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CATS Film Adaptation Thread

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#850CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 8:43am

SweetLips22 said: "Thanks clever2--I didn't think her voice was all that wonderful and at times I thought she was Nicole Kidman"

Taylor Swift:

CATS Film Adaptation Thread


clever2 Profile Photo
#851CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 9:13am

Robbie Fairchild is toreadorable in that photo. Thank you, BrodyFosse123.

Updated On: 1/6/20 at 09:13 AM

joevitus Profile Photo
#852CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 2:43pm

Theatre Fan3 said: "This thread has been more active than the box office for this film "

I really enjoyed this line. Thank you.

#853CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 3:31pm

It's not a good film by any measure. That doesn't mean it can't be liked or enjoyed, but no one with any sense (or an IQ above 50) can say it was a good movie.

In order to preserve the dance nature of the stage production, they had no choice but to make a live action film. Animated cats simply wouldn't work in that context. However, unlike something like West Side Story, it is almost impossible to create any type of realistic-looking anthropomorphic animals without them looking ridiculous, even doing Andy Blankenbuehler's wretched choreography. The wildly out of scale "cats" and even the cinematography also don't do the film any favors.

Cats would have only have worked as an animated feature, but it would have lost much of if its choreographic nature. They should have done that, and then re-released an unedited cut of the 1998 video (though we still wouldn't have "Growltiger's Last Stand"CATS Film Adaptation Thread.

Narratively, there were too many issues with the film. I always had the impression that many of the songs in Cats were simply the cats identifying who they thought were likely to be chosen. Only Jennyanydots, Bustopher Jones, and Gus seem to be the candidates in the context of the staging (Skimbelshanks seems to be there randomly, so maybe he counts as the fourth, but maybe not). And if Gus is too sympathetic (Sir John Mills from the 1998 video release, and to a lesser degree Ian McKellan), Grizabella seems to be an odd choice. Turning it into an audition I thought was a weak choice, especially since it's not consistent. I think choosing the original version of Mungojerry and Rumpelteaser was a mistake. It's too slow and lacks any true melody. And while I like the idea of a confidence-lacking Mr. Mistoffelees, it essentially neutered his song, which was one of the show's highlights. 

clever2 Profile Photo
#854CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 3:37pm

Fosse76 said: "but no one with any sense(or an IQ above 50) can say it was a good movie.”


Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#855CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 3:48pm

Fosse76 said: "It's not a good film by any measure. That doesn't mean it can't be liked or enjoyed, but no one with any sense(or an IQ above 50) can say it was a good movie."

Really?  It is a good film by my measure and by the measure of my friends who have seen it.  We believe that we have very good sense, our IQ levels are well above 50, and we say it was a good movie.  Please do not make insulting, unsubstantiated statements.


Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 1/6/20 at 03:48 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#856CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 7:57pm

I mean, it's universally received as awful. I get that two or three people here have a different experience, but it's a bit like trying to argue that Gigli really is a comedy classic or Plan 9 From Outer Space is underrated as a horror film. If you're going to say you like this movie, you're going to have to own you're having an extremely outlier experience and not be so defensive (and lash out with insulting and ageist comments until someone who's also older turns out to like it too, and then you try to walk that second part back). It's like saying you think the 1982 movie version of Annie was better than the Broadway production: you may think that. Be prepared for many people to find that judgement suspect. 

clever2 Profile Photo
#857CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 8:09pm

joevitus said: "I mean, it's universally received as awful. I get that two or three people here have a different experience, but it's a bit like trying to argue that Gigli really is a comedy classic or Plan 9 From Outer Space is underrated as a horror film. If you're going to say you like this movie, you're going to have to own you're having an extremely outlier experience and not be so defensive (and lash out with insulting and ageist comments until someone who's also older turns out to like it too, and then you try to walk that second part back). It's like saying you think the 1982 movie version of Annie was better than the Broadway production: you may think that. Be prepared for many people to find that judgement suspect."

