I just wish that countdown was lying...
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I remember walking by the Hirschfeld last late-winter and seeing the marquee (which was a completely different color -it was white with the colored letters-) and saying to myself "if that stays open more than a week, I'll see it." Little did I realize that
a) it wouldn't be half as bad as I expected it to be
b) I'd end up seeing it a few times....granted that it was the only thing playing this summer that was close to interesting, but to get me back more than twice, a show has to have something good about it.
Boy, the opening to this post shows my old age (<-- attempt at humor).
so what does everyone think about cutting rush line?
Did you somehow miss the last 10 pages of this thread? Go back and read, it isn't pretty.
Its a HUGE no no - especially this late in the game.
juuuuuuusst kidddingg
Don't even get me started about that.
ha i reminded myself os someday
....julia take that veil off...
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
So, yeah, I reaaaaaally didn't think she show would last this long. It had a good enough run. And it won't be forgotten.
good enough for who?
I am curious to see if there is going to be a bloodbath on Sunday afternoon on West 45th Street resulting from people saving spots and cutting the rush line.
I know I've been non-existant since this thread began, but with the show closing on Sunday I just wanted to tell you all it's been a fun ride and hopefully I'll see some of you there at the last show. I'm in row K, seat 16. Come say hi. :)
Updated On: 12/28/06 at 10:40 PM
"I did see Tina chug a cup of green tea...I'm assuming it wasn't hot."
What a lush! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Remember when Amy snorted? LOL!!!!!
Can I just take a moment and suggest we all put the animousity aside and embrace the last couple of shows as what we are - a group of people who have the same love for a show? This thread has gotten ugly and no one wants to leave with ugly memories. Everyone stay conscious of your actions on the rush line and let's all have a nice, happy last couple of shows. I don't mean to sound all Brady Bunch, but I find myself dreading reading this thread and I used to love how many people loved this show. I love the idea of so many of us being at the last show and all the cheering. It's going to be a phenomenal send-off. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/06
lol liotte that was hilarious. awwwww.
le sigh. next time isee it, sunday.
caryme, you sound like an afterschool special!!!
Just wanted to say I absolutly LOVE this musical, so sad in a couple days its closing. I saw it 5 times in 8 months, most ever! Love it!!!
Wow, 5 times in 8 months! That's a lot!
Well I finally saw it last night :) I only arrived in NY on Wednesday! I adored the show. And the theatre was PACKED and everyone was so enthusiastic, it's so sad to think that a show garnering this great response is really closing I'm glad I managed to catch it!
i saw it 5 times in 5 days just the lsat time i was there. i have NEVER seen a show more than once, and i made it to 9 with this one, and it deff wouldnt have hurt me to see it more than that.
i hope EVERYONE has a great time at the shows this weekend and i expect to hear some full reports when you all get back. the cast will deff be giving it their all this weekend, so just enjoy it!
as for the rush line, just be respectful. if you are relying on rush, just get there SUPER early. please, no more drama. im sure these shows arent sold out yet, so theres always tkts.
and pat is finally seeing the show again today, so i hope he has an amazing time! hes been waiting for this for months! lol.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
2 more days.
I can't believe it.
i just thought i would bring this back into existance:
I have tickets for the remaining 5 shows. It will be a fun yet sad weekend!
I'm officially depressed. I won't get to see it this week. One of my bestfriends is seeing the matinee today. I'm dying of jelousy. But I'm so happy for everyone who will get to see the final shows. Enjoy it for everyone who can't!!
Hey, I love afterschool specials, Liotte!! Haha.
And tis the season to be jolly! ...or something.