, therefore have no personal opinion, but one of my closest theater pals, that likes nearly everything (loved the revival) hated this, too.

I never trust the opinion of someone who “likes nearly everything.”


joevitus Profile Photo
#836CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 5:09am

You already said your favorite movie is The Ice Storm. A little late to tell us whose opinions you trust when you've shared that one. 

clever2 Profile Photo
#837CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 5:10am

joevitus said: "You already said your favorite movie is The Ice Storm. A little late to tell us whoseopinions you trust when you've shared that one."

And do tell us, wise OLD, OLD, OLD sage. What’s yours? And does it have a Criterion release?

Updated On: 1/3/20 at 05:10 AM

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#838CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 5:37am

Thanks clever2--I didn't think her voice was all that wonderful and at times I thought she was Nicole Kidman

clever2 Profile Photo
#839CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 9:24am

SweetLips22 said: "Thanks clever2--I didn't think her voice was all that wonderful and at times I thought she was Nicole Kidman"

I generally have no opinion of Taylor Swift as nothing she has done has ever caught my attention. I very much enjoyed her here though and that was a surprise. Her presence was powerful and quite sexy. She was a great match for the song, I think, especially since they went the celebrity route with so many of the characters. 

Updated On: 1/3/20 at 09:24 AM

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#840CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 9:30am

clever2 said: "dramamama611 said: "n2nbaby said: "Why are people arguing over the Cats movie of all things? C’mon y’all. "

Because that's what we do here at BWW.

I havent seen this, therefore have no personal opinion, but one of my closest theater pals, that likes nearly everything (loved the revival) hated this, too.

I never trust the opinion of someone who “likes nearly everything.”


Is Universal paying you? Everyone gets that you like it, move on and stop trying to make people feel stupid or less than you because they didn’t enjoy this god awful movie.

Theatre Fan3
#841CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 10:05am

move on and stop trying to make people feel stupid or less than you because they didn’t enjoy this god awful movie.

Perhaps it's time for everybody to move on!!  This thread has been more active than the box office for this film but it reached the point quite some time ago that nothing new or constructive was being added and it's sounding like a broken record.



clever2 Profile Photo
#842CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 10:27am

Theatre Fan3 said: ""
move on and stop trying to make people feel stupid or less than you because they didn’t enjoy this god awful movie.

Perhaps it's time for everybody to move on!! This thread has been more active than the box office for this film but it reached the point quite some time ago that nothing new or constructive was being added and it's sounding like a broken record.


#843CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 8:45pm

Saw this in Reddit. Apparently there is a different cut of the movie that ALW said he would disavow if released and forced Universal to reshoot a large portion of the movie.

Gorlois Profile Photo
#844CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 9:00pm

That, uh, that’s not real. It’s just a copycat of the Reddit Rise of Skywalker “leak,” which I think is also fake.

chernjam Profile Photo
#845CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 9:47pm

The reddit story is more ridiculous then the actual story of Cats

And if I remember correctly, ALW had little to nothing to do with the filming of this.  I thought that he liked Hooper because Hooper wanted to keep the film close to the stage show (obviously to a fault)


#846CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/3/20 at 11:36pm

Det95 said: "Saw this in Reddit. Apparently there is a different cut of the movie that ALW said he would disavow if released and forced Universal to reshoot a large portion of the movie.

I’ll paste my comment there, here

I mean this reads like horrible fan fiction. It rationalizes every poor choice and puts the blame on ALW and then creates some mythical great movie that the studio wouldn’t allow.

Oh you didn’t like the licking milk out of a bowl? That was ALW. Oh you didn’t like Dench addressing the camera or being overly cat like, that was ALW. 

At the end of the day the movie would still contain the musical Cats, which is terrible”


the broadway sub Reddit is a cringe fest most of the time 

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#847CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/4/20 at 6:51pm

For those curious ones, here’s how Robbie Fairchild, Judi Dench and Ian McKellan looked like filming CATS. 

CATS Film Adaptation Thread

joevitus Profile Photo
#848CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/4/20 at 7:02pm

clever2 said: "joevitus said: "You already said your favorite movie is The Ice Storm. A little late to tell us whoseopinions you trust when you've shared that one."

And do tell us, wise OLD, OLD, OLD sage. What’s yours? And does it have a Criterion release?

Better to be wise and old (I'm 50 and have no issues with it) than immature and young.

I don't have a favorite movie, as my tastes are too varied, but a list of movies in my top ten would include Nashville, The Palm Beach Story, Breathless and The Rules of the Game, all of which, amusingly enough, do indeed have Criterion releases. But you need a way to sneer at me, so I'll also include three other favorites that don't: The Boxer from Shantung, Phantom of the Paradise and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Feel better?

#849CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 7:51am

CATS Film Adaptation Thread

Updated On: 1/6/20 at 07:51 AM