The moderator may have deleted much of your comments on this thread, but that doesn’t mean they’ve been magically forgotten. How you honestly believe your behavior has been reasonable or appropriate strongly suggests you need a reality check from a very good therapist. Almost immediately, your responses to me were attacks, accelerating eventually to what can only be described as a relentless spewing of venom. One of your first reactions to me was to call me 12 years old. When I turned the tables on you and called you OLD, suddenly I was being accused of being ageist. Now, my calling you old was a test to see if you would do that exact thing. Predictably, you did, and your responses to me henceforth have been nothing short of tedious, very few of them addressing the film this thread is about. I urge you to gather what self-respect you have in tact and DROP IT. You’re making yourself look terrible over and over again, don’t you realize that? Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and go do something else. More importantly, stop harassing me. This is harassment, joevitus. Take a step back and take a good long look. And stop. 

joevitus Profile Photo
#858CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 9:11pm

LOL, nothing I wrote has been deleted, but nice try. You're lashing out left and right at people for telling you how bad the movie is and how bad your taste must be to defend it so intensely. (Odd, if moderators were deleting posts, that your vitriol has been left untouched.) 

Just face that people aren't going to agree with you. If your attitude was "I know I'm the minority, but I really enjoy it," I doubt anyone would have a problem. But you keep insisting how audiences in three (count 'em!) seperate cities where you've apparently travelled to see the movie love, love love it and we "haters" just don't see how well it's doing--well, talk about living in an alternate reality.

If you chill, people will be nice. If you don't, I'm not sure why you complain about the responses you've gotten.

Updated On: 1/6/20 at 09:11 PM

clever2 Profile Photo
#859CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 9:32pm

joevitus said: "clever2 said: "joevitus said: "clever2 said: "joevitus said: "LOL, nothing I wrote has been deleted, but nice try."

Get some help joe

Yet again, vitriol. Tell me what's been deleted. I'll wait.

I’m an advocate for mental illness awareness, and you are genuinely starting to make me sad for you. You’re deflecting something so monstrous onto me that has nothing to do with me, which is why I haven’t taken anything you’ve said personally. I’ve been very patient with you, sir. But you need help. Please leave me alone and go find some.

Still vitriol. Suspiciously, you haveno examples of what I supposedly said that was deleted, but you had time to type that.

Sure you're an advocate, honey. It's such a vague term, it could mean anything. But as you've chosen Cat: the Movie as your Iwo Jima, I think you should worry about your own mental health before mine."

These guys are very helpful. They give free council and will assist you in finding the best resources to suit your needs. Please consider giving them a call.

Updated On: 1/6/20 at 09:32 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#860CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 11:15pm

clever2 said: "Robbie Fairchild is toreadorable in that photo. Thank you, BrodyFosse123."

Yes.  But Sir Ian is the cat who starts me purring.  Perfect casting.  I don't believe anyone in 'CATS" was mis-cast.  They all fit their parts well.



Non sibi sed patriae

clever2 Profile Photo
#861CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 11:18pm

Highland Guy said: "clever2 said: "Robbie Fairchild is toreadorable in that photo. Thank you, BrodyFosse123."

Yes. But Sir Ian is the cat who starts me purring. Perfect casting. I don't believe anyone in 'CATS" was mis-cast. They all fit their parts well.

The Blu-ray is being pre-sold on Amazon for $23. I bought mine last week. As sad I am that it’s done so abysmally at the box office, this will mean it will be available to own sooner. Silver lining?


Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#862CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 11:32pm

clever2 said: "The Blu-ray is being pre-sold on Amazon for $23. I bought mine last week. As sad I am that it’s done so abysmally at the box office, this will mean it will be available to own sooner. Silver lining?"




Non sibi sed patriae

clever2 Profile Photo
#863CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 11:40pm

And Sir Ian makes me cry in this. It’s beautiful what he’s done with that number, one that has always bored me in the show. It was like hearing it for the first time.

But.....Laurie Davidson stole my heart. lol

Updated On: 1/6/20 at 11:40 PM

#864CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/6/20 at 11:42pm

Since the movie's opening, I made plans to see it 3 times.  Each time I talked myself out of it.  Not because of the reviews, etc, but more with my current overall attitude of seeing a movie in a theater and putting up with the crap that goes along with it with audience members.  I am hoping this Saturday will have some flexible show times and just maybe I will actually get to the theater. It doesn't matter to me  that many have said the movie is terrible and etc.  When I do eventually watch it, if I was entertained and enjoyed myself, those are really the only two qualities in a movie that matter  If I was, then it wouldn't be hard for me to say...that was really good and I liked it.

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
#865CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 12:36am

ArtMan said: "Since the movie's opening, I made plans to see it 3 times. Each time I talked myself out of it. Not because of the reviews, etc, but more with my current overall attitude of seeing a movie in a theater and putting up with the crap that goes along with it with audience members. I am hoping this Saturday will have some flexible show times and just maybe I will actually get to the theater. It doesn't matter to me that many have said the movie is terrible and etc. When I do eventually watch it, if I was entertained and enjoyed myself, those are really the only two qualities in a movie that matter If I was, then it wouldn't be hard for me to say...that was really good and I liked it."

Everyone I know who has seen the film, myself included, has been the only audience member in the theatre watching the movie at the time of seeing it. No one is seeing this movie haha. If you’re worried about other audience members, maybe just go to a late evening showing.

#866CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 11:03am

When I saw it, it was in a small theater with about 90 seats and half were filled.

Also, this thread. In my day, we had SUBSTANTIAL beefs on this board.


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#867CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 12:05pm

Whether you loved it or loathed it, google -- Washington Post "People are seeing ‘Cats’ while high out of their minds." --  I think you'll find it hilarious. Had me crying over breakfast.

And I truly hope this becomes a midnight classic.

Sister George

clever2 Profile Photo
#868CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 12:22pm

SisterGeorge said: "Whether you loved it or loathed it, google -- Washington Post "People are seeing ‘Cats’ while high out of their minds."

That was a lot of fun. Thank you!

#869CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 2:50pm

This Buzzfeed collection of tweets from Cats viewers was also hilarious.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#870CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/7/20 at 8:11pm

Quel drole idee!

Magnificent Donkey
#871CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/8/20 at 6:46pm

'Memory' on the soundtrack is DEFINITELY NOT the one they used in the actual movie! And I ask, because I dare: why is a movie's soundtrack not actually the movie's soundtrack? 

(Side note: loved it, saw it 4 times in the course of 4 days. Loved how full of detail, color and action it was. Not to mention the performances, orchestrations etc. There's so much to enjoy about it. Can't wait to see it again on digital.

P.S.No, I don't work for the studio. But I'm fond of nearly everything ALW does as well as Hooper's Les Mis, this much I'll confess.)

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#872CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/8/20 at 7:19pm

I went alone (couldn't even convince my hubby to come along and he sees everything with me.) The giant screening room at Arclight Hwood probably had 20 or 30 folks in the room. And you know what...?

I didn't hate it. The first half has most of the atrocious sequences (anything to do with Rebel Wilson and those grotesque kitchen/bedroom scenes) and it takes about a half hour to simply stop looking at the freakiness of the cat/human hybrids in front of you. But Robby Fairchild, James Corden, Ian MacKellen, and even bless-her-heart Jennifer Hudson won me over with their devotion to the material and their honest soulfulness in the face of such a generally soulless endeavor. 

No-one seems to have noticed how disastrous it was to take a dance musical, which is all CATS ever was on stage) and turn it into a CG fest where you don't believe any of the dancing is real. (Anything tricky in the choreography could simply be achieved with digital effects.) And what does that leave you? A bunch of singing (some of which wasn't even genuine) and a bunch of emoting in the face of a patently unreal world. And somehow, somehow, you cared. Yeah, I even got a smidge choked up in the final reel.

So kudos to Hooper, designer Eve Stewart, et al for making a truly dreadful film that still made me glad I went.



GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#873CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/8/20 at 9:15pm

A friend/coworker of mine finally saw it last night (with zero context of the actually stage musical) and on their InstaStory, it seems like the show is already becoming a midnight cult hit a la Rocky Horror. Granted, the screening was in NY, but people were openly laughing and such, as well as cheering after Memory as if they were actually seeing JHud live.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I have free Nitehawk tickets, so I need to get high out of my mind and go ASAP.

One of the hosts of a comedy podcast I listen to was talking about how their whole family went to see it in the middle of the day in LA, put on cat ears, drew on whiskers, the whole thing - only to get to the theater and the screening was sold out. Interesting.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#874CATS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 1/8/20 at 10:48pm

Like I said  It's gonna pull a Showgirls.  It'll fail til it don't and THEN the creatives will claim it was all deliberate. 


That being said, I intensely dislike Avenue Q but I get that I am in a minority. I accept that. No Q for me! I can tell u why but really it's irrelevant .

AND that means I accept  that there are a minority who love Cats (2019)  I'm sure some of them can even say why but again irrelevant.

à chacun son goût

and that is all she wrote 

I Love Lucy Shrug GIF by CBS All Access

